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With the tourism industry's fast developing, national tourism corporations face unprecedented opportunities. But their competitiveness is very weak. They can't beat the large overseas tourism companies that are trying to get large share at Chinese tourism market after China's entry into World Trade Organization (WTO). So, it is very important to reform national tourism industry strategically by structuring national tourism enterprise group.
    The article analyzes the question of national tourism group's growing in view of the theory of corporation's competence and hopes to answer the questions of how to construct national tourism group and how to run it.
    In this article, 'national tourism enterprise group growing' means that we take some means and measures to change national tourism companies that are small, disperse, weak and bad into large tourism enterprise groups with strong competitiveness.
    In the view of the theory of corporation's competence, corporation is an aggregation of resource and competence. Hence, in the process of national tourism enterprise group growing, resources and competences in different companies are integrated effectively. Like this, the group can obtain new resource or competence, or make their original resource and competence stronger. And then, the group has more competitive edge at market. So, valid competence management is necessary.
    The valid competence management primarily includes hereinafter three aspects: Firstly, we must protect the original corporation's competence, after identifying out the corporation's competence especially the core competence of corporation. Secondly, it is through sharing assets, transferring function technology and management competence that transferring of advantageous competence is promoted. Finally, we must identify strategic industry factors and invest in them. At the same time, the organization of the group should develop into a studying organization step by step that is helpful for developing the core competence of the group.
    But for the moment, the national tourism enterprise group's growing situation is like this: The all kinds of government owned subjects of investment lead to tourism corporations still affiliated with government departments. Tourism corporations have no intense desire for business uniting for not real market corpus. The clash for benefit between different government departments places many obstacles in the process of the tourism enterprise group's growing. The tourism group constructed by the government is often closed to other places. The bureaucratic way in tourism group is ineradicable because the government don't disengage from direct investment and tourism corporations are not fully independent. So, the writer think, it isn't feasible that the government unites the tourism corporations affiliated with its branch into tourism enterprise groups that wouldn't obtain persistent competitive edge by administrative order. The way is very disadvantage in competence management.
    After analyzing in earnest, penman indicates that all levels of government shouldn't construct multiform tourism enterprise group through the medium of administration
    strength blindly. On the road to tourism enterprise group, the first thing is separating tourism corporations from the government branches and reforming them into companies (limited company or stock company) that are independent corporative entity and can deploy resource allodium through the market. At the same time, the government need promulgate perfectly correlative policy code and construct one impartial market for tourism companies.
    In the last part of the article, the writer points out: National tourism enterprise groups should now adopt the department's buildup construction, choice the stratagem path of from specialization to related diversification, gradually expand their business into different regions and with all strength create brands and make them famous. At the same time, they must strengthen interior knowledge management, and promote the knowledge's backlog and
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