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     第四章,农户群体聚居空间分布与演变的实证研究。本章以河南省巩义市作为研究区域,以区域内农村居民点为研究对象,探讨了农户群体聚居空间分布演变与区域自然、经济、社会环境等因素之间的相互关系以及农户聚居空间的总体演变趋势和变迁模式。基于巩义市1990年和2006年农村居民点空间分布属性数据对农村居民点规模、形态、集聚程度等分布特征分析表明:在农村经济社会快速发展的过程中,农户居住空间拓展范围和居住活动程度不断增强,农村居民点的分布变化较好反映出自然资源条件、区位可达性及社会经济基础条件综合影响下的农户居住空间演变特点。具体表现在:第一,从用地方式看,在农业人口的增加以及农村居民收入水平提高的总体背景下,农村居民点用地总面积及相应占地比重有较大幅度的增加。第二,农村居民点分布变化表现出集中规模化和局部分散化并存的现象。总体农村居民点斑块分散度降低,新增聚居斑块多数沿原居民点四周产生、呈现外延扩张特点,平原地区和距离城镇较近地区居民点表现尤为明显。农村居民点分布表现出总体规模增大的同时,也出现了一些小的、零散分布的居民点,呈局部分散状态。第三,农村居民点边界曲折度不断减小,居民点形状越来越规则。外部调控因素对聚居斑块的作用力度不断增强,农户聚居空间形态逐步向规则化方向发展。第四,农村居民点空间扩张表现出较为明显的区位集中指向。居民点区位变化表现出新增居民点在地势相对平缓、交通干道附近、距离中心城(乡)镇较近区域集中发展的主要特征。地势低洼地区(海拔88~200 m之间)、地势较高地区(海拔500 m以上)和坡度较大地区(17°~62.7°)农村居民点分布比重有所降低;农户新建住宅向耕地和沿交通干道分布(500m)扩张趋势明显;新增居民点斑块数量和总扩张面积表现出随着距离城镇距离增加而逐步减小的趋势。第五,农村居民点分布演变表现出不同的区域类型特征。平原地区农户居住空间分布相对集中,居民点规模大,但农户居住用地扩张速度快,侵占可用耕地的趋势表现尤为突出。丘陵地区农户居住空间分布集中度较低,居民点空间布局多表现为同等级块状组合,呈现布点多、规模小等特点。山区农户居住空间分布具有明显的地带性特征,居民点过度分散、零碎分布的现象比较突出。在未来农户聚居空间演变中,土地利用集约化、交通体系分布和农村经济发展将是影响农户居住形态和农村居民点空间格局变化的三大主导因素。土地利用集约化通过促进农户住宅选址的内涵式发展,进而影响农户居住空间形态;交通体系分布通过影响农户居住空间的对外可达性和联系方向,进一步影响农户居住空间格局;农村经济发展则需要合理的农户住宅布局模式与之相适应。由粗放分散转向适度集中,农户聚居空间实现集约化、规模化和空间区位合理化是农户居住空间演变的主要趋势。
Rural residential are human activity centers and signs of rural areas. Rural household is main activity body in rural residential. Rural household’s living activity plays an important role in landscape evolution. Combined with the socio-economic development, it has important practical and theoretical significance to carry out the related research of the rural residential, analyze the trend of spatial evolvement and location selection features in different regions and explore the law of evolution and formation of residential spatial distribution. The relevant research can not only provide some references to guide rural households to build house, formulate reasonable village planning, optimize the layout of rural residential and build new socialist countryside, but also can fill the lack of theoretical study of rural household residential research and rich the village economic and social space systems research.
     In this paper, taking Gongyi city of Henan Province as the research object and on the direction of related theories such as geography, economics, sociology, based on property data of spatial distribution of rural residential and survey data of living conditions of rural households, combined qualitative and quantitative analysis and macro and micro analysis methods, we take the analysis of the evolvement trend of rural residential and rural household’s location selection features in different regions, explore the interrelationship between the evolution of rural residential and regional natural, economic and social environment factors. The paper includes 6parts.
