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Earnings management is an important topic in the research of accounting theory. As a primary indicator of measuring business performance, accounting earning has always been the concerns of investors, management, creditors and government departments. By reflecting how much profit is made from the investors' funds, the accounting earning influences the remuneration of executives. It is widely used as valuation basis for a variety of securities in the capital market, besides it is closely related to the tax imposed by the government. Having realized the importance of earning management, more and more enterprises managed to manipulate earning, such a situation becoming popular among the listed companies. In January,2013, the Ministry of Commerce issued the "2012non-financial listed companies' financial safety analysis report". The report remarks that window dressing was found to some extent in47.73%of the1689sampling listed companies by the end of the third quarter of2012. Facing the pressures from share price (market expectation), regulation and delisting, the practice of earning management in the listed companies is becoming seriously worse.
     After going through the domestic and overseas research literature on earning management, it is found that most studies are limited to the issues on "what"(the concept),"why"(motivation) and "how to do"(ways and means). There is a lack of systematic research on the identification, regulation and prevention of earning management. Considering the new trends of domestic and overseas research, this dissertation turns eyesight to the identification, evaluation and control of earnings management. It proposes a new analysis framework and tries to answer the following questions:what is earnings management? Why does earnings management exist? Is earning management good or bad (in essence)? Whether or not to exercise control? How to identify, evaluate and control?
     This dissertation studies the identification and control of earnings management of listed companies in China from the perspective of regulators.The main contents and conclusions are as follows:
     Firstly, the concept of earnings management is defined in the broad sense from the perspective of regulators. Earnings management occurs when enterprises' management manipulate financial reports, influence the decision making of report users and achieve the managements' special purpose by making a judgment (the choice of accounting policy, Changes in accounting estimates and reports disclosure) in the course of preparing financial reports or deliberately constructing transactions. The existence of earnings management has its specific prerequisite. Self-interest of economic entities, asymmetric information, flexibility and lag of accounting standards, non-efficiency of the securities market, and the non-independence of external audit are the main reasons for the long-term existence of earnings management.
     Secondly, there are different understanding of earnings management in the academic area, the debate over the "good earnings or bad earnings" never ends. Some scholars argued the "legitimacy" and "usefulness" from the perspective of effective contract and information signaling. This dissertation critiques this view and recognizes that earnings management is consistent with legal form, but violates the spirit of law and such an activity is beneficial for enterprise or the management but harmful to stakeholders. From a philosophical point of ""true, goodness and beauty", this dissertation explores the essence of earnings management and analyzes the relationship between earning management and The authenticity of accounting information, professional ethics and the quality of financial report as well. Finally, a conclusion is drawn:Earnings management give rise to the distortion of accounting information contrary to the professional morality, seriously deteriorate the quality of financial reporting. It is an accounting activity embedded with deception and frauds. For the sake of healthy development of capital management, it should be curbed.
     Thirdly, identification methods of earnings management primarily include the empirical identification method and the experience identification method. The empirical identification method is mainly verify the existence of earnings management in large sample range by establish model, which is relatively accurate. The experience identification method tries to find out ways and means of earnings management of single company, which have practical significance for the regulators and investors. This dissertation proposes the identification principle of earning management:"substance over form","materiality" and "neutrality". From a qualitative and quantitative point of view, to identify the existence of earnings management for a single listed company. Financial analysis and non-financial analysis method are summarized in order to find the abnormal items in the financial statements, and then judge whether financial statements "fairly represent" economic substance in all material respects. Meanwhile, we also find that not all earnings management can be identified, and the real earnings management is difficult to identify.
     Fourthly, the dissertation evaluates moral risk, legal risk, controllability of earning management through the case study of earnings management of listed companies. Earnings management is divided into four levels according to the extent and magnitude of controllability. The first level of earnings management is a serious violation of professional ethics or accounting standards, and which can be controlled, such as over-accrual earnings management. The second level of earnings management a serious violation of professional ethics or accounting standards, and it is difficult to identify and control, such as real earnings management. The third and fourth level of earnings management is minor ethical violations, the consequences are not serious. As long as we distinguish the different levels of earnings management, grasp principal contradiction, and achieve governance effectiveness of earnings management.
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