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Island tourism is the world's tourism hot spot and priority area for tourism research. This research studies international tourism island and constructs scientifically the construction standards and evaluation system of international tourism island based on inbound tourism perspective, selecting Hainan island as the example for servicing the demands of Hainan international tourism island strategy, based on the travel system theory, tourism competition theory, the standard theory of tourism, tourism psychology and consumer behavior theory, sustainable development theory, considered the comparison and analysis of relevant international tourism island cases, inbound tourists perception, cognition and behavior after the trip as an objective basis, supported by the technology and methodology of literature analysis, questionnaires, structural analysis, factor analysis, space statistical model, the subjective and objective integrated weighting method, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. Furthermore, it uses the construction standards assess and verify the international travel level of the international tourism island of Hainan, which reveals the advantages and disadvantages of tourism development in the international tourism island of Hainan, and on this basis, proposes the corresponding optimization strategies and improvement measures. The research not only provides a theoretical and methodological reference for the construction standard of the international tourism island, but also provides a useful complement for the theoretical system of island tourism theory. More importantly, it provides the operable construction standards and assessment program for the implementation of national strategies of Hainan international tourism island, and for Hainan becoming a world-class international tourist island earlier.
     This study follows the research ideas of finding, analyzing and solving problems. It comprehensively uses the multi-disciplinary theory and research methods, with the technical line of theories and methods basic-data collection and field research empirical research-summarized the technical line and practical application. It reflects the ideology of the humanist and positivism throughout the empirical research and implementation,closely around the main line of the construction standards of international tourism island, and always from the analysis of the construction standard of international tourism island based on the perspective of inbound tourism. The research is divided into four parts. Part I:basic research components, including the first chapter, chapter II. Among them, the first chapter is an introduction, which describes the background, meaning, purpose, scope, definition, and research ideas and technical line; the second chapter is the review of relevant research at home and abroad. It summaries and reviews the relevant research at home and abroad, as the theoretical and basis for later study; Part II:standards research components, including the third chapter, chapter IV, V, is the main content of this article. It summarizes the basic consensus by comparing the relevant cases of the major international tourism islands in the world. It selects and determines the standards'factors (indicators) of the international tourism island by analyzing the perception of tourists and tour behavior. Thus it constructs more scientific construction standards of the international tourism island. Part III:empirical research component, including chapter VI. It focuses on the empirical study on construction of international tourism in Hainan Island, according the construction standards of the international tourism island. It tries to establish the evaluation system of international tourism island, evaluates comprehensively the present situation and international level of Hainan international tourism island, and proposes the optimal strategies and perfect measures for the construction of Hainan international tourism island, verifying that the standard being of scientific, rationality and feasibility. Part IV:conclusion and discussion component, including the research of chapter VII. It summarizes the studies of full text, draws the main conclusions, innovation and future research directions.
     The research breaks traditional limitations of qualitative analysis, first attempting at a comprehensive use of literature analysis, questionnaires, structural analysis, spatial statistical model, the subjective and objective comprehensive weight method, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and other methods. It establishes and assesses the international tourism island standards, reflecting quantitative and qualitative research methods combined in the standardization.lt provides a standardized analysis tools and research data support, reflecting method Innovation in the field of standards research Study finds that:①It needs to focus on seven main parts:the level of international tourism development, the conditions of international tourism market, the products of international tourism, the level of international tourism facilities and services, the environment of international tourism development, the protection system of international tourism, and the security system of international tourism. Among them, the level of international tourism development weights the most in many indicators, little difference among other indicators;②nalysis of inbound tourists'perception and tour behavioral is an important reference to build the international tourism island based on inbound tourism perspective. Among them, the first principal component factors for the perception of people to destination:a good image of island tourism, exotic architectural with features, beautiful island looks, good rest and relaxing environment, rich culture and folk customs, distinctive tourism activities and so on. The first principal component factors for the perception of people to people:warm and convenient advisory services, high level of service efficiency, good safety management, standard contract performance, and complete travel complaints mechanism, friendliness of local residents, and complete emergency response system;③According the comparison and analysis of relevant international tourism island cases, inbound tourists perception, cognition and behavior after the trip, the study builds the scientific construction standards of international tourism island based on inbound tourism perspective. The standards include seven integrated layers, 23 projects layers,130 index layers. It is reassure that the final outcome of various factors being consistent with the construction standards of international tourism island on inbound tourism perspective. It is also a good study of theories and methods for the construction standards of international tourism island on inbound tourism perspective; Based on the resulting construction standards of international tourism island on inbound tourism perspective, selecting Hainan international tourism island as a case, comprehensively using various technological approaches, the study evaluates comprehensively the status of Hainan international tourism island two levels of specific evaluation of standard basic factors and fuzzy evaluation of standard weights, and it obtains that the comprehensive evaluation score of Hainan international tourism island is 14.6445. So the study draws the conclusion that Hainan international tourism island belongs to the initial type of international tourism island, which demonstrates the methods being scientific and rational, and initially builds a construction standard evaluation system;⑤By the empirical evaluation and analysis of Hainan island with the construction standards, the study proposes the corresponding optimization strategy and improvement measures. It has a good guiding role for the specification, leading and promoting international tourism island of Hainan, and it responds national strategies and reflects application innovative better.
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