     The first part is introduction that discusses the background and significance of the subject and introduces the research train of thought, framework and methods. Rural economic and social development needs the reasonable layout of rural households residential. The research about the extension laws and the spatial distribution of the rural residential can contribute to the advancement of rural economy and social development.
     The second part reviews former research. Through the review of related literature, the domestic research about rural residential has following traits. (1)The study taking village as a unit is also relative lack. The different geographical levels of the study should be strengthened. (2) The research about evolution mechanism of rural residential is still not enough depth. Research should focus on study of the processes and mechanisms. (3) The relevant research about rural household transfer characteristics need to be deepened, we should reveal the intrinsic motivation of the rural household’s residential location selection. (4)The research methods have to be integrated. We can take in-depth study combined the geography spatial analysis methods with the economics, sociology quantitative analysis methods. Overall, the related research needs to be strengthened such as the relationship between the regional environment and the rural residential evolution in different spatial scale, the intrinsic evolution mechanism of rural residential and the behavior and effects of rural household’s location choice.
     The third part is the theoretical analysis about the distribution and evolution of rural household’s residential. This chapter summarized the types and evolution stages of rural household’s living space, summed up the factors that affect the rural residential evolution and the rural household’s location choice from external environment and internal rural household’s living behavior. The main power of rural residential evolution is the improvement of labor productivity levels and the application of new technologies; Decentralized and centralized are the basic form of rural residential evolution; regional environmental conditions decide the organizational form of residential space; impact of urbanization and modernization determines the general direction of its evolution. Rural household’s location choice is uauslly underway in a non-homogeneous, non-static space. Geographical environmental conditions, rural economic and social system environment and historical inertia of geographical environment inhabited in people recognize constitute the external environments that affect rural household’s location choice. Based on different characteristics of rural household, the decision-making process of rural household’s location choice is affected by the space preferences, building costs, transfer costs. The selection process is implemented based on evaluation of the effectiveness of existing and future demand for living space of rural household.
     The fourth part researches the evolution and distribution features of rural residential. Taking the Henna Gongyi as study case, this chapter analyzed the distribution changes of rural residential under the multiple environments in1990-2006 years by using GIS and landscape ecology analysis method. The article also discussed the relationship between the characteristics of rural residential and topography, land distribution, traffic and other environmental elements. Results show that, with the rural economic and social development, the spatial distribution pattern of rural residential show changes in1990-2006 years, mainly show some following characteristics. (1) The total area and corresponding square of rural residential have more substantial increase in proportion. (2) Existing rural residential show the expansion of the distribution. The majority of new residential plaque formed around the original residential. There also formed some small, scattered settlements. (3) Rural residential organizations tend to more and more rules. (4)Rural residential also have formed some location trend, such as traffic corridors expanding and the hinterland region of towns expanding etc. The proportion of rural residential become lower in some areas, such as low-lying areas (altitude of between 88 ~ 200m), upland areas (altitude 500 m above) and slope region (17°~ 62.7°). The trend is obvious that the new residential expanded along the arable land and major roads. At the same time, the distribution and evolution of rural residential show different regional types of features. (1) The distribution of rural residential show the relative concentration in plain area. Residential expanded quickly. (2) The distribution of rural residential show the lower concentration in hilly areas. The scale of rural residential is smaller. (3) The spatial distribution of mountain rural residential show obvious characteristics, the phenomenon is more prominent that rural residential spread too thin. In the future, the three leading factors that will change the spatial pattern of rural residential are land-use intensification, distribution of traffic system and rural economic development. The intensive land-use patterns can affect the rural household living space. The distribution of traffic system can affect rural household living pattern. Rural economic development needs the reasonable layout mode of residential to adapt. Large-scale, intensive and the rational location should be the main trends for the future development of rural residential.
