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After World War II ,The severe test that consistently confront the
     majority of developing countries is how to realize spatial equality and
     total economic efficiency at the same time.The common regional
     economic character of these countries is that the growth of national
     economy is resolved into two extremes in space:one is that the continuously
     increasing economy of a few regions, and the other is that most regions are
     being kept lagging and stagnating.How to promote the continuous
     economic increase transmitting efficiently from the developed regions to
     the backward ones and to achieve harmonious development among various
     regions become a significant issue of regional economic theory.Based upon
     the above statement,the issue of interregional transmission in a country has
     been discussed in the paper.Many issues such as the objective basis,
     dynamic source, dynamic mechanism, spatial character, spatial evolution
     model,patterns of transmission mechanisms in the transformation of
     economic system in China have been especially studied.Meanwhile the
     engagement mechanism between governmental interference and market
     function during realization of spatial equality has been discussed.Theoretic
     basis for the correct regional policies that conform to the market function
     has been provided during discussion of the internal mechanism of reducing
     Ph.D.Dissertation of College of Economics management, Northwest University
     regional disparities.
     The self-organization and competition mechanisms of regional
     system are dynamic mechanism of the interregional transmission under the ?
     circumstance of market economy.Rung model,hub and spoke modal are the
     two main kinds of spatial evolution modal for the interregional transmission.
     Both of them have reasonable and confined place in theory and
     practice.The multi-hub&spoke model with many centers which combines
     rung model with hub and spoke model is the proper spatial evolution modal
     for the present regional economic development in China.Base on the
     internal mechanisms,industry transmission and factor transmission
     constitute the main patterns of interregional transmission.Trans-regional
     expansion of industries promotes the division and cooperation inner
     industries.Lnterregional transfer of industries promotes the division and
     cooperation inter-industries.Their disparities lead to the differences for
     backward regions in the level of the transferable industries and in the
     position during the industry transmissioninstitutional obstruction is a
     critical factor resulting in the fact that factors cant抰 transfer in accordance
     with the law of interregional factors transmission.At the same time,a series
     of contradictions about factor transmission during the transformation of
     economic system in China resulted from the obstruction.On the basis of
     institutional construction,dredging the channel of transmission and building
     the qualified transmitters are important ways to develop the interregional
     transmission mechanism of the west part of China.
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