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Jing-hui Dyke irrigation zone is one of the big state-owned
    irrigation zones. It's an important base of grain, cotton and
    vegetables in Shaanxi province. Administration bureau takes charge
    of the water resources collocation and maintenance of irrigation
    works establishment. Agricultural water supply is the main operation
    of the Administration bureau. So water rate earning is the main source
    to keep operation and maintain establishments.
    With the foundation of socialism marker economy, the situation
    of Jing-hui Dyke irrigation zone has taken a great change.
    Administration bureau have to concern about water supply market,
    investigate the target market to increase water rate income. After all
    it's different from common enterprises for its conmmonweal and
    non-benefit character.
    Furthermore, the aim of the water supply is to insure agricultural
    harvest and to pursue society benefit. Especially at present, with the
    serious water shortage and waste, depraving entironment, the weak
    irrigation works establish has become an important factor to restrict
    the western region to get further development. So it get more and more
    important for Jing-hui Dyke administration bureau to operate the
    irrigation works establish smoothly and provide excellent water supply
    service for the farmer.
    My paper begins with the analysis of inside and outside
    environment, which Jing-hui Dyke administration bureau confronts.
    After investigation, I have found out the problems that Jing-hui
    Dyke administration bureau confront and orientated the marketing
    stratagem, and then I put forward some tactics and tentative plan
    according to demonstration analysis and such theories as Marketing,
    Management, Economics and Irrigation works. According to Marketing
    environment theory, consumer behavior theory I analyzed water supply
    target market and consumer behavior of farmers so as to put forvard
    correct marketing strategy and to enlarge target market, increase
    water rate income.
    On management aspect, I suggest to establish a standard
    management system to improve the resource collocation efficiency and
    cut relevant cost. At the end of the paper, I put forward some concrete
    marketing proposal. I hope that it will be helpful for Jing-hui Dyke
    administration bureau to make decision.
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