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East Asian financial cooperation has been a popular topic since the Asian Financial crisis in 1997. From that time on, both Chinese and foreign scholars have done many researches in this field with the Theory of Optimum Currency Areas and the Theory of Target Zones. This essay developed a systematic study on how to evaluate these theories'role of guide in the development of East Asian Financial Cooperation and how to formulate the law on the cooperation.
     East Asian Financial Cooperation is both an economic issue and law issue, the topic located at the intersection of international economics and international law. The author focus on the intersection, combine the theories of international economics with that of international law to analysis the structural elements of the law of East Asian Financial Cooperation. Comparative study is used to draw lessons and experiences from other regional financial cooperation, besides, the author try to join norm analysis and positive analysis together to discuss the path of East Asian Financial cooperation, and to point out the detailed plan on East Asian Financial Cooperation.
     In order to review the research on East Asian Financial Cooperation, the author summarize relative studies in four types, they are studies on the found of East Asian Financial Cooperation,, on currency cooperation between East Asian countries, on open financial market to other member states and on the law of East Asian Financial Cooperation. The author absorb the above mentioned knowledge and goes her own way to develop some prospects for the form and contents of the law on East Asian Financial Cooperation. The author believes that the form of the law on East Asian Financial Cooperation ought to be multilateral treaty because of the poor foundation of the cooperation and the reluctance of all the member states in transfer their monetary sovereign. The treaty should provide definite provisions on the purposes, basic principles and the institutional structure of the cooperation.
     As for the purpose of the East Asian Financial Cooperation, the author believes that the obligations undertaken by the member states under Agreement of the International Monetary Found provide strict preliminary conditions for the purpose, the purpose should not contain any counter provisions to the purpose of IMF. Then, on the ground of the conclusions reached in chapter three concerning the path of the cooperation, the author point out the characteristics of the purpose, they are gradualness, back to reality and definitiveness. The details of the purpose ought to be provided separately due to the great deference between the two kinds of legal relationship confronted. The author carries out discussion in three aspects including monetary cooperation, regional finance and economic surveillance collaborations to ensure the conclusions are of scientific and applicable.
     According to the Theory of Optimum Currency Areas and the Theory of Target Zones, the monetary cooperation under the East Asian Financial Cooperation lack of practicability. It will be a long march for the East Asian countries to reach to the destination of monetary cooperation-East Asian monetary union, before that, member states ought to fulfill the short target, which is to build up the foundations for the monetary cooperation and the intermediate objective, which is to realize East Asian currencies linked floating.
     We ought to divide the regional finance into two types, the first is financing arrangement between member states and the second is regional security markets cooperation. The CMIM enforced on March 24 this year has stipulated some provisions for the first one and the key issue left for us is to formulate East Asian Loan Conditions. The author argues that the conditions should not conflict with that of IMF, meanwhile, it should show the characteristics and independence of the East Asian Financing Arrangement, it should also try to reach a balance between predictability and generality. Regional security markets cooperation will facilitate the transfer of regional money into investment and improve regional financial system, the governments of every member states ought to collaborate in coordinating their national law on securities and financial market.
     The economic surveillance collaborations between East Asian states should develop together with the economic cooperation between them, especially in terms of the field of surveillance, the organizing of the surveillance institution and the function of the surveillance conclusion. In addition, the mutual support between East Asian Financial Cooperation and IMF will bring some influence on the formation of the economic surveillance collaborations mechanism. So far till now, the 10+3 surveillance progress is the best choice though it needs many improvements, including specified surveillance objectives, clarified fields and index of surveillance, detailed procedures to enhance the surveillance and carry out the peer review etc.
     The main force drive East Asian states to develop financial cooperation is their extreme dissatisfaction with the current international financial system represented by IMF, they have to reach agreement on the new principles of cooperation in the treaty. The author suggests that East Asian states follow three principles in their collaboration, they are carry out democratic principle in establishing international financial relationship, pay more attention to the affairs deeply concerned by weak nations and integrate the position of one member state in the cooperation with the contribution made by the state to the cooperation.
     East Asian states should set up the institutional structure for the cooperation on the ground of low starting point, not only because of the contents of the cooperation, but also due to the common opinion of the member states on their sovereign. The author suggests to establish a simple institutional structure as the channel of contingent dialogue and coordination between all the member states, further more, to develop the institutional structure with the progress of the cooperation.
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    88 Decision N.144-(52/51). August Issue,2003.503-504
    93 Paul Craig & Grainne de Burca(eds.). The Evolution of EU Law. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999.421
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