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With the rapid development of the world marine economy and people's deepening understanding of the oceans, Blue Economy, with marine economy as its main part, is becoming an important area for countries all the world in implementing sustainable development strategy. In China, coastal area of Jiangsu and Liaoning, west bank of the Taiwan Strait, Yellow River Delta and other regional development planning have risen as national strategies. In 2009, General Secretary Hu Jintao put forward "Building Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone" strategic concept. Blue Economy and building Blue Economic Zone has become a popular focus of attention. The current study of the Blue Economy is still in a scattered and immethodical primary stage. Driven by theory and practice, through theoretical and empirical research, this article aims at providing a theoretical support and reference for developing Blue Economy and building Blue Economic Zone in China.
     Based on related research and reviews of Blue Economy and Blue Economic Zones at home and abroad, this thesis discusses theoretical basis and methodology of Blue Economy and Blue Economic Zones from such theoretical perspectives as regional economic development, sustainable development of marine economy and industry economic. It also summarizes the experience and laws of planning, development direction and path of Blue Economic Zone at different levels internationally. Referring on this, it figures out a basic theoretical framework of China's Blue Economic Zone development from the aspects of development basis, general ideas, space layout, modern blue industrial system building, policies and security system. Further put forward the strategic image of Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone and taking Weihai as a typical research case of regional Blue Economy and Blue Economic Zone development, combining development laws of international Blue Economic Zones and theoretical logic of Blue Economic Zones development in China, this paper also conducts an empirical assessment on the Blue Economic Zone planning and development in Weihai. To cope with a number of bottlenecks at the present stage, it discusses the basic direction and main points of policy support for the future development from the aspects of concept correction, planning cycle, industrial deepening, policy systems, etc.
     The innovation of this paper is reflected in the following three aspects. Firstly, based on the comprehensive review and comparison of experience in building national marine economic zone in different countries, through the use of the basic theory and methods on regional economy, this paper creates an elementary Blue Economic Zone framework in a multi-disciplinary perspective and put forward a pertinent strategic image of Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone. Secondly, the integration of marine ecological sustainability and sustainable development of marine economy in the established Blue Economic Zone framework, is a breakthrough compared with the previous planning of marine economic zone. Thirdly, by an all-around review of domestic and international frontier documents concerning related issues on Blue Economy, this paper analyses and summarises evolution and experience of the Blue Economy development abroad, and carries out some pioneering basic work for further research in this area.
     Inadequacies of this paper are as follows. Due to different views on the concept of Blue Economic Zones, and lack of uniform standards and indicators, data and information gathering is difficult. Thus, the views put forward in this paper are exploratory, and the Blue Economic Zone framework established is still to be improved in theory.
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