     The fifth part researches the location selection and evolution of rural household. Village is the relative integrity unit that rural households are living together. Based on survey data of living conditions of rural households, this chapter analyzes the characteristics and reasons of rural household’s location choice in three different types of villages. First, draw on the general location theory of "field and power" theory, we introduce the concept "residential field and power "and analyzed the theoretical connotation about rural household’s location choice. The "residential field and power"theory shows that, rural household’s location choice is uauslly underway at a non-homogeneous, non-static space. The "residential field and power" of villages are affected by infrastructure and rural economy-social development. The location selection and evolution of rural household are sports games under the different socio-economic conditions. It’s also the direct results that rural households carried out the location selection and space relocation in the village area (inter-village). Empirical study of villages shows that:
     (1) Rural household’s location selection is influenced by the natural and geographical conditions, the government's relevant policies, laws and regulations (the household registration system, land transfer, township planning, etc.), infrastructure construction and other factors. However, the impact of factors is different.①With the change of relationship between rural household’s agricultural production and living, most rural households will no longer pay attention to "the distance from the farm" and "the old neighborhood remain" when they carry out location selection. Rural households reduce the dependence of arable land resources when they select the living space. The influence of original neighborhood is also gradually weakened.②Transportation convenience become the important factor, its importance is generally acceptable to residents. "Convenient transportation conditions" can bring some indirect benefits: It can upgrade the accessibility of original residential areas and enhance the overall effectiveness of the village space. It can shorten the rural households travel time and expand spaces of location selection and spatial scale of economic and social activity. It can provide more economical space elements for rural household’s location selection and improve the overall living space of residential utility.③The regulation of rural policies and systems are also important factors. Reasonable planning policies can promote positive external environment.The strict planning management can effectively weaken the interests that rural household tend to move outside the village and reduce arbitrary of rural household’s location selection.
     (2)The rural household’s location selection is affected by many factors such as the improvement of rural household income, the division of family structure, the living environment of original residential and the land policy.①The improvement of rural household income had significantly changed inhibitory demand status that previously affect household to update house because of lack of funds. It also creates the basic conditions to improve rural household living consumption and expand their living space.②The expansion of the internal needs (such as the s division of family tructure and the increase of population) are main intrinsic motivation that cause rural household to expand their living space. The changes of living concepts, family structure and family life cycle take the significant impact.③The income that rural households to build up can be seen as a psychological income ,that is also can be seen as subjective satisfaction. The living environment of original residential can significantly affect the spaces preferences of rural household’s location selection.④The village housing policy play key role to guide rural households to expand, focus or concentration their living space. Reasonably policy and guidance can effectively reduce the marginal cost that households need to pay for in decision-making process of residential relocation and speed up the implementation of transfer.
     (3)The main features of rural household’s location selection and evolution in the future will be from "extensive, decentralized" to "integration, centralized ".The step-by-step optimization of rural household’s location can effectively improve the effectiveness of rural households living space, weaken effectiveness of residential-level difference and balance the living level of overall village households .Through the connotation and intensive development of residential location, the costs of production, consumption activities and travel can be significantly reduced. The effectiveness of rural household residential also can be increased significantly. Through centralized and scale development of residential, the efficiency of public infrastructure configuration of village can be significantly improved and the living conditions of overall households can be effectively enhanced.
     (4) The shortage of land resources in future is an important conditionality that affects rural household’s location selection. With the condition of too many people with less arable land resources, the contradiction between the" rural development and construction" and "covering" will be increasingly significant. When residential scale of rural households expand to certain stage, based on irreplaceable of residence location and own space and residential space for fixed, rural households usually meet their consumer demand by increasing the volume rate, increasing the living space and perfecting performance of housing. Rural households improve their effectiveness of residentce living spaces through the internal optimization of existing residential.
     (5) The optimization of rural household’s living space is to be followed to optimize the layout of the rural residential in a reasonable space and economy and exert the greatest effectiveness of living space area of village. The optimization of rural household’s living space is set up at a certain level of economic development. In different mode of villages, the adjustment of rural household’s living space should respect for the rural household’s living will, standardize and guide rural household’s housing act and focus on the integration of rural household residential step by step.
     The sixth part generalizes the study’s main conclusions and analyses its policy signification, then discusses the deficiency of the study and looks forward to the next research direction.
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