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This study focuses on some basic topics of the knowledge worker's PKMC(personal knowledge management capability)——the relationship between the knowledge worker'PKMC and organizational innovations, the internal and the external influential factors of the knowledge worker's PKMC. The concrete study objectives include:
     (1) Analyzing the structure of the knowledge worker'PKMC and exploring the relationship between the knowledge worker'PKMC and organizational innovations, and developing and verifying the corresponding model to unveil its influence. (2) Systematically studying the internal factors affecting the knowledge worker'PKMC, developing and verifying the corresponding model to support PKMC. (3) Systematically studying the external factors affecting the knowledge worker' PKMC, developing and verifying the corresponding model to support PKMC.
     According to the above-mentioned study objectives, the main contents of study are shown below:
     (1) The relationship between the knowledge worker's PKMC and organizational innovations was studied, including analyses of the features and the structure of the knowledge worker's PKMC, development and verification of the theoretical model and relevant hypotheses of the relationship between the knowledge worker's PKMC and organizational innovations. (2) The internal factors affecting the knowledge worker's PKMC was studied, including analyses of the internal influential factors of the knowledge worker's PKMC, development and verification of the theoretical model and relevant hypotheses of the internal influential factors of the knowledge worker's PKMC. (3) The external factors affecting the knowledge worker's PKMC was studied, including analyses of the external influential factors of the knowledge worker's PKMC, development and verification of the theoretical model and relevant hypotheses of the external influential factors of the knowledge worker's PKMC.
     Integrating the model of theoretical study and the model of empirical study, this study adopts the following study procedure:theoretical study——case study——presentation of the corresponding models and hypotheses——survey and data collection——data analysis and verification——conclusion.
     The main research results are shown below:
     (1) The knowledge worker's PKMC consists of the personal knowledge acquisition capability, the personal knowledge storage capability, the personal knowledge sharing capability, the personal knowledge innovation capability and the personal knowledge use capability. Furthermore the standardized regression weights show that personal knowledge use capability is the key factor affecting the knowledge worker's PKMC. Relatively personal knowledge sharing capability has a small effect on the knowledge worker's PKMC.
     (2) The knowledge worker's PKMC has a significant positive effect on organizational innovations. Furthermore the standardized regression weights show that the knowledge worker's PKMC has the largest effect on the organizational innovations of management methods and performance evaluation.
     (3) The internal influential factors of the knowledge worker's PKMC consist of features of personality, personal knowledge structure, personal cognitive and behavior capabilities and personal information literacy. Features of personality are the key factor affecting the internal influential factors of the knowledge worker's PKMC. Relatively personal cognitive and behavior capabilities have a small effect on the internal influential factors of the knowledge worker's PKMC.
     (4) The external influential factors of the knowledge worker'PKMC consist of organizational stimulation, organizational structure, organizational information infrastructure, staff training and organizational culture. Furthermore the standardized regression weights show that organization structure is the key factor affecting the external influential factors of the knowledge worker's PKMC. Relatively organization culture has a small effect on the external influential factors of the knowledge worker's PKMC. Organizational factors have a significant positive effect on the knowledge worker's PKMC. Organizational factors have the largest effect on the personal knowledge use and innovation capabilities. By affecting organizations, social factors have a significant positive effect on the knowledge worker's PKMC.
     Based on the above-mentioned results, this study proposes suggestions on improvement of PKMC for knowledge workers or organizations from the personal, organizational and social aspects.
     The innovations of this study include:
     (1) By presenting the structure of the knowledge worker's PKMC and developing the model of the relationship between the knowledge worker's PKMC and organizational innovations, this study improves the theoretical system of knowledge management and personal knowledge management, enriches the study angles of organizational innovations, and promotes the enhancement of the knowledge worker's PKMC and organizational innovations.
     (2) By presenting the internal influential factors of the knowledge worker's PKMC, developing its corresponding measurement tool and model, this study improves the development of personal knowledge management and the enhancement of the knowledge worker's PKMC.
     (3) By presenting the external influential factors of the knowledge worker's PKMC, developing its corresponding measurement tool and model, this study deepens the study of personal knowledge management and presents suggestions on knowledge worker management and the enhancement of the knowledge worker's PKMC.
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