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From the prospective of analyzing Man-land connection based on the theory of system, this paper holds the view that population system and land system are most important and basic sub-systems for the social-ecosystem. Man-land system is a aggregate of population sub-system and land sub-system which have a affirmative connection. Its synergy is primarily embodied as the time series and the collaborative relationship between the two sub-systems.
     Based on this, in this paper the Chengdu Plain is considered as the study area, man-land system is considered as the research object. The subsystem's attribute and characteristics are used to as the sigh. By identifying two major subsystems of the population and land thoroughly, the overall features of both evolution formed in the process of coordination posture symbiotic degree of cooperation, this paper is able to explain the different types of collaborative mechanism, pursuant to which the identification and evaluation the Chengdu Plain man-land system as a whole collaborative feature, local to the whole layers of analysis reveals the relationship between people and landnature, causes and extent of the regional human contradiction, initially forming a relatively complete Chengdu Plain's basic framework of the synergy. Then the conclusions can be the basic premise of the socio-economic development strategy and related policies and the necessary practical guidance.
     Through the analysis, the thesis gives the following main research conclusions:
     (1) Status and characteristics of the population systems and land system
     Investigation and statistical analysis of the results shows that population of the Chengdu Plain growed rapidly. Mechanical population growth was a major source of population growth. The level of urbanization of the population was rather high and spatial distribution of population was imbalanced. The number variation and aging trends "The city grows while the country decreases" were obvious; the population distribution of industry was optimized from "one-three-two" to "three-two-one", showing that the industrial population distribution first industry decreased while that of the second and third industry increased. Therefore, the Chengdu Plain population system was in developmental changes and relatively open state, the overall number of the population, urban and rural, and industrial distribution structure properties in the development and changes was in the relative state of limbo.
     In our study period the components of the Chengdu Plain land system was relatively stable without much growth and reduction; the quantitativeattributes of the various types of land changed rapidly, the characteristics of "farmland decreases, the construction land increases" was significant; including arable land area decreased by78,100ha,37,900ha increase in residential and industrial land; significant quality attribute variability of the various types of land, soil rich in organic matter content, but low levels of phosphorus, potassium, soil contamination was more serious; differences in regional distribution of the various types of land obviously, taking advantage of the characteristics of differentiation significantly towns, fruit FAO and three regional forest FAO degree of land-use and land-use structure were significantly different, Chengdu Plain land system was the development of the process of change in the type (subsystems) composed of a relatively stable the quantity, quality and distribution properties of various types of land (subsystem) unstable state.
     (2)The synergistic characteristics of population, structural changes and changes in the number of types of land
     By introducing elastic coefficient, pressure index, the index of the contribution and the load on the population structure change with research of the number of types of land change, the results show that:
     Changes in the population were poorly synergistic with the change of arable land, forest land, land for construction, as well as rural residential land. In overall study period the "population-cultivated land elastic coefficient" was less than0and the mean value is of-1.45, indicating farmland deceleration overall faster than population growth; farmland pressure index increased to2008's1.3804from1999's1.1942, indicating that the actual supply of arable land capacity and population demand for food consumption in the long term for less than the imbalance. In our verall study period,"population-woodland elasticity coefficient" was greater than0and the mean value of1.214, indicating that the woodland growth rate was slightly faster than the population growth, both of which changed reasonably; woodland area and forest stock volume per capita overall low per capita forest resources supply capacity can not meet the practical needs of the population for forest products.2002to2008, the mean "population-construction land elasticity coefficient" reached1.562, indicating a significant departure from the population growth rate of construction land, both of which changed reasonably; rapid and sustained growth of construction land per capita, population contribution index by2001's0.829continued to grow to1.694in2008, the construction land consumption for the contribution of population scaled down year by year. In the study period, the "rural population-rural construction land elastic coefficient" was generally greater than0, and an average of0.1968, has lagged far behind that of rural residential land deceleration in rural population deceleration, both of which changed reasonably; rural residential land in population load increased to2008's252.24m2per capita from1999's183.81m2per capita, exceeding far from the national standard.
     Changes in number of agricultural labor in the working-age in conjunction with the changes in the number of agricultural land were poor. In overall study period,"agricultural labor-land elastic coefficient" was less than0, and a mean of-0.6494, showing that agricultural land decelerate significantly lagged behind the growth of the agricultural labor force within the working age, both of which changed reasonably; the overall bearing pressure index of agricultural land labor was greater than1and the mean value of1.69, indicating that the actual agricultural labor force in the working-age was in state of overloading in long term.
     The urban population changes and changes in the number of urban land use were basically synergistic.During the study period th "urban population-land elasticcoefficient" was generally greater than1and a mean of1.0804, indicating that the growth of urban population and urban land consistent, both relative change was more reasonable; urban land population load from1999's76.44m2per capita increased to83.73m2per capita in2008, reacing the national standard.
     Population industry distribution of structural changes and changes in the amount of land was more collaborative. In overall study period, the "working population in agriculture-agricultural land elastic coefficient" was greater than0and a mean of0.16, indicating that agricultural working population transfered faster in speed than farmland conversion, both of which changed relatively reasonably; the transfer rate of agricultural working population and the coordination degree of farmland conversion rate growed from1.258in1999to1.402in2008, indicating that both the rates of changes are able to adapt to each other.
