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This Dissertation aims at making a systematic critique on Wendt’sConstructivism Theory. The author argues that, since Wendt’s Structuralizationinclination, his famous assumption “Anarchy is what states make of it” cannot befully explained. On the basis of making an overall review and critique on Wendt’stheory, the author tries to find a new path to reasonably explain that how the anarchyis constructed.
     The author tends to believe that the Gidden’s Structuration Model used by Wendtcannot convincingly integrate the macro-level Durkheim’s theory and the micro-levelMead’s Symbolic Interationism theory. Under this circumstance, the structure put astrong constraint on agents, which eventually makes the Wendt’s theory too muchstructuralized. By exploring the complexity of social structures and social processes,the author unveils the independence of social processes, as well as the agency ofsocial agents, which, the author believes, are manifested in the practices of socialagents. A full-scale “Practical Turn” is needed if we mean to completely free thesocial agents and overcome the long-existing dichotomy in social science including IRtheory.
     This dissertation can be divided into two parts. The former part does the job of“Theoretical Deconstruction” by a thorough exploration on the influence of Wendt’stheory in IR and it’s sociological background. And then a systematic analysis andcritique is followed. The latter part aims at the “Theoretical Construction”. Holding aPractical ontological perspective, the author attempts to build a constructivisttheoretical model, different from Wendt’s Co-construction model, to effectivelysolved the problem of how the anarchy is made of. The concept of practice iscategorized, by the author, into two parts, which are “Social relations practice” and“Productive practice”. The author tends to believe that the Social relations practice inIR can’t persuasively explain the emergence and transformation of the Internationalmacro-level structure since it’s relatively weaker agency. By combining the Productive practice theory of Marx and the Existentialism philosophy, the author inthe end provides with a new theoretical explaining framework.
1Alexander Wendt,“Agent-Structure Problem in International Relations Theory”, International Organization,Vol.41,1987, pp.335-370
    2Alexander Wendt,“Anarchy is What States Make of It: The Social Construction of Power Politics”,International Organization, Vol.46(2),1992, pp.391-425
    4Maja Zefuss, Constructivism in International Relations: The Politics of Reality, Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press,2002,转引自秦亚青、[美]亚历山大·温特:《建构主义的发展空间》,第9页。
    5Jeffrey W. Legro,“Which Norms Matter? Revising the ‘Failure’ of Internationalism”, International Organization,Vol.51,1997, pp.31-63.
    1Alastair Iain Johnston, Cultural Realism: Strategic Culture and Grand Strategy in Chinese History, Princeton:Princeton University Press,1995.
    2Jeffrey W. Legro,“Which Norms Matter? Revising the ‘Failure’ of Internationalism”, International Organization,Vol.51,1997, pp.31-63.
    3参阅Thomas Risse-Kappen ed, Bringing Transnational Relations Back in: Non-State Actors, DomesticStructures, and International Institutions, New York: Cambridge University Press,1995
    4Patrick Thaddeus Jackson and Daniel L. Nexon,“Relations Before States: Substance, Process and the Study ofWorld Politics”, European Journal of International Relations, Vol.5(3),1999, p.292.
    1Patrick Thaddeus Jackson and Daniel L. Nexon,“Relations Before States: Substance, Process and the Study ofWorld Politics”, p.301.
    4Martha Finnemore and Kathryn Sikkink,“International Norm Dynamics and Political Change”, InternationalOrganization, Vol.52, No.4,1998, p.895.
    5Ryder McKeown,“Norm Regress: US Revisionism and the Slow Death of the Torture Norm”, InternationalRelations, Vol.23, No.1,2009, pp.5-25,转引自赵广成:《从合作到冲突:国际关系的退化机制分析》,北京:世界知识出版社,2011年,第50-51页。
    1Jeffrey T. Checkel,“Norms, Institutions, and National Identity in Contemporary Europe”, International StudiesQuarterly, Vol.43, No.1,1999, pp.83-114.
    2Alastair Iain Johnston, Social States: China in International Institutions,1980-2000, Princeton University Press,2007.
    3Jeffrey Checkel,“Norms, Institutions, and National Identity in Contemporary Europe”, International StudiesQuarterly, Vol.43, No.1,1999, pp.83-114.
    4Amitav Acharya,“How Ideas Spread: Whose Norms Matter? Norm Localization and Institutional Change inAsian Regionalism”, International Organization, Vol.58, Spring2004, pp.239-275.
    1Martha Finnemore and Kathryn Sikkink,“International Norm Dynamics and Political Change”, InternationalOrganization, Vol.52, No.4,1998, p.895.
    2Thomas Risse and Kathryn Sikkink,“The Socialization of Human Norms into Domestic Practices: Introduction”,in Thomas Riss, Stephen. C. Ropp and Kathryn Sikkink eds., The Power of Human Rights: International Normsand Domestic Change, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1999, p.17.
    3Alastair Iain Johnston, Social States: China in International Institutions,1980-2000, Princeton University Press,2007.
