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目前,全球定位系统(Global Positioning System, GPS)已经在全世界得到了广泛的应用,但大多是在信号条件较理想的环境中。当信号条件不理想时,例如在室内、森林和城市等环境中,遮挡、多径和干扰等现象较严重,GPS就得不到很好的应用。而这些环境恰是人类活动的主要场所,在这些环境中有很多重要的GPS应用需求,高性能卫星导航接收机正是为满足这一需求而产生的,成了导航领域的主要研究方向。本文以弱信号环境下高性能GPS接收机为出发点,围绕接收机的高灵敏度捕获及码片内多径分离技术展开了研究。其主要研究成果如下:
     1.研究了常用的高灵敏度GPS信号捕获算法,包括相干积分、非相干积分、差分相干积分、圆周相关,指出了这些算法各自的优缺点。分析了现有高灵敏度GPS信号捕获算法中存在的残余多普勒频率效应及码长多普勒效应对捕获性能的影响,提出了将DBZP、频差估计、差分相干和FFT等四种技术有机结合的捕获方法,并从检测概率、虚警概率、漏检概率及信噪比(Signal-to-Noise Ration, SNR)等参数对提出方法进行了性能分析。
     2.讨论了小参数条件下,输入信号、噪声和双稳系统三者协调作用所产生的随机共振(Stochastic Resonance, SR)现象,并从时域及频域结构分析了SR产生的机制。研究了自适应SR、二次采样SR的基本理论及其在弱信号检测中的应用。提出了基于SR的高灵敏度GPS信号捕获方法,该方法与传统捕获方法不同,在GPS信号捕获过程中,它不但能抑制噪声,而且能将部分噪声能量转换成信号能量,极大地提高了GPS信号的捕获灵敏度。利用实测数据集和仿真数据集对所提方法进行了实验分析,验证了其在捕获弱GPS信号方面的优越性。
At present, Global Positioning System (GPS) has got wide applications in thewhole world. However, it is mainly used in the environments where GPS signals appeargood. In those environments such as indoor, in forests and in cities, it can not be wellused because of the negative effects to the GPS signals caused by shading, multipath,interference and so on. But, these environments are the main areas where humans live in,and thus there are a lot of application requirements for GPS in these environments. Thehigh performance navigation receiver is studied to meet these requirements, and it hasbecome a main research direction in GPS navigation. In this thesis high-sensitivityacquisition and subchip multipath separation technologies are studied, aiming for thehigh performance navigation receiver in weak signal environments. The main topics andachievements of the study are as follows:
     1. A lot of high sensitive GPS signal acquisition algorithms are studied, such ascoherent integration, non-coherent integration, differential coherent integration andcircular correlation algorithms. Their advantages and disadvantages are discussed. TheDoppler frequency error and Doppler effect of C/A code are analyzed in some highsensitive GPS signal acquisition algorithms. A new acquisition method is proposed,which takes use of FFT transform, double block zero padding (DBZP), differentialcoherent algorithm and frequency error correction technology. Its acquisitionperformance is also analyzed through detection probability, false alarm probability, falsedismissal probability and SNR.
     2. The stochastic resonance(SR) phenomenon, created by cooperation of the threeparts of the bistable system,noise and an input signal, is investigated under thecondition of small parameters. The SR mechanism is analyzed through the structures oftime domain and frequency spectrum. The basic theories of adaptive SR and twicesampling SR are discussed. And their applications are also studied in weak signaldetection. Then, a weak GPS signal acquisition method based on SR is proposed. Thismethod is different from the traditional acquisition methods. In it SR can not onlysuppress noise but also turn parts of noise energy into signal energy to greatly improveGPS signal acquisition sensitivity. The proposed acquisition method is also analyzed inthe measured data sets and simulated data sets, and its advantages are validated.
     3. The technology for weak signal detection based on array bistable SR is studied.By introducing stationary auto-covariance, we study the SNR gain by using boththeoretical and numerical arguments. It is found that the noise in array bistable SR systems can be used to further enhance the ability of weak signal detection over isolatedbistable one. Based on this study, we analyze the effects of array noise, external noiseand array sizes on detection performance. A new acquisition method based on arraybistable SR is proposed. It is validated by experiments in the measured data sets andsimulated data sets that acquisition performance of the proposed method is muchimproved by using an array bistable SR than an isolated bistable one under the sameconditions.
     4. The characteristics of multipath signals and the error model are both discussed.Multipath effects on receiver performance are analyzed. Subchip multipath time delay(MTD) estimation algorithm based on projection onto convex sets (POCS) is studied. Anew MTD estimation algorithm is proposed based on constrained incremental Wienerfilter. By utilizing the time-delay priori estimation of GPS C/A code, the supportinterval and magnitude constraints are applied in the time-delay estimation andattenuation coefficient estimation in multipath impulse channels, respectively. Thesubchip MTD can be estimated through an iteration process of the incremental Wienerfilter under the constraint conditions. Theoretical analysis and numerical simulationresults show that the proposed algorithm has a low temporal complexity, spatialcomplexity, fast convergence, and high resolution in low SNR condition.
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