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In today’s dynamic and highly competitive hospitality industry, for enterprises to obtain and maintain a leading position they need a complete management strategy which includes innovating, developing and then applying employee knowledge into their daily operation. As the main carriers of enterprises’knowledge, especially tacit knowledge, knowledge-based employees are the essential elements for success in implementing company’s strategies. Therefore, effective management of knowledge-based employees will have a direct impact on obtaining tacit knowledge, which in turn will help to gain core competitiveness.
     As one of the earliest open-market industries, hospitality industry experienced its own development in human resource management. It began with lack of available employees, followed by adequately staffed but poorly qualified workforce. Recently the constituent is getting more scientific and practical. With the development of specialized hospitality schools, the emergence of multi-national famous hotel companies, and the changing of the whole society’s attitude and understanding of employment, the development and qualification of employees is improving. More and more knowledge-based employees are working and playing important roles in this industry.
     However, although the proportion of knowledge-based hotel employees is increasing and management is paying more attention on development of their workforce, most research on this taskforce still focused mainly on definitions, characteristics and changes in working environment– not on how to effectively evaluate and motivate knowledge-based employees to stimulate and improve their performance. Therefore, a systematic and scientific method of performance appraisal and motivation is essential for the lodging industry. Such a model is crucial for hotels’success and for sustaining competitive advantage.
     Focused on definition and characteristics of knowledge-based employees in hospitality industry, this paper systematically analyses the factors influencing the needs for hospitality knowledge-based workforce. An evaluation index system is selected and a scientific systematic RS-ANN method of performance appraisal along with a Comprehensive Incentive Program are illustrated and tested in‘X’Hotel to verify effectiveness.
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