    4John Mearsheimer,“False Promise of International Institutions”, International Security, Vol.19, No.3, p.10,转引自宋伟:《国际关系理论——从政治思想到社会科学》,上海教育出版社,2011年。
    6Paul Kowert and Jeffrey W. Legro,“Norms, Identity, and Their Limits: A Theoretical Reprise”, in PeterKatzenstein ed,, Culture of National Security, New York: Columbia University Press,1996, p.492.
    1Vincent Pouliot,“The Logic of Practicality: A Theory of Practice of Security Communities”, InternationalOrganization, Vol.62,2008, pp.257-288.,转引自朱立群、聂文娟:《国际关系理论研究的“实践转向”》,《世界经济与政治》,2010年第8期,第100页。
    2William Walters,“The Power of Inscription: Beyond Social Construction and Deconstruction in EuropeanIntegration Studies”, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, Vol.31, No.1,2002, p.97,转引自朱立群、聂文娟:《社会结构的实践演变模式——理解中国与国际体系互动的另一种思路》,《世界经济与政治》,2012年第1期,第9页。
    1Emanuel Adler,“The Spread of Security Communities: Communities of Practice, Self-Restraint, andNATO’s Post–Cold War Transformation”, European Journal of International Relations, Vol.14(2),2008, pp.195-230.
    2Emanuel Adler and Beverly Crawford,“Constructing a Mediterranean Region: A Cultural Approach”, to bePresented at the Conference on “The Convergence of Civilizations? Constructing a Mediterranean Region,”Arrabida Monastery, Fundacao Oriente. Lisboa, Portugal, June6-9.
    2Kenneth N. Waltz,“Reflections on Theory of International Politics: A Response to My Critics”, in RobertKeohane ed, Neorealism and it Critics, New York: Columbia University Press,1986, pp.322-345
    4Alexander Wendt,“Constructing International Politics”, International Security, Vol.20, No.1,1995, p.74.
    5Ted Hopf,“The Promise of Constructivism in International Relations Theory”, International Security, Vol.23,No.1,1998, p.178.
    6Alexander Wendt,“Agent-Structure Problem in International Relations Theory”, International Organization,Vol.41,1987, p.356.,转引自薛力:《国际关系的结构概念》,《国际政治科学》,2007年第3期,第148页。
    3Ryder McKeown,“Norm Regress: US Revisionism and the Slow Death of the Torture Norm”, InternationalRelations, Vol.23, No.5,2009, p.7.
    2Martha Finnemore and Kathryn Sikkink,“International Norm Dynamics and Political Change”, InternationalOrganization, Vol.52, No.4,1998, p.895.
    3Ryder McKeown,“Norm Regress: US Revisionism and the Slow Death of the Torture Norm”, InternationalRelations, Vol.23, No.1,2009, pp.5-25,转引自赵广成:《从合作到冲突:国际关系的退化机制分析》,第50-51页。
    5Jeffrey T. Checkel,“Norms, Institutions, and National Identity in Contemporary Europe”, International StudiesQuarterly, Vol.43, No.1,1999, pp.83-114.
    6Alastair Iain Johnston, Social States: China in International Institutions,1980-2000, Princeton University Press,2007.
    1Jeffrey Checkel,“Norms, Institutions, and National Identity in Contemporary Europe”, International StudiesQuarterly, Vol.43, No.1,1999, pp.83-114.
    2Amitav Acharya,“How Ideas Spread: Whose Norms Matter? Norm Localization and Institutional Change inAsian Regionalism”, International Organization, Vol.58, Spring2004, pp.239-275.
    2[法] E·迪尔凯姆:《社会学方法的准则》,狄玉明译,北京:商务印书馆,2009年,第33-34页。
    2Durkheim, E., The Rules of Sociological Method, New York: The Free Press,1966, p.29.,转引自周晓虹:《西方社会学:历史与体系》(第一卷),上海人民出版社,2002年,第234页。
    1Alexander Wendt, Social Theory of International Politics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1999, p.327,转引自郭树勇、叶凡美:《试论建构主义国关理论及其社会学渊源》,《国际观察》,2002年第1期,第4页。
    3C.G. Jung,“The Psychology of the Unconscious”, Collected Work of the C.G. Jung, Second Edition, Vol.7,1966,转引自尹立:《意识、个体无意识与集体无意识——分析心理学心灵结构简述》,《社会科学研究》,2002年第2期,第64页。
    4Nicholas Rescher, Process Metaphysics: An Introduction to Process Philosophy, Albany: State University ofNew York Press,1996,,转引自秦亚青:《关系本位与过程建构:将中国理念植入国际关系理论》,《中国社会科学》,2009年第3期,第77页。
    3Roxanne Lynn Doty,“Aporia: A Critical Exploration of Agent-Structure Problematique in InternationalRelations Theory”, European Journal of International Relations, Vol.3, No.3,1997, p.376.,转引自朱立群、聂文娟:《社会结构的实践演变模式——理解中国与国际体系互动的另一种思路》,《世界经济与政治》,2012年第1期,第8页。
    1[挪] G·希尔贝克:《时代之思》,童世骏、郁振华译,上海译文出版社,2007年,总序第3页。
    1参阅Iver B. Neumann,“The Body of the Diplomat”, European Journal of International Relations, Vol.14, No.4,2008, pp1671-695.
