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Two laboratory scale experiments have been made using alfalfa . In experimen 1 , the effects of different fermented time (Oh ,24h ,48h ,72h) and adding glucose at rate of 50gL-1 20gL-1 5gL-1 on Previously Fermented Juice (PFJ) quality were studied ; In experiment 2, the Influences of treatments of alfalfa with different PFJ content (20mlkg-1,2 mlkg-1,0.2 mlkg-1) on silage quality at two dry matter levels (35.89% ,45.98%) were also studied . All the treatments consisted of three replications.
    In the 1st experiment, the PFJ was prepared by macerating 2.3kg of freshly alfalfa with 6.4L of water using a blender and filtered through double cheese cloth .The filtrate was kept anaerobically at 30℃ with or without glucose . The addition of glucose was effective in increasing amounts of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) , depressing the growth of coliform bacteria rapidly and lowering the pH value of PFJ , but the PFJ without glucose resulted in poor fermented quality . The PFJ quality was affected by both fermented time and glucose content, and got better with increasing glucose content, the largest and the least amounts of LAB and coliform bacteria of all the treatments were found on 48h after fermented . But we think the PFJ treated with glucose at rate of 20gL-1 was most suitable for additive of alfalfa silage.
    In the 2nd experiment ,It was carried out using third growth of alfalfa harvested just before the flowering stage, the harvested alfalfa was cut with a disintegrator into 2~4cm after wilted 0 ,8 hours, and treated before ensiling with 20ml ,2ml and 0.2mlkg-1 PFJ or 20mlkg-1water, they were preserved for 48 days . Results from this experiment showed the addition of PFJ was effective in improving the silage quality by increasing lactic acid content, depressing the formations of actic acid and ammonia , and lowering the pH value for both dry matter levels . The silage quality got better with increasing PFJ content, but the treatments with water at every moisture content were in poor quality and a large amount of butyric acid was found . The treatments with 20mIkg-1,2 mlkg-1 PFJ showed a relatively good quality.
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