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Since the reform of the RMB exchange rate regime was implemented in July,2005, the value of the RMB has depreciated internally and appreciated externally.Externally, the appreciation was dramatic, both in terms of the appreciaton of theRMB against the U.S. dollar, and against a basket of currencies. Internally, thedepreciation of the RMB means the inflation in China. The RMB internaldepreciation and external appreciation and the imbalanced economy brought a seriesof shocks and challenges to the performance of China’s economy and the policysetting, such as the deterioration of the operation environment for firms, the financingdifficulty for small-medium enterprises, the decline of resource allocation efficiency,the difficulty of monetary policy implementation, the mounting risk for themanagement of foreign exchange reserve, the impairment of banking profit, thedifficulty for financial regulation and the rise of financial risk. The thesiscomprehensively analyzes the reason and mechanism of the RMB internaldepreciation and external appreciation from the perspectives of puchasing powerparity (PPP), interest rate parity (IRP), balance of payment (BOP), and globalperspective. Furthermore, the thesis discusses the logical relationships between thefour pespectives, and provides policy recommendations.
     According to the research, there are five reasons for the RMB internaldepreciation and external appreciation. Firstly, in terms of relative PPP, the RMBinternal appreciation and external depreciation between1998and2004caused theRMB real exchange rate deviation. The RMB internal depreciation and externalappreciation after2005was the result of mean reversion of the RMB exchange rate.
     Secondly, according to Balassa-Samuelson (B-S) Effect, in the catching up stagefor China economy, that the productivity of tradable sector was much higher than thatof untradable sector, as were as the turning point of labor supply, led to the rapid riseof the price of untradable sector, the structural inflation in China and the appreciationof the RMB real exchange rate. From the perpective of absolute PPP, the RMBapproaches parity gradually via real exchange rate appreciation, as the rise of China’sper capita income.
     Thirdly, the “carry trade cycle” accelerated the RMB internal depreciation and external appreciation. The RMB appreciation expectation, which was caused byexogenous variable, triggered the carry trade, and brought about the large-scale inflowof international capital from various channels. Additonally, this led to the loosemonetary and credit environment in China, the internal depreciation of the RMB, andthereby the tightening of monetary policy and the raise of interest rate by PBC, thecentral bank of China. Finally, the appreciation expectation of the RMB exchangerate and carry trade was strengthened. The “carry trade cycle”, an endogenousmechanism, caused the RMB internal depreciation and external appreciation in aself-fulfilment approach.
     The fourth, the high saving rate in China resulted from the factors such aseconomic development stage, income devision, demographic structure, housing boom,and hot money inflow. In addition, the rising saving rate led to the current accountsurplus as percent of GDP in China increased from1.7%in2000to10.1%in2007.The tremendous current account surplus brought about the rise of the RMB exchangerate appreciation pressure.“High saving rates cycle” was another endogenousmechanism that strengthened the RMB internal depreciation and external appreciation.The exogenous variable, such as economic development stage, increased China’ssaving rate, gave rise to huge current account surplus and the external appreciation ofthe RMB, and caused the hot money inflow and loose monetary and creditenvironment. Furthermore, it led to the internal dereciaion of the RMB and thehousing boom. Finally, the housing boom and hot money inflow further increasedthe saving rate.
     The fifthe, global imbanlances and two-speed world economy brought about theinternal depreciation and external appreciation of emerging markets currencies.Since2000, the appreciation of emerging markets currencies against the U.S. dollarhave been caused by the dramatic increase of the saving rate and the current accountsurplus of emerging markets, and the current account deficit of the United States.Under the background of the international monetary system, characteristized by thedollar standard and global imbalances, the long term weak dollar and the low interestrate of the dollar aggravated the carry trade, and led to the internal depreciation andexternal appreciation of emerging markets currencies, including the RMB.
     Furthermore, the thesis corrects the misuse of absolute PPP and B-S theory injudging the