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China stock market has been developing rapidly and now is the third largest market in the world since it was established more than30years ago when china was then carrying out the policy of transformation of the planned economy to the market economy. Although among the largest stock market throughout the world, China stock market still runs inefficiently, it is big but not strong.
     The reason why China stock market runs inefficiently lies in that there are kinds of deficiencies both from inside and outside of China stock market that restrain it from an efficient operation. The restraints from the inside are the lack of kinds of rules that a stock market depends on them to run efficiently, and the restraints from the outside refer to the over-intervention of the government into the stock market, the imperfectness of the laws and regulations and the lack of social credit system etc..
     How does a market operate depends on the participants'behaviors in it, it is necessary to study the participants'behaviors when one wants to have a better understanding of the efficiency of a stock market. This essay tries to study China stock market's operating mechanism by analyzing its participants'behaviors with the method of game theory. Through the study of both past and present characteristics of the participants'behaviors in China stock market and the interaction among them, comparing them to the counterparts of ideal stock market, the essay wants to reveal what's the real problem in China's stock market, and the reason why China stock market run inefficiently.
     This paper has analyzed the behavioral characteristics of three main participants, these are listing Corporations, investors and the government, in China stock market and their historical evolution. Based on in-depth analysis of the behavioral characteristics, through the establishment of game models, the interactions between the participants were analyzed, the mechanism underlying the participants'behaviors are explored, and the operating status of China stock market is evaluated.
     The study found that the reasons why China stock market operates inefficiently are due to inefficient governmental behavior, irrational behavior of listing corporations and investors, and the interactions among these three participants.
     China stock market is not unique comparing to the stock markets in other countries around the world, there is no fundamental difference between China stock market and other countries'stock markets. The reason why China stock market performs differently with that of other countries is only due to the fact that the three participants in China stock market don't behave in a rational and efficient way, this in turn makes the improvement of efficiency of China stock market impossible. There are many restraints both from the outside and the inside of the stock market that prevent market mechanism operating efficiently, those restraints hold back the fluent operation of China stock market and make China stock market an inefficient stock market, just like the sands that fall into the running toothed gears or the ropes that tie on a giant tightly.
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