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Inflow FDI had been in China for nearly 30 years since 1979 whose stock had continually increased with the economic development. China had become the largest developing host country in attracting inflow FDI.
     FDI had exerted great influence on all fields of Chinese domestic economy through the foreign funded enterprises which including the following : whose investment promoting the capital formation rate; whose industry output occupying nearly 1/3 of the total industry output; whose export sum occupying more than half of the total export sum; and which providing nearly 1/3 employment in Chinese manufacturing industry.
     Chinese economic aggregate had been enlarged rapidly for the latest decades and China had become one of the largest economies in the world in present. But the traditional pattern of economic growth had confronted constraints which depending mainly on input and export. The transition of economic growth pattern indicated that the adjustment of the economic structure was necessary.
     So this dissertation analyzed the influence of FDI on Chinese economy from the perspective of economic structure.
     The research included mainly two parts. The first part was about the influence of FDI on Chinese industry structure, and the second part was about the influence of FDI on Chinese foreign trade structure.
     The research on the industry structure contained two parts.
     Firstly, the dissertation analyzed the influence of FDI on the detailed industry structure, the market structure of all industries and the employment structure. The research included the following: carrying on the qualitive and quantitive analysis on the concentration of all industry enterprises and the foreign funded industry enterprises and their structural change; studying the constitution of the subject of market of industry and the evolution characters by classification; and comparing the employment structure of all industry enterprises with the employment structure of the foreign funded enterprises.
     Secondly, the dissertation analyzed the efficiency of the industry enterprises. The research included the following: comparing the capital productivity, the labor productivity and the profitability of all industry enterprises with those of the foreign funded enterprises; and studing empirically the technology spillover of FDI on Chinese industry by two methods. The first method was testing the data of all industries by classification on the basis of Cobb-Douglas product function. The second method was choosing variables which influencing the technical level and analyzing the technology spillover of FDI on the domestic enterprises from the static and dynamic aspects by building the multi-variable regression model. The variables included the average scale of enterprises, the capital intensity of industry, the level of participation of FDI in industries and the technology gap between the domestic funded enterprises and the foreign funded enterprises, among which the latter two were the focus of the analysis.
     The research on the trade structure contained two parts too.
     Firstly, the dissertation analyzed the influence of FDI on the commodity structure of Chinese foreign trade. The research included the following: carrying on theoretical study on the influence of the concentration and scarcity of export commodities on the integrity export advantage; and carrying on quantitive study on the influence of FDI on the concentration of export goods, the trade balance and the trade term of Chinese foreign trade on the basis of mass data.
     Secondly, the dissertation analyzed the influence of FDI on the area structure of Chinese foreign trade. The research included the following: contrasting the distribution of the countries and areas which had invested in China with the distribution of the countries and areas which had trade relationship with China; and analyzing empirically the effect of FDI on Chinese foreign trade according the trade effect theories of FDI through two methods. The first method was testing the relationship between the inflow FDI from all mother countries and the bilateral trade between these countries and China on the basis of cross-sectional data; the second method was testing the relationship between the inflow FDI from several important mother countries and the bilateral trade between them and China on the basis of time-series data.
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