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Knowledge has become an important strategic resource in the competition among supply chains. Enterprises share knowledge smoothly in the supply chain can not only helps to improve and enhance the efficiency of the entire supply chain network, reduce its operating costs, but also promote the effective integration of resources, and ultimately enhance the core competitiveness of the supply chain. The competitive power of the supply chain is in accord with the influence of the core enterprise in some degree. However, knowledge flows is still not well understood conceptually, and nor are future trends, it is necessary to study the incentive mechanism of knowledge flow in order to exert the important role of core enterprise in supply chain management. In the interest of core enterprise, this paper focus on enhance intellectual capital to research the incentive mechanism of knowledge flow, on one hand it can enrich and develop the theory of knowledge management, promote knowledge innovation, on the other hand, it has important theoretical and practical role, which can help to change the status of China's enterprises and drive them to participate in high-level international competition. This study mainly focused on knowledge flow incentive in supply chain incentive, including the following aspects:
     (1) Employ the structural equation modeling method in the study of the relationship between the knowledge flow and intellectual capital. Divide the Knowledge flows among enterprises in the supply chain into knowledge exchange and knowledge integration, according to classic classification, intellectual capital is divided into three elements:human capital, structural capital and intellectual capital, relational capital. From analyzing the dynamics of intellectual capital, intellectual capital management model, SECI model and organizational learning four aspects of literature it reveals that the process of knowledge flow is the process of intellectual capital management virtually. Through investigation on237enterprises, we used structural equation modeling method to analyze the impact of exchange of knowledge and knowledge integration on the three elements of the core enterprise intellectual capital, of which:positive correlation between the exchange of knowledge and human capital as well as relational capital, meanwhile there is positive influence between knowledge exchange structure and capital; knowledge integration has positive influence on human capital, structural capital and relational capital. Through living example, it has been elucidating that improves the relationship between knowledge flow and core intellectual capital will help enhance the core enterprise intellectual capital.
     (2) Apply interpretative structural modeling method to found three key factors that influence the knowledge flow among enterprises in the supply chain. Based on the path-dependent characteristics of knowledge exchange and integration, the dependence of other knowledge nodes in the supply chain on the core enterprises constraints the innovation. It is possible to achieve breakthrough in path through motivating the key factors. Based on this, class the elements that impact the knowledge exchange and knowledge integration into five component layers from the aim to enhance intellectual capital, then identify its three key factors: knowledge workers, relations and corporate reputation.
     (3) Use psychological self-determination theory to construct knowledge workers incentive model of knowledge flows in the supply chain incentive model. There is awareness that individual and group interaction motivation lies in the knowledge flow of the enterprises in the supply chain, the behavior of knowledge worker of one enterprise will have impact on the knowledge worker from another enterprise. The incentive model of knowledge work of knowledge flow can be built based on this theory. The model assumes that there are some measures to incentive individual:guide motivation, adjust expectations and change behavior through knowledge; to incentive group:set group behavior stander and change the environment of knowledge flow.
     (4) Use the principal-agent theory to design the core to non-corn enterprise incentive model. The relationship conversion in the knowledge flow has been explored deeply from a dynamic view. Analyzed the relationship changeover from personal into organizational, then into commercial. The relationship of personal trust and institution trust has been analyzed too. It has been proposed that the incentive from core to non-corn enterprise is an important enzyme to catalyze relationship transformation among enterprises. Use the principal-agent theory to design the core to non-corn enterprise incentive model. The research shows that incentive has connection with efforts of non-corn enterprises, fixed salaries, coefficient of incentive and the original relationship of non-corn enterprises. The efforts of non-corn enterprise, the original relationship and fixed salary should be considered adequately when corn enterprises transfer incentives.
     (5) Draw the principle of universal gravitation to construct reputation gravity of supply chain model. Divide knowledge into distributable knowledge (tangible and certain knowledge) and non-distributable knowledge (intangible and uncertain knowledge). For distributable knowledge the concept map of knowledge acquisition an allocation in the supply chain has been made. Use the experience of N enterprise cooperation and Shapley value to allocate knowledge. For non-distributable knowledge, it has been cognized that culture plays an important on knowledge exchange and integration and the reputation of the enterprises in the supply chain, in part, depends on the reputation of the supply chain. On this basis, the relation map of reputation for members in the supply chain and the supply chain has been designed. And draw the principle of universal gravitation to construct reputation gravity of supply chain model. The model implicates that the reputation of the supply chain can be accumulated by enhancing the reputation of every single enterprises in the supply chain and reducing the cultural differences between corn and non-corn enterprises.
     Finally, in the case of ChuanWang Door Company which possesses a corn position in the supply chain, measures used for knowledge management which carried out in the past six years have been organized analyzed. Analysis focused on the methods applied to incentive knowledge workers, relationship and reputation. The study shows that just these measures improved the level of intellectual capital which makes ChuanWang door company success. Thereby, it has verified the validity of the incentive model.
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