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     自加入 WTO 后,“绿色贸易壁垒”作为国际贸易中的非关税壁垒,重重
    DEMATEL 方法、协调分析方法、数据包络分析方法和灰色关联度分析等方法
     第一章 绪论 明确了本文选题的背景、目的和意义,介绍了绿色产品
     第二章 绿色产品及其评价指标体系 归纳了绿色产品区别于传统产品
     第三章 产品的绿色属性影响因素分析
    属性的主要影响指标。本章建立了基于 DEMATEL 方法的产品绿色属性影响
    DEMATEL 方法的一个性质,即 DEMATEL 方法求得的中心度与原因度与指
     第四章 绿色产品评价模型与方法及其应用
    第五章 绿色产品评价系统软件(GPASS)开发
Population, resource and environment are the most important aspects for the
    living of human being and the development of society. People pay greater attention
    to Environment problems because environment is getting worse day by day. With
    the rapid development of industries are developing, Environment has deteriorated
    at a speed that has never appeared. It is the dominant direction of the production to
    exploit and design Green Products (GP) in order to make Environment and the
    social economy an organic whole and realize the sustainable development of
    society. And all of the countries make great effort to research and develop new GP
    in the world.
     The Non-tariff barrier in the international trade, green trade barrier has been
    striking heavily our country’s foreign trade exportation, after China enters WTO.
    How to evaluate GP exactly are paid fully attention to and need to be solved
    urgently at present. While Green Products Assessment (GPA) covers all aspects of
    Green design and Green Manufacturing of products, correctly to evaluate the
    greenness of GP not only guides people to bring green consumption into effect, but
    also provides the scientific foundation for manufacturing to exploit the key
    technology of Green design and Green Manufacturing. So, it is always the hotspot
    problems to study on the theory & method of GPA.
     The purpose of this paper is to study on the theory & method/model of Green
    Products assessment systematically by using AHP, DEMATEL method,
    Concordance Analysis method, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method, Gray
    Incidence Degree Analysis method and the other methods to evaluate the greenness
    of GP, program Green Products Assessment Software (GPASS) and discuss the
    primary application of Green Manufacturing in Bionic terrain machinery at last.
     The paper is divided into seven chapters as the following:
     Chapter one, Introduction. We explicate the background, the aim and
    meaning of the research, introduce the rise, the concept, the development and the
    production technology of GP, and illuminate the meaning of the study on the theory
    & method of GPA. After summarizing the status of the study of the theory and
    methods of GPA, we point out that there are many problems needed to study, such
    as building the suitable assessment indices system and the model to evaluate the
    greenness of GP, programming the assessment software for GP and the application
    of the theory & method of GPA and the others. We present the technical course and
    the structure of this paper.
     Chapter Two, Green Product and its assessment indices system. We
    summarize GP characteristics different from traditional products. The
    characteristics include the environmental friendships, its life cycle with
    multi-generation, its advanced technology, its relativity, its time limitation and its
    region, etc. We discuss the supporting technologies of the greenness of GP that are
    needed in all processes during its whole life cycle. These technologies contain
    Green Design, Green Manufacturing, Green Packaging, Green authentication
    system, Green Stream, Green Marketing, Green service, Green Investment, Green
    Education, green software programming and other technology. And then, we state
    the theoretical foundation and principles to build the assessment indices system of
    GP, give a primary assessment indices system based on them, and at last introduce
    the method to decide the assessment standard of GP based on the concept of
    referent product.
     Chapter Three, The Analysis of The Influence Factors on Greenness of
    Product. We do a deep research on the key influence factors on the greenness of
    GP and evaluate them, so that we can improve the scientificalness and reliability of
    GPA. We must analyze the degree of each index in the assessment indices system
    that influences on the greenness of products, and then decide the key indices to
    evaluate the greenness.
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