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The research is based on the development practice and theory evolution of metropolitan area. The dissertation holds that the construction way of metropolitan area is core problems in the research of metropolitan area,which is the main body of the dissertation. Five contents are studied in this paper: (1) the scientific definition of metropolitan area; (2) the empirical research of metropolitan area’s develop evolution; (3) the research of spatial division in metropolitan area; (4) the research of metropolitan area’s develop evolution mechanism; (5) the economy integration research of metropolitan area. The main conclusions and creative innovation are as follows:
     First, the scientific definition of metropolitan area is given. The metropolitan area is the outcome being of the development of urban economy and region economy. The metropolitan area is the economy body with highly integration of economy and society appearing after urbanization reaching the certain level, which take developed traffic communication network as basis and take one or many centre cities as leading factor and on whose economic connections are based the frequently personnel stream, capital stream and information stream. The metropolitan area has characteristic property of concentration, compound and obvious border, whose inherent structure has dynamic characteristic at the same time. The metropolitan area economic model contains three big basic key elements: Powerful central city; perfect city system and intensely economic connections among these cities. The metropolitan area economic model owns three fundamental ideas. In the first place, the metropolitan area emphasize the division of work system centering on central city; In the second place, Compared with the cooperation among metropolitan area, the inner cooperation is emphasized; Finally, market mechanism is the driving force of metropolitan area development, and the government will take leading factor effect in metropolitan area development plan too.
     Second, an empirical research on metropolitan area’s develop evolution is carried out in the dissertation. In the past twenty years, the metropolitan area’s economic development and regional economy strategy have a close relationship in China, and obviously agglomeration characteristic appears. The research on the metropolitan area’s develop evolution of our country based on factor analysis give us three important enlightenment. First, market mechanism is the basic driving force of metropolitan area’s develop evolution; second, city system is the basis of metropolitan area’s develop evolution; third, it take central city as leading factor of metropolitan area economy. In the same time, the dissertation makes a deep research on the cause of metropolitan becoming micro-carrier of region economy. These causes can be summed up as three points. (1) The leap across from“urban economy”to“region economy”. The broaden scope of work division is main cause of metropolitan area; (2) the leap across from“flatbread economy”to“circle economy”. Metropolitan area economic model has adapted to the request of rational allocation of resources; (3) the leap across from“individual competition”to“group competition”. The cities in metropolitan area are centering on central city and backing the unifying economic networks,
     which make them have strong national and international economic competition as a group. Third, the author argues that the metropolitan area have own boundary, and the boundary will expand with the development of the central city. According to the model of economic connection intensity and subordinate degree, the economy hinterland of metropolitan area can be divided into for intense hinterland, sub-intense hinterland, competition hinterland and border hinterland, and the inside economic space of metropolitan area can also be subdivided into core tier, centre tier and Outer-ring tier. Adopting the economy data in 2005, the dissertation has calculated economic potential energy index of 20 central cities in China through making use of GDP, fund profit-tax rate, infrastructural facilities index and service facilities index. Result indicated that the economic potential energy of Shanghai city is far ahead and Guangzhou city and Beijing city rank at second, third respectively. Compared with 1986, main central city economy potential energy have advanced by large margins, which demonstrates central city economy radiation and attracts capacity have risen greatly.
     Fourth, the development and evolution mechanism of metropolitan area are composed of leading mechanism and assist mechanism. Leading mechanism includes driving force mechanism, transmission mechanism and realization mechanism. Assist mechanism includes promotion mechanism and guarantee mechanism. The development and evolution mechanism of metropolitan area contain a mainline and two subordinate lines, which compose an inner circulation and two outsides circulations. These circulations promote and influence mutually. The inner circulation is“driving force mechanism—transmission mechanism—realization mechanism—the formation and development of metropolitan—national economy development”. One of the outsides circulation contains“regional economy integration—promotion mechanism”and the mainline. The other outsides circulation contains“regional economy development—guarantee mechanism”and the mainline.
     Fifth, the dissertation suggests the concept, the fundamental framework, the priority cooperation field and policy suggestion of economy integration in metropolitan area based on it’s develop evolution theory. Metropolitan area economy integration will come true gradually, if we bring the government leading factor effect into play on the basis of market mechanism effect and abide by the principle of advance gradually in due order. The basic frame of metropolitan area economy integration includes three dimensions: The economic body, the administration function and the serves system. The priority cooperation field in the serves system dimension is to strengthen the construction of infrastructure, cultivate metropolitan area market system and boost industry fusing. The priority cooperation field in the economic body dimension is to reinforce the development of middle-sized and small cities, and give full scope to entrepreneur, and reinforces government transformation of functions, and boost economic cooperation in metropolitan area in many ways. The priority cooperation field in the economic body dimension is to work out the metropolitan area development plan, and found the mechanism of competition and cooperation, and build up development administration bureau ensuring the daily operation of metropolitan area, and build the common development fund.
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