    2参阅EmanuelAdler,“The Spread of Security Communities: Communities of Practice, Self-Restraint, andNATO’s Post–Cold War Transformation”, European Journal of International Relations,2008, Vol.14(2), pp.195-230.; Emanuel Adler and Beverly Crawford,“Constructing a Mediterranean Region: A Cultural Approach”, to bePresented at the Conference on “The Convergence of Civilizations? Constructing a Mediterranean Region,”Arrabida Monastery, Fundacao Oriente. Lisboa, Portugal, June6-9.;朱立群:《中国参与国际体系的实践解释模式》,《外交评论》,2011年第1期,第19-33页;《中国与国际体系:双向社会化的实践逻辑》,《外交评论》,2012年第1期。
    3参阅Ted Hopf, Social Construction of International Politics: Identities and Foreign Policies, Moscow1955and1999, Ithca: Cornell University Press,2002.; Roxanne Lynn Doty,“Aporia: A Critical Exploration of theAgent-Structure Problematique in International Relations Theory”, European Journal of International Relations,Vol.3, No.3,1997, p.376.; Vincent Pouliot,“The Logic of Practicality:“A Theory of Practice of SecurityCommunities”, International Organization, Vol.62,2008, p.257-288.; Iver B. Neumann,“Returning Practice to theLinguistic Turn: The Case of Diplomacy”, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, Vol.31, No.3,2002,pp.627-651.; Jorg Friedrichs and Friedrich Kratochwil,“On Acting and Knowing: How Pragmatism Can AdvanceInternational Relations Research and Methodology”, International Organization, Vol.63, No.4,2009, pp.701-731.
    4Andreas Reckwitz,“Toward a Theory of Social Practices: A Development in Culturalist Theorizing”, EuropeanJournal of Social Theory, Vol.5(2),2002, p.245.
    1Vincent Pouliot,“The Logic of Practicality: A Theory of Practice of Security Communities”, InternationalOrganization, Vol.62,2008, p.260.
    2Shilling, C., The Body and Social Theory, London: Sage Publication,1993, p.19.
    3Turner, B.s.,“Recent Development in the Theory of the Body”, in M. Featherstone, M. Hepworth and B. Turner
    (eds), The Body: Social Process and Cultural Theory, London: Sage Publication,1991, p.12.
    4参见Iver B. Neumann,“The Body of the Diplomat”, European Journal of International Relations, Vol.14, No.4,2008, pp1671-695.
    5Christian Buger, Frank Gadinger,“Culture, Terror and Practice in International Relations: An Invitation toPractice Theory”, Paper Prepared for the Workshop “The (Re-)turn to Practice: Thinking Practices inInternational Relations and Security Studies”,18-19May2007, European University Institute, Florence/Italy.
    1Emanuel Adler,“The Spread of Security Communities: Communities of Practice, Self-Restraint, andNATO’s Post–Cold War Transformation”, European Journal of International Relations,2008, Vol.14(2), pp.195-230.
    2Emanuel Adler and Beverly Crawford,“Constructing a Mediterranean Region: A Cultural Approach”, to bePresented at the Conference on “The Convergence of Civilizations? Constructing a Mediterranean Region,”Arrabida Monastery, Fundacao Oriente. Lisboa, Portugal, June6-9.
    1Nadel, S.F., The Theory of Social Structure, Glencoe, Ⅲ.: Free Press,1957, pp.8-11,转引自[美]肯尼思·华尔兹:《国际政治理论》,第107页。
    1Herbert Blumer, Symbolic Interactionism: Perspective and Method, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall,1969,pp.78-79.,转引自侯钧生主编:《西方社会学理论教程》(第三版),第252页。
    3Durkheim, E., The Division of Labor in Society, New York: Free Press,1933, pp.79-80,转引自周晓虹:《西方社会学:历史与体系》(第一卷),第252页。
    1Durkheim, E.,“Individual and Collective Representations”,1898, in E. Durkheim, Sociology and Philosophy,edited by D.F. Pocock and J.G. Peristiany, London: Cohen and West,1965,转引自[英]杰西·洛佩兹、约翰·斯科特:《社会结构》,第101页。
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    1根据研究对象来划分,社会资本的研究可分为宏观、中观和微观三个层次。在宏观层面的社会资本研究者看来,社会资本本身是作为一个国家或地区的规范和制度而存在的。这些学者包括普特南、科尔曼和福山等,具体研究可参阅其作品:Putnam, R.D., Bowling alone: the collapse and revival of American community,Simon&Schuster,2001.; Fukuyama, F., Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity, Free Press,1995等。
    2Elias, Nobert, The Civilizing Process, New York: Pantheon,1982,转引自[美]亚历山大·温特:《国际政治的社会理论》,第347页。
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