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     Transthyretin的解离与聚集可以引发数种淀粉样蛋白沉淀疾病。TTR二聚体是一个实验上很难观测到的重要中间体。迄今为止,关于TTR解离过程中的结构变化与分子机制,以及其去折叠的路径等问题仍然缺乏研究。为此,我们利用恒定pH动力学研究了突变L55P以及低pH对TTR二聚体稳定性及去折叠过程的影响。结果表明,酸性环境可以致使TTR结构变的松散,突变则会造成TTR外端结构的破坏。在酸性环境中,L55P二聚体有巨大的结构变化,并有明显的解离趋势。我们的结果表明,strand C的解离将是整个去折叠过程的起点。除此之外,两个单体界面处的氢键对稳定TTR二聚体结构有重要作用。对于TTR二聚体动力学的模拟为研究TTR结构与功能之间的关系提供了有意义的结论,并从微观层面上阐明了TTR二聚体的解离过程。
In recent years, with the development of computational science, moleculardynamics simulation has been widely applicated in biology, chemistry, physics andmaterial. Molecular dynamics simulation can provide detail information of the systemmotions as a function of time, as well as the information of thermodynamic property.Both of them are hardly to be gained from the experiments. To date, the investigation inlife science has gone deep into molecular level. Molecular dynamics simulation iscompletely under the control of scientists, so that by altering specific contributions theirrole in determining a property at atomic level can be known. Thus, this method isplaying an increasingly important role in the study of protein folding/unfolding,molecular recognition, ion transport, and enzyme catalyzed reaction mechanism. In thisdissertation, we investigated several important biological macromolecules by means ofmolecular dynamics simulation method, mainly included the following parts:
     1. Exploring the Molecular Basis of dsRNA Recognition by Mss116p UsingMolecular Dynamics Simulations and Free-Energy Calculations
     DEAD-box proteins are the largest family of helicase that are important in nearlyall aspects of RNA metabolism. However, it is unclear how these proteins recognize andbind RNA. Here, we present a detailed analysis of the related DEAD-box proteinMss116p-RNA interaction, using molecular dynamics simulations with MM-GBSAcalculations. The energetic analysis indicates that the two strands of double strandsRNA (dsRNA) are recognized asymmetrically by Mss116p. The strand1of dsRNAprovides the main binding affinity. Meanwhile, the nonpolar interaction provides themain driving force for the binding process. Although the contribution of polarinteraction is small, it is vital in stabilizing the protein RNA interaction. Comparedwith the wild type Mss116p, two studied mutants Q412A and D441A have obviouslyreduced binding free energies with dsRNA because of the decreasing of polarinteraction. Three important residues Lys409, Arg415and Arg438lose their bindingaffinity significantly in mutants. In conclusion, these results complement previousexperiments to advance comprehensive understanding of Mss116p-dsRNA interaction. The results also would provide support for the application of similar approaches to theunderstanding of other DEAD-box protein-RNA complexes.
     2. Exploring the mechanism how Marburg virus VP35recognizes and bindsdsRNA by molecular dynamics simulations and free energy calculations
     Filoviruses often cause terrible infectious disease which has not been successfullydealt with pharmacologically. All filoviruses encode a unique protein termed VP35which can mask doubled-stranded RNA to deactivate interferon. The interface ofVP35-dsRNA would be a feasible target for structure-based antiviral agent design. Toexplore the essence of VP35-dsRNA interaction, molecular dynamics simulationcombined with MM-GBSA calculations were performed on Marburg virusVP35-dsRNA complex and several mutational complexes. The energetic analysisindicates that nonpolar interactions provide the main driving force for the bindingprocess. Although the intermolecular electrostatic interactions play important roles inVP35-dsRNA interaction, the whole polar interactions are unfavorable for bindingwhich result in a low binding affinity. Compared with wild type VP35, the studiedmutants F228A, R271A and K298A have obviously reduced binding free energies withdsRNA reflecting in the reduction of polar or nonpolar interactions. The results alsoindicate that the loss of binding affinity for one dsRNA strand would abolish the totalbinding affinity. Three important residues Arg271, Arg294and Lys298which makesthe largest contribution for binding in VP35lose their binding affinity significantly inmutants. The uncovering of VP35-dsRNA recognition mechanism will provide someinsights for development of antiviral drug.
     3. Molecular dynamic investigations of BioH protein substrate specificity forbiotin synthesis
     Pimeloyl-ACP methyl ester, which is long known to be a biotin precursor, is thephysiological substrate of BioH. Azelayl methyl esters conjugated to ACP is also indeedaccepted by BioH with very low rate of hydrolysis. To date, the substrate specificity forBioH and the molecular origin for the experimentally observed rate changes ofhydrolysis by the chain elongation to C9species have remained elusive. To this end, wehave investigated chain elongation effects on the structures by using the fully atomisticmolecular dynamics simulations combined with binding free energy calculations. Theresults indicate that the substrate specificity is determined by BioH together with ACP.The added two methylenes would increase the structural flexibility by protein motionsat the interface of ACP and BioH, instead of making steric clashes with the side chains of the BioH hydrophobic cavity. On the other hand, the slower hydrolysis of azelaylsubstrate is suggested to be associated with the loose of contacts between BioH andACP, and with the lost electrostatic interactions of two ionic/hydrogen bondingnetworks at the interface of the two proteins. The present study provides importantinsights into the structure-function relationships of the complex of BioH withMe-pimeloyl-ACP, which could contribute to further understanding about themechanism of the biotin synthetic pathway, including the catalytic role of BioH.
     4. Mutation and low pH effect on the stability as well as unfolding kinetics oftransthyretin dimer
     Transthyretin (TTR) dissociation and aggregation appear to cause several amyloiddiseases. TTR dimer is an important intermediate that is hard to be observed from thebiological experiments. To date, the molecular origin and the structural motifs for TTRdimer dissociation, as well as the unfolding process have not been rationalized at atomicresolution. To this end, we have investigated the effect of low pH and mutation L55P onstability as well as the unfolding pathway of TTR dimer using constant pH moleculardynamics simulations. The result shows that acidic environment results in loose TTRdimer structure. Mutation L55P causes the disruption of strand D and makes theCE-loop very flexible. In acidic conditions, dimeric L55P mutant exhibits notableconformation changes and an evident trend to separate. Our work shows that themovements of strand C and the loops nearby are the beginning of unfolding process. Inaddition, hydrogen bond network at the interface of the two monomers plays a part instabilizing TTR dimer. The dynamic investigation on TTR dimer provides importantinsights into the structure-function relationships of TTR, and rationalizes the structuralorigin for the tendency of unfolding and changes of structure that occur uponintroduction of mutation and pH along the TTR dimer dissociation and unfoldingprocess.
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