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Building of metro is main method to solve the congestion of city. The previousseismic damages of metro prove that restoration of it is very difficult as soon as it is dammed by earthquake. As far as urban earthquake disaster reduction planning are concerned, study on the earthquake resistant behavior of metro and its seismic design method are regarded more and more by people. For metro structure is embedded in soil, the problems of soil-structure dynamic interaction become a frontal question for discussion in earthquake engineering and civil engineering fields. Because the questions are more complicated, theoretical analysis alone can not meet the actual needs of the project. So it has important theoretical significance and practical meaning to do the tests on soil-structure dynamic interaction system, the results of the test can be used to further study the mechanism of the interaction of soil-structure , validate the theoretical results, impel the theory to be applied in practical engineering.
     Based on the shaking table test design of Tianjin Station Transportation Hub Project, the seismic analysis of the model with ANSYS was simulated in the paper. The paper will research the following problems:
     (1) Introduce the background of the shaking table test, the design and production of the modle, and the phenomenon during the test.
     (2) In this paper the simulative effect of boundary is analyzed. It proves that the effect of boundary on the earthquake responses of structure is avoided effectively.At the same time, the rules of the earthquake responses o fmodel syetem are concluded by analyzing the test results. The strain responses of tunnel are analyzed and the distribution roles of strain in transverse are given. The dynamic in soil pressure in contact surface between soil and model box and between soil and tunnel are also given
     (3) Based on the test modle, establish two-dimensional finite element model.Implement the viscoelastic boundary, the contact of soil-structure and consider gravity in ANSYS.
     (4) The simulation results and the shaking table test reconls are compared in detail in this paper. The results show that the simulation results and the laws of seismic are responses of the soil-subway station stuction system are basically idlentical with those of the shaking table test. So that the analysis results andthe shaking table test results are proved to be correct.
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