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The urban belt park, one type of city park greens, is an unique element to form the city greens system, with the belt pattern to play the role of city ecological corridor, and to be the bridge to connect the patches, and patches and fragment in the urban green networks. Meanwhile, the urban belt park is vital in beautifying the urban landscape and improving the urban environment, especially the recreation and biological environments.
    The essay, in the spirit of exploration and learning from the methodologies of case analysis, landscape ecology and case study, has done a through research into the urban belt park in terms of its development history, concept, characteristics, functions and design principles. The research findings are summarized as below.
    First, the history of the urban belt parks at abroad and overseas is briefed; the reasons why "the urban park greens" has not become the technical term in the relevant western literatures is studied; several concepts related to the urban belt park such as "park way", "green way" "green corridor" and "urban green corridor" is analyzed respectively and differences pointed out. Furthermore, characteristics, functions and types of the city belt park are summarized.
    Second, by researching into the percentage of the city belt park in the urban greens system, and based on the analysis of the statistic data on the ratio of the urban belt park in the city park greens and affiliated greens, such conclusions have been made that the percentage of the urban belt parks are insufficient in the urban park greens system. Accordingly, recommendations are proposed that the situation could be resolved by restructuring and expanding the urban affiliated greens into urban belt parks.
    Third, the landscape structure and functions of the urban belt park are stated theoretically on a basis of landscape ecology and landscape analytic methodologies. Meanwhile, the landscape structure, percentage and impacts on ecological environment of city green systems and the urban belt park are studied in accordance with the satellite pictures of the research zone in Haidian district and other outputs and data.
    Fourth, the favorable advantages and active roles of the urban belt park are explicitly
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