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It was not until 1990 that our country embarked on developing the Chinese green food by developing safe, nutritional and pollution-free food of quality, protecting and improving ecological environment, enhancing the quality of the agricultural produce and processed product so as to reinforce the health of both the urban and the rural residents and promote the sustained development of national economy and our society.
    Green food is a safe, nutritional, pollution-free food of high quality. It is produced according to the principles of sustainable development and certain ways of production and accredited by the special institution to use the brand of green food. The production and development of the green food is the reflection of the modern agriculture production pattern based on the concept of sustainable development; it is to choose the way for development with national characteristics based on " International FO Agricultural Movement"(IFOAM). In this sense, it is undoubtedly boasting of vigor and vitality. The developing features of green food industry take it into industrialization.
    With ten years of practice and experience, green food industry has developed a rather comprehensive industry management standards and quality control standards. However, it is far from perfect. The problems are mainly as follows:
    (1) poor organization
    (2) incomplete management of the service network
    (3) lacking in the support of the policy
    (4) unobvious advantage in industrialization
    (5) poor agricultural production environment
    The main content of the operation system of green food industrialization is the following:
    (1) Four types of organization pattern, namely, " company + farmer", " company + base + farmer", "company + cooperative agent + farmer", " company + intermediate agent + farmer".
    (2) Organization system: loose connection pattern, close connection pattern and intense connection pattern.
    (3) Policy system: different connection pattern has its own corresponding policy system. Generally, there are distribution policy, coordination policy and concentration policy.
    (4) Interest and profit system is the engine system of the green food industrialization and the most important operation system. Roughly speaking, green food industrialization is able to reduce transaction cost, take the coordination effect and concentration effect into full potential and produce accumulative volume of economy by creation and distribution of the interests and profits so as to lay the foundation for the integration of the green food industrialization.
    (5) Risk system is actually the extension of the interest and profit system. The appropriation and use of the venture capital have to depend on the economic condition and the company's financial situation so that the risks in the market can be avoided.
    By analyzing the operation system of green food industrialization, especially some of the key points in the operation system such as reinforcing the pioneering role of green food, improving the organization of green food farmers in an all-round way and collocating reasonably the resources of green food industry, etc. the most important problems in the operation system of green food industrialization, for example, interests and profits connection system, resources collocation and policy support, etc are systematically elucidated.
    The building of the green food marketing system is the problem that the green food industry have to face both in the international and the domestic market. By analyzing the market and building the green food marketing system, market-orientation principle, one of the most important principles in green food industrialization, is affirmed and built. The demand of the market if the locomotive of the development of the industry while the cultivation of the market is the prerequisite for the expansion of the industry.
    Based on the above mentioned, this thesis put forward the policies for the development of the green food industry:
    (1) To increase the total profit volume of
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