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     参与本课题研究的两位操作人员平均精密度误差值:腰椎为0.008g/cm2,左侧股骨颈为0.013g/cm2,右侧股骨颈为0.016g/cm2,左侧股骨上端为0.007g/cm2,右侧股骨上端为0.007g/cm2。均符合国际临床骨密度协会(I SCD)所建议的精密度误差标准;在95%的可信区间下,得出受试者各检测部位的最小显著变化值,其平均值腰椎为0.022g/cm2,左侧股骨颈为0.035g/cm2,右侧股骨颈为0.045g/cm2,左侧股骨上端为0.020g/cm2,右侧股骨上端为0.019g/cm2。所参与研究的100名绝经后妇女中,参照世界卫生组织公布的骨质疏松症诊断标准,在腰椎、左侧股骨颈、左侧股骨上端、右侧股骨颈、右侧股骨上端存在骨量减少(-2.5绝经后妇女中“比实足年龄的骨矿物质密度低”(Z-score≤-2.0)的比例,在腰椎、左侧股骨颈、左侧股骨上端、右侧股骨颈、右侧股骨上端依次为64%、75%、67%、70%、65%。所检测出各部位的骨密度结果,通过统计学分析发现,腰椎的T-score与两侧股骨颈及与股骨上端的T-score有显著性差异(P<0.05),且认为腰椎的T-score值较高。而右侧的股骨颈及股骨上端的T-score与左侧股骨颈及股骨上端的T-score有显著性差异(P<0.05),且认为右侧比左侧为高。利用皮尔森相关系数分析表明参与研究者的年龄与所测量的各部位的骨密度值之间有低度的负相关,表明随着年龄的增大各部位的骨密度值有逐渐降低的趋势;而体重及BMI指数与以上测量部位的骨密度值有中度的正相关,表明体重及BMI指数越重(高),此部位的骨密度值越高。
Speciality:Orthopedics and Traumatology of TCM
     Author:Wan Chao Supervisor:Professor Zou Ji
     By detecting small samples of bone mineral density of postmenopausal women in Shiyan city by using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, investigated the epidemiology of osteoporosis incidence for those participating in the trial, according to the diagnostic criteria for osteoporosis; By analysising the bone mineral density and the least significant change in the lumbar spine and proximal femurs, provided clinicians important reference for the outcome of the treatment and follow-up diagnosis as judged by patients with osteoporosis; According to differences of the bone mineral density in the lumbar spine and proximal femurs, analyzed the differences which may resulted in the diagnosis of osteoporosis;By analysising the individual factors which can affect the bone mineral density of those parts, found that the incidence factors of osteoporosis which can be regulated, so that we can take appropriate intervention measures to prevent and delay the occurrence of osteoporosis.
     Arranged professional operators use dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry to scan twice of lumbar spine and proximal femurs of100postmenopausal women,according to the results of the bone mineral density, analyzed the precision of operator error value, by compliance with the International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) BMD measurement precision error standard, to ensure the accuracy of measurement of bone mineral density, In order to provide a reliable reference for clinicians to accurately diagnose osteoporosis; Derived from participating in the trial, BMD least significant change in value, can provide important reference for clinicians as judged by patients with osteoporosis outcome of the treatment and follow-up diagnostic;Reference to the osteoporosis diagnostic criteria published by the World Health Organization and the International Society for Clinical Densitometry, made a epidemiological investigation of those people who participated in the trial;Compared the difference results in the diagnosis of osteoporosis caused by different T-score among the lumbar spine and both sides of femoral necks, proximal femurs;Analyzed the relationship between the various parts of the bone mineral density with age, height, weight and BMI index by Pearson correlation analyzed, and then found that protective factors of osteoporosis.
     Analysised average precision error values of the two operators involved in the research:0.008g/cm2in the lumbar,0.013g/cm2in the left femoral neck0.016g/cm2in the right femoral neck,0.007g/cm2in the left proximal femur and0.007g/cm2in the right proximal femur. All results were in line with the precision errors of the standard recommended by the International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD);Calculated the subjects of the respective detection parts of the least significant change values under the95%confidence interval:0.022g/cm2in the lumbar,0.035g/cm2in the left femoral neck,0.045g/cm2in the right femoral neck,0.020g/cm2in the left proximal femur, and0.019g/cm2in the right proximal femur;Reference to the World Health Organization published diagnostic criteria for osteoporosis, the presence of osteopenia and osteoporosis proportion of the100postmenopausal women who participated in the study:64%in the lumbar,77%in the left femoral neck,62%in the left proximal femur,71%in the right femoral neck,,and63%in the right proximal femur;Analyzed the T-score for100participants, and we found that the average T-score of lumbar spine was higher than both femoral necks and proximal femurs (p<0.05). and the average T-score of right hip was higher than left hip(p<0.05);Pearson correlation analyzed showed that there is a low negative correlation between bone mineral density and age, and a moderate positive correlation between bone mineral density and body weight and BMI index.
     As dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry has high precision, short scan time, low radiation exposure, and the stable performance of the correction, so it is used as a measurement of gold standard to diagnose osteoporosis and to track the effectiveness of osteoporosis treatment all over the world;The results of the survey showed that the incidence of osteoporosis at a high level in postmenopausal women in shiyan city;By analysising the bone mineral density least significant change in the trail, we can provide clinicians important reference for the outcome of the treatment and follow-up diagnosis as judged by patients with osteoporosis;In view of the test results of bone mineral density have differences among the lumbar spine and both sides of the proximal femurs, We suggest that we should measure not only the lumbar spine but also both proximal femurs in a clinical examination, In order to for clinicians understand the links and differences about BMD among those parts, and fully understand the patient's bone mass, make a comprehensive diagnosis;We have confirmed the age and bone mineral density in postmenopausal women was positively correlated, and time of menopause was negatively correlated with bone mineral density. As Body weight and BMI index have a moderate positive correlation with bone mineral density, revealed that they are possible protective factors for osteoporosis, so it has a positive effect by maintaining proper weight and BMI values for the prevention and delay the occurrence of osteoporosis.
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    [12]Bonnick SL, The Women's Epidemic, In:The Osteoporosis Handbook. Lanham, Maryland:Taylor Trade Publishing.2003:3-12.
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    [17]Bonnick SL, Bone-Density Testing, In:The Osteoporosis Handbook. Lanham, Maryland: Taylor Trade Publishing.2003:135-152.
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    [20]Cummings SR, Black DM, Nevitt MC, et al. Bone density at various sites for prediction of hip fractures. The Study of Osteoporotic Fractures Research Group [J]. Lancet,1993, 341(8837):72-75.
    [21]Genant HK, Cooper C, Poorqet al. Interim report and recommendations of the World Health Organization Task-Force for Osteoporosis [J]. Osteoporos Int,1999,10(4):259-264.
    [22]Rizzoli R, Slosman D, Bonjour JP. The role of dual energy X-ray absorptiometry of lumbar spine and proximal femur in the diagnosis and follow-up of osteoporosis [J]. Am J Med,2005,98(2A):335-365.
    [23]Abdellah El M, Lahsen A, Ahmed B, Monitoring of Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry Measurement in Clinical Practice. Journal of clinical densitometry:the official journal of the International Society for Clinical Densitometry,2006;9(3):281-286.
    [24]Faulkner KG,Blacker WK, Barden HS,et al. Femur strength index predicts hip fracture independent of bone density and hip axis length. Osteoporos Int.2006,17(4):593-599.
    [25]Genant HK eds. Bone densitometry and osteoporosis.2nd.ed. Berlin:Springer,2008; 407-408.

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