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Along with global resources scarce pressure gradual enlargement, people's environmental consciousness strengthens day after day, national laws on the use of resources constraints become more perfect, especially in recent years, extended producer responsibility systems carries out. As Modern Logistics and Supply Chain Management important component, the reverse logistics becomes the focal point of the academic circle and the business community. Everybody is anticipating unearthed this "the dark mainland" of "the third source".
     Follows the principle that theoretical research services in the practice needs, in the detailed analysis of the existing traditional reverse logistics model, self-operation reverse logistics model, joint-operation reverse logistics model, outsourcing reverse logistics model and their advantages, disadvantages, the suitable condition and the reality application case. Considered five dimensions that the economic benefits, enterprise learning and growth, competitive environment, legal restriction, social responsbility have constructed the science, reasonably, comprehensive reverse logistics decision-making indicator system. Provide the basis for the enterprise to analysis their own conditions; make a reseasonable decision-making of reverse logistics.
     Based on the study of numerous scholars achievements in scientific research earnestly, concludes the deep research to the multi-objective decision making method. Understand fully to the pure weight of subjective and objective numerous malpractices, the simple law and / portfolio of combination weight is not obvious to eliminate the weight of subjective and objective. Integrates mathematics, management, operations research, systems theory, decision theory, and other academic knowledge, develop a method of combination weighting in multiple attribute decision making based on association value method. And confirms its scientific rationality through the example, provides the method support for the solution multi-objective decision making question.
     Carries on the investigation to the iron ore mine enterprise's debris processing question, the debris processing question directly relate to environmental protection, the enterprise image, the profit of enterprise and the producer responsibility, as a mining policy makers, the use of any method to deal with problems of tailings Rational decision-making is a strategic issue. According to the reverse logistics decision-making index system, use the method of combination weighting in multiple attribute decision-making based on association value method to have an empirical analysis. Achieve a very good Economic and social benefits, at the same time, it also proves that the method of combination weighting in multiple attribute decision making based on association value method is scientific, rational, easy-to-use, and enforceable.
     Take recycling economy and sustainable development theory as the principle, construct the closed reverse logistics network, is still the main trends in future research, especially on the reverse logistics management of the development standardization issues, reverse logistics system structural problems, reverse logistics supplier's choice, Decision-making methods and other issues need to invest more in-depth study of energy.
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