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     研究结果表明,通过对私彩治理的研究,发现社会转型期存在与公共管理相关的一系列问题。在由计划向市场经济的转型期,传统行政正向公共管理进行缓慢的改革,存在公共管理主体的单一 、治理方式的落后、民众和政府的非合作关系、对政府部门及其工作人员缺乏相应的制度制约、公共管理主体各层级之间绩效考核的低效等方面的问题。正是由于这些问题的存在,造成私彩治理的低效,制约彩票市场的发展,阻碍了社会经济的健康发展。
Illegal lottery tickets, unapproved by State Department, are illegally issued in churchyard. Illegal lottery tickets includes mainly the "Six-tally Lottery" (introduced from Hongkong), welfare lottery, and periphery codes of sports lottery, in which the "Six-tally Lottery" prevails. The popularity of illegal lottery tickets resulted in many social problems, retarded the rural economic development, and it is of considerable harm to society stabilization. Researches of scholars in our country on illegal lottery tickets focused on the sociology, and studies in view of public administration and on the control methods of government are little. We used Yueyang county of Hunan province as special case, adopted the comprehensive methods of combining reading literatures and field survey with emphasis on the control methods of government, and trying to analyses the control action of illegal lottery tickets in Yueyang county of Hunan province, with the relevant theory of science of public administration.This paper comprises four parts: Chapter One is the introduction, presenting the background, currant status, aims and significancy, methods, and characteristics and innovations of this study; Chapter Two involved the conditions, characteristics, harm and government control' property of illegal lottery tickets flooding in rural regions; Chapter Three consisted of the countermeasures of government with the theory of science of public administration; the final part, Chapter Four, contained conclusions and suggestions.The investigation results indicate that control methods of illegal lottery tickets reveal a serial of problems during the social focus-changing period and in public administration. During the social focus-changing period from plan economy to market economy, traditional administration underwent the reform slowly to the public administration, and uncovered some problems, such as the singularity of main body in public administration, unreasonable control methods, non-cooperative relationship between demos and government, lacking system restrict to government department and government missionary, and low efficiency of merit assessment among the government department. It is just about these problems that resulted in the low efficiency of illegal lottery tickets control, restricted the healthy development of lottery markets, and in consequently, retarded the healthy development of social economy.Suggestions from this study included: 1) reform the lottery administration system, and bring the "Six-tally Lottery" into government administration category; 2) reinforce multi-centralization of public power, and positively advance the socialization of public administration; 3) improve the government control methods, including realizing public aims by reforming past control methods, innovating the control tools of consummating relevant laws and system, and introducing new control tools of reforming the government control system; 4) reinforce the democratization of public administration, and remould the relationship between government and demos; 5) carry through the system innovation in administration of government department and government missionary; 6) push the development of system and law in merit assessment of government.
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