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     fibrosis)。心肌纤维化临床表现多无特征性,主要造成难治性心衰及严重 的心律失常。
     心脏间质中各种纤维及无定型物质,统称为心脏的细胞外基质 (ECM)。胶原是ECM中最丰富的结构成分。心肌间质胶原成分主要为I型及Ⅲ型胶原,I型胶原约占80%,Ⅲ型约12%。心肌成纤维细胞(CFbs)是合成心肌胶原的主要细胞。研究表明,CFbs能感受、结合机械性刺激并产生功能性应答,还可以合成I、III型胶原、蛋白胶原酶及其他细胞外基质成分。I型胶原以前胶原(procollagen)的形式释放到培养基质中。
     激活肾上腺素能受体,导致心肌细胞肥大和CFbs增殖。NE可促进大鼠I型前胶原 1[I]链及转化生长因子- (TGF- 1)的mRNA表达增加。临床上给予心肌梗死病人硒(Se)和维生素E(VE)作为辅助治疗,能够促进心功能指标的改善。李保玉等发现,心肌损伤后心肌内胶原蛋白含量增加,并与低Se、低VE相关,补Se、补VE后,心肌胶原蛋白含量下降,说明体内低Se、低VE状态易促进心肌胶原过度蓄积。低Se、低VE造成体内脂质过氧化物增多,不但加重细胞损伤,同时促进前胶原羟化和胶原蛋白的交联,致使心肌内胶原过度蓄积。说明二者与心肌纤维化具有很重要的关系。
    牛血清DMEM培养液、0.2g.μg/ml NE、不同浓度的Na2Seo3(0.05~0.2
    法测定I型胶原蛋白的含量。结果如下,0.2μg/ml NE作用48小时后上清中:HYP和I型胶原含量增加,与对照组比较有显著性差异(P<0.01)。
     (二)NE对CFbs醄αl [I]型胶原mRNA的表达的影响
     用RT-PCR法对体外培养的CFbsαl [I]型胶原mRNA进行半定量分
    NE上调Cfbsalαl [I]型胶原mRNA的表达,与对照组比较有显著性差异
    CFbs I 型胶原合成与分泌明显增加。
     (一)收集0.2μg/ml NE与不同浓度Se和’VE作用48小时后的细胞和
    0.2μg /ml)而逐渐降低,呈剂量依赖性,表明补Se可抑制胶原蛋白的合
    成与分泌。NE和1~100lμg/ml VE作用48小时后,上清中的HYP含量与对照组、NE组比较,有显著性降低(p<0.01),但无量效关系。联合补充0.05μg/ml Se与10μg/ml VE可降低培养上清中的HYP含量,较对照组、NE组、O.05μg /ml Se和10μg/ml VE组显著降低(p     (二)间接ELISA法测定NE(0.21μg/m1)、NE+Se(0.05μg/m1)、NE
    +VE(10μg/m1)和NE+Se、VE作用48小时后CFbs上清液中I型胶原含量(A值),结果为:联用组较对照组、NE组、0.05μg/ml Se组A值显著性降低(p<0.01),较10μg/ml VE组降低,说明o.05ugμg/ml Se和10ugμg/ml VE联用对于I型胶原合成有协同抑制作用。
     (三)Se和VE对NE所致CFbs I型胶原mRNA表达的影响:记录 [I]型胶原和内参13-actin电泳条带强度×面积的比值,可见:0.05μg/ml Se和
    10μg/mlVE组与对照组和NE组比较mRNA表达降低(P<0.01),0.05μg/ml Se和10μg/ml VE联用组αl [I]型胶原mRNA表达与NE组、0.05μg/ml Se和10μg/mlVE组比较显著性降低(p<0.01),二者具有协同效应。
    量的增加,并可促进αl [I]型胶原mRNA的表达。说明NE有促进胶原合
     3.Se和VE降低对αl [I]型胶原mRNA表达,一定浓度Se(0.05μg/m1)和VE(10μg/m1)联用对αl [
Cardiac fibrosis means excessive fibril collagen deposffs inter
     myocardiocytes disproportionately.Usually patients with cardiac tibrosis have
     no symptoms,but it can lead to incurable heart failure and serious arrhythmia.
     All types of collagen and unformed material are called extmcellular
     matrix(ECM).Type I collagen is the most abundant material in ECM.The
     Type I collagen is the main component of secreted ECM by CFbs,about 80%.
    Cardiac fibroblasts(CFbs)are the primary cells,which can synthesize
     collagen.Investigations suggest that CFbs are sensitive to mechanical
     stimulation and Can produce functional responses.CFbs Can synthesize Type I
     and III collagens,collagenase and other ECM.Type I collagen is released to
     the out of cell in the form of procollagen.Catecholamine Can make CFbs
     proliferate significantly.Norepinephrine(NE)Can make myocardiocytes
     hypertrophia and CFbs proliferate by exciting receptor of NE,and it can
     increase the expression of mRNA of collagen al[I]and TGF.p1.
     Selenium(Se)and Vitamin E(VE)have been used in the myocardial
    ‘infarction patients as assistant treatment,which can improve the heart index.
    Bao Yu Li et al,found that when the myocardiocytes are injured,collagen in
     the matrix increased,which was associated、with low Se and low VE.After Se
     and VE were added,the activity of GSH:.Px ascended and the content of
     collagen protein in the heart increased,which suggests that low Se and Low
     VE Can lead to collagen deposition.Low-level Se and VE Can increase lipid
     peroxide in the body,which Can not only injure the cell seriously,but also
     enhance the procollagen hydroxidation and collagen crosslinking and then
     lead to the excessive accumulation of the collagen inter the myocardiocytes.It
     could be concluded that Se and VE have important relationship with the
    cardiac nbrosis.
     The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Se and VE On
     collagen I synthesizing metabolism of cultured CFbs treated with NE at
     protein and gene level.Cell and culture medium were collected after 48h
     culture.Then we examined the hydroxyproline(HYP)and Type I content as
     well as the expression of 51[I]I collagen mRNA.The experiment suggested
     that there is a close relationship between collagen production and Se and VE.
    The major results are as follows:
     1.The CFbs culture and identification.
     (1)CFbs were obtained by the method of enzymatic dispersion culture.
    Under the microscope:the shape of the CFbs Was spindle,it's boundary Was
     clear,and the nucleus was transparent and bright.After culturing 2~3 days,
    the CFbs grew confluent and subconfconfluent with the proliferation of the cell,
    and cells call be passed.The 2~5 generation cells were used for this
     (2)The CFbs were identified by immunocytochemistry.CFbs Was
     stained with anati-vimentin antibody by means of S-ABC.The plasma was
     stained positively by the color of brown yellow,but the nucleus of the cells
     (3)Under transmission electronic microscope,the size of the CFbs was
     varied,most of them were large with irregular shape.There were many micro
     villis on the surface of this cell.The plasma Was darkly stained,in which
     vacuole increased,mitochondrion’S volume decreased and RER dilated.
     2.The effect ofNE on synthesizing collagen ofthe CFbs.
     (1)The effect ofNE on Type I collagen synthesis ofCFbs
     We measured the HYP content in the culture medium of CFbs by HYP
     detection reagent kit.The HYP Can indicate collagen content of the culture
     medium.Type I content in culture medium Was examined using direct ELISA
    to observe the effectS of NE in collagen synthesis of CFbs.B0th of them
     increased significantly in the group NE compared to the control group
     (2)The effect of NE were observed on the expression of 醄I]collagen
     mRNA of CFbs using RT-PCR technology.The expression of mRNA in the
     group NE Was significantly higher than
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