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To prevent and defuse financial risks has become an important issue of worldwide, especially after the outbreak of the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis and the debt crisis in Europe, the regional imbalance of economic recovery and regional financial instability on the overall financial stability is very significant, financial risk of a local region accumulated to a certain degree formation of the regional financial crisis, and possibly through the various channels cause greater impact on the global economic and financial stability. The strategic of West development plan for the Inner Mongolia's economic take-off provides a strong boost of economic development in Inner Mongolia which inevitably accumulated a large number of potential financial risks.
     In this paper, the current financial risks related to study literature at the macro financial engineering based on the article on the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of macro-financial risks of the basic framework; then use the balance sheet method of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of macro financial risk analysis, including the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region the division of economic sectors, financial sector and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of macro-financial corporate sector risk analysis; and analytical methods based on interests or the financial sector and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to build or have interests in the corporate sector balance sheet, and the analysis of risk indicators; last on macro-financial risks of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region made the financial risk management system, and propose preventive and response measures and management of different means.
     This paper will address the major economic sectors in Inner Mongolia province-include the financial sector and corporate macro sector balance sheet, analysis its book value and market value. The results show that the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region within the financial sector, low level of risk, but there is a certain maturity mismatch risk; Inner Mongolia, the corporate sector equity ratio has been much greater than1, a serious shortage of liquidity, Inner Mongolia, there is a big risk of the corporate sector and should be closely concerned. Based on market information, contingent interest analysis shows that in Inner Mongolia, the corporate sector's capital structure mismatch risk and liquidity risk is also low, stress test results showed its resistance ability to the risk of interest rate changes.
     Finally, this paper tries to build the macro-financial risk management framework of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Based on the balance sheet risk indicators and macroeconomic capital, the paper focus on risk prevention and management of adverse cyclical, building regional macroeconomic and financial management systems and risk prevention response management system, which includes building the macro-financial risk monitoring systems Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, to strengthen the balance sheet based on the financial risk regulation, strengthening of local government liabilities for financial management and good ecological environment construction. The response management system include the establishment of local government financial crisis management committee of the crisis management system, the establishment of the capital as the core of macroeconomic financial stabilization fund in Inner Mongolia and the policies and mechanisms to improve the financial stability of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.
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