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    的强度更大,时效更持久:培养 70 天新鲜牛粪有效磷增加值 117.6 mg/kg,与培养
    起始相当,而腐熟牛粪显著降低,仅 47.0 mg/kg。新鲜牛粪和腐熟牛粪增加土壤有
    效果大于低肥力土壤:淹水培养按 1%比例添加腐熟牛粪后,各培养期平均高肥力土
    壤有效磷增加 15.1 mg/kg,低肥力土壤为 9.2 mg/kg。 
    的相关性,与 pH 值不相关。说明有效磷衰减主要是由于有机质分解后土壤固定磷的
    土粪和牛粪速效磷分别为对照的 1.4、4.7 和 8.8 倍。成熟期盆栽种植区对照、三料
    磷肥、土粪和牛粪速效磷分别为 3.8、24.6、36.0 和 115.8 mg/kg。 
    肥、土粪和牛粪干物质分别较对照增加 3.7%、31.8%和 37.8%。            
    施磷平均增产 996 kg ha-1,增产率 25.9%;去除分蘖仅增产 396 kg ha-1,增产率 12.6
    密度增产 1274 kgha-1,增产率 34.2%,高密度分别为 962 kg ha-1和 20.2%;晚播
    低密度增产 1015 kg ha-1,增产率 34.7%,高密度分别为 735 kg ha-1和 18.5%。 
Phosphorus is a elementary nutrient element for the growth and development of
    plant. Available P deficiency in soil is a key factor of limiting the development of
    agriculture in many regions, thereby the application of P fertilizer was significantly
    increased crop yields. As a result of special physical and chemical properties of soil, the
    utilization rate of crop on P fertilizer is low. Applying organic manure in agriculture is
    recognized in our country all long. Many results showed that available P in soil was
    increased by adding organic manure, the effect of organic manure was higher than
    inorganic P. However, report about dynamics changes of organic manure on available P is
    less. Many researches consider that the validity of P in organic manure was high and
    durative, but no reliable proof. Effect of P fertilizer is connected with soil condition,
    adding fertilizer ways, water, nitrogen and crop specials. Ability of different crop utilizing
    P is difference. Total P is abundant in soil, many of the researches carried out have
    concentrated on how to breed variety for P efficiently utilization. Thereby, study on
    difference of plant response on P is helpful. water and nutrients effectively to achieve the
    goal of high yield, good quality and high efficiency. The methods of incubation experiment
    and culture experiment were used to study the effect of organic manure on available P,
    organic component in soil and the role of increasing wheat yields by P fertilizer. The main
    experimental results were shown as followings:
     (1) Available phosphorus increased muchly in soil by added organic manure. The role
    of fresh beef feces was stronger and durative than that of rotten about increasing of
    available phosphorus in soil. The role of organic manure in fertile soil was stronger than
    that in infertile soil. The capacity of fixating phosphorus in infertile soil was higher than
    one in fertile soil.
     (2) Increasing value of available phosphorus decreased gradually with the
    prolongation incubated-time, fixation of phosphorus was occurred in soil. Availability of
    phosphorus was declined. Organic manure enhanced solid phosphorus, as well as. The
    decline of available phosphorus was significantly correlated with the decrease of soil
    organic matter, not with pH. The capacity of phosphorus adsorption in soil was
    strengthened after the decomposition of soil organic matter.
     (3) Application of phosphate fertilizer, organic manure increased soil available P, and
    the effects of organic manure were more significant than phosphate fertilizer, there are
    higher available P at maturity of wheat.
     (4) No difference was found in content and component of organic P for phosphate
    fertilizer added, while the increase was observed at initial stages by organic manure
    applications, the reduction of organic P was observed with time postpone, there was no
    significant difference with control at maturity of wheat. The changes of organic P content
    was cause from Labile pool and Moderately Labile pool , Moderately Resistant pool and
    Resistant pool were stable. There were significantly correlation for available P with total
    organic P, Labile pool and Moderately Labile pool, and unrelated with Moderately
    Resistant pool and Resistant pool. The results of plantation and fallow were consistent.
     (5) Application of organic manure showed higher effect on crop yield than phosphate
    fertilizer, it might be related with the available supplying of phosphors nutrient.
     (6) Application of P fertilizer significantly increased yields of wheat. Increasing
    yield were lower at cutting tillers by P; higher at low plant density, the same results
    obtained by application of P on wheat at different times for sowing.
     (7) Harvesting ear numbers were high, however grains numbers per ear obviously
    reduced with high plant density and no cutting tillers; different results was observed with
    added P.
     (8) No difference was found in P content by applying P, but increased in P uptake
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