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The international transmission and the spillover effects of monetarypolicy have long been discussed,but remain controversial.Thisdissertation documents detailed evidence on the monetary policy spillovereffects from United States to China,and examines the mechanism by whichUS monetary policy shocks are internationally transmitted to China.
     This dissertation is organized as follows:
     Chapter l summarizes the corresponding literature.Based on theMundell-Flaming-Dornbush Model and New Open Economy Macroeconomic Model,many researchers have done extensive theoretical studies on theinternational transmission and the spillover effects of monetary policy.Also,there are many empirical researches using VAR method.However,theseresearches have not resolved the ambiguity,which comes from two sources.The first is the prediction of monetary policyspillover effects,and thesecond is the specific transmission mechanism of monetary policyspillover.
     Chapter 2 examines the spillover effects of US monetary policy shockson China's output based on SVAR model.The empirical results indicate thatthe influence of expansionary US monetary policy to China's output ispositive.In the short run,the portion that US monetary shocks explainfor China is smaller than that of the non-US,G7 countries and Korea,butthey are similar in the long run.In addition,since 1995 the US monetarypolicy spillover effects on China's output tend to be stronger.
     Chapter 3 makes a theoretical analysis of the spillover effects ofUS monetary policy to China.US monetary policy shocks are transmittedto China by three main channels.The first is the policy channel.China'smonetary policy will respond to the change of US monetary policy.As aresult,China's output will adjust accordingly.The second is the tradechannel.US monetary policy shocks will influence China's trade balance,and thus China's output through the expenditure switch effects and theincome absorption effects.The third channel is by assets price.theadjustment of the international capital flow and the expectation ofinvestors caused by US monetary shift would have some impacts on China's asset price,which will affect China's output through wealth effects andTobin's Q.
     Chapter 4 examines the transmission channels by which US monetarypolicy transmits to China.The empirical results indicate thatexpansionary US monetary policy can lower China's interest rate andenlarge its money supply.Although the RMB exchange rate formationmechanism reform in 2005 has improved the independence of China monetarypolicy,the central bank had to maintain exchange rate stable,and thusits policy follows US policy to some extent.China's trade balance woulddeteriorate in the short run under the influence of US monetary policy,while turn to improve in the long run.Thus the direction of the policyshock to the trade balance is determined by both the expenditure switcheffect and the income absorption effect.However,the latter would becomeeven more important in the long run.Moreover,the expansionary USmonetary policy would lead to the decline of China's stock return by theasset price channel.
     Chapter 5 compares the importance of various transmission channelsby which US monetary policy transmits to China.By using the variancedecomposition method,the author concludes that the policy turns to bethe most important among all the three channels,while the asset priceplays the least important role currently.
     Chapter 6 examines the spillover effects on different regions.Dueto the imbalanced economic development of China's regions,the impactsof US monetary policy shocks vary in regions.It can be found from theresults that the spillover effects of US monetary policy transmit fasterand are slightly stronger in the eastern region than in the middle andwestern regions.
     Chapter 7 summarizes the results and concludes.
1 根据《中国统计年鉴》数据计算。
    2 根据《2008年国民经济和社会发展统计公报》数据计算。
    3 数据来源:《中国统计年鉴》。
    4 数据来源:《2008年国民经济和社会发展统计公报》。
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    5 亦被称为货币政策传导的“货币观”和“信用观”。
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    20 也就是我们常说的“以邻为壑”。
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    3 Wold因果链(Wold,1954)是一条递归链,当i<j,有(?)y_(i,t)/(?)ε_(j,t)=0。
    4 Christiano,L.,Eichenbaum,M.,Evans,C.Monetary Policy Shocks:What Have We Learned and to What End?[R].NBER Working Paper,1998,No.6400.
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    6 2002=100,数据经季节性调整。
    7 1982-1984=100,数据经季节性调整。
    8 1982=100,数据经季节性调整。
    9 数据经季节性调整。
    10 季节性调整采用了Eviews软件的默认设置。
    11 本章实证没有对变量进行差分以消除非平稳因素,主要是考虑到:1.差分会改变经济含义,在进行脉冲响应分析时,新息项就不再是货币政策冲击了。大量研究美国货币政策传导的经典文献(如Bernanke and Gertler(1995),Christiano et al.(1998)等)也都直接使用了变量的水平值:2.采用和国外同类文献(如Shin(2000),Kim(2001)等)相同的数据处理方法,可以方便地进行实证结果的对比。
    12 1994年底美联储有过一次加息幅度达75个基点。
    13 内部时滞是指中央银行从制定政策到采取实际行动所需要的时间。
    14 外部时滞是指从中央银行实际执行货币政策到这一政策在宏观经济中产生相应效应之间的时间。
    15 参见LeSage,J.,Appl ied Econometrics using MATLAB,1999.
    16 GDP in billions of chained 2000 dollars,数据经季节性调整。
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    4 参照Sheehan(1992)。
    5 依照Cosimano and Van Huyck(1989)进行设定。
    6 固定汇率制意味着△e~*=0。
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    12 指当市场处于分割状态时,出口商可以根据进口地点的不同而制定不同的价格。
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    4 季节性调整采用了Eviews软件的默认设置。
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    2 季节性调整采用了Eviews软件的默认设置。
    3 数据处理上的不同使得本章中分地区的实证结果在数值上和第二章中总的溢出效应的实证结果存在较大差异。
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    6 Haberler,G.The International Monetary System:Some Recent Developments and Discussions,1970,in:G.Halm,(ed.) Approaches to Greater Flexibility of Exchange Rates,Princeton University Press,pp.115-123.
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