     (3) the synergistic characteristics of the population, structural change and changes in land quality
     The evolution of the Chengdu Plain population level and its structure as well as the state of land quality coupling development process was divided into three stages, which, during the period from1999to2001, the overall population and structural level and the integrated land quality level was in weakly collaborative state; from2002to2005, the level of population structure and land quality state level was still not very collaborative; during the period from2006to2008, due to the fact that the speed of land ecological environmental decline slowed down and the land economy quality increased, in this stage the level of population size and its structure state as well as land quality state level was in synergistic state basically.
     (4) The synergistic characteristics of the spatial distribution of population change and land space distribution
     Population change of the spatial distribution and the land spatial distribution was in synergistic state. Counties of Chengdu Plain's (including cities, districts) land use dynamic degrees, and the degree of integrated land use change in the amount of population density changes showed a high positive correlation, both of which changed quite reasonably; higher the degree of spatial concentration of population area, the higher level of land use dynamic degrees and degree of integrated land use changing amount.
     The urban population spatial distribution changes and the space distribution of urban land use change were rather synergistic. The Chengdu Plain can be divided into two types based on the degree of change of the urban population density counties (including cities, districts), each type of area's urban"population-urban construction land elastic coefficient" was greater than1, indicating that the urban population growth rate lagged behind the town land growth. The spatial distribution of both area changed more reasonably; Class Ⅰ area of urban land use and the average growth of the urban population was far more than Class Ⅱ area, the average expansion rate of the two types of regional urban land use was significantly more than the average growth rate of the urban population in the same district, reaching the national standards.
     Changes of the rural population's spatial distribution and that of the space distribution of rural residential land were poorly synergistic. Based on the counties (including cities, districts) rural population density, the degree of change, the Chengdu Plain was divided into two types of regions, the relative changes in the spatial dimensions of the various types of area rural and rural residential land was unreasonable; the Ⅰ class area average rural changed far more than class Ⅱ region, but the average change in the amount of the class Ⅰ area of rural residential land were far lower than the class Ⅱ region; rural residential land in the population of the two regions average load greatly exceeded the national standard.
     The spatial distribution of agricultural labor in the working-age and the overall space distribution of agricultural land were not synergistic. The agricultural labor force in the Chengdu Plain's vast majority of counties (including cities, districts) of and its agricultural land relatively changed unreasonably; according to the direction and extent of the "neutral "of the number of agricultural labor in the working age, the Chengdu Plain was divided into four regions, in each typical region the labor pressure index is greater than1, indicating that farmland carrying agricultural labor force within the working-age is in state of overloading in long term.
     Population Industrial spatial distribution and its structural changes and the spatial distribution of the amount of land change is synergistic. According to the transfer level of each counties (cities, districts) in employed population in agriculture changing to non-agricultural sectors of metastasis, the Chengdu Plain was divided into three types of areas. In our study period, each type of areas the employed population in "agriculture-agricultural land elastic coefficient" was generally less thanl. indicating that both relative changes are reasonable; Class Ⅰ area farmland conversion0.1203104ha, far more than the other two regions, in each type of district, agricultural working population transfer rate and the rate of farmland conversion coordination degree were greater than1, indicating that the employed population in each type of area and agriculture and farmland conversion speed were able to adapt to each other.
     Based on the characteristics of the space coupling of the population and changes in structure and land quality contact coefficient, the Chengdu Plain can be divided into five regions, the spatial distribution of the population size and structural spatial distribution as well as the space distribution of land quality in each type of region shows non-synergy state.
     (5) integrated synergistic characteristics of man-land system
     Based on Matter-element theory, the man and land systems synergy analyte element nearness model is established to determine the ideal goals of synergistic development of t man-land system, to construct the index system of man-land system for collaborative analysis, to calculate under the different dimensions of the individual close to the degree and comprehensive approach degree. Though comparative analysis and comprehensive judgment of "the fact" of man-land relationship and the "target state" of synergistic development in man-land systems, the results show that:
     Overall, in2008, the calculation results from time dimension and spatial dimensions show that the Chengdu Plain's man-land synergy was in a "less synergic" state. Major limiting factors of man-land systems could be the forest area per capita, rural population loading of residential land, average working-age number of agricultural labor, soil pollution index and agricultural and economic output capacity. Secondary limiting factor was the arable land per capita, soil fertility index.
     Judging from the time dimension, Chengdu Plain man-land system in most of the years from1999to2008, was in the "less synergic" state. Which, from1999to2001in the "synergy" state into "less synergic" from2002to2006; from2007to2008, it was still in the "less synergic" state.
     From the spatial dimension, in most of the counties(including cities, districts) in the Chengdu Plain, the man-land system is not synergistic. Pixian, Wenjiang District, Qingbaijiang District, Guanghan City, as well as the Xindu District are in a "basically synergic" state;17districts including Chenghua, Jinniu, Jingyang Districts are in the state of "less synergic"; The Shifang City, An District, Jiangyou City, Jiajiang District and Pengshan County is "extremely asynergic" state.
     (6) policy implications
     Based on the findings above, this paper comes up with the idea of establishing a system of total foreign population control plan, making use of the population control" gate" to strictly control population mechanical growth.We should attach equal importance to arable land conservation as well as intensive land use. Make good connection land use structure and its industrial layout with the structure to optimize land use structure.Control the growth rate of urban and rural construction land.Guide the farmers to take the road of urbanization. Optimize agricultural structure. In those ways, the man-land system will develop synergically and operate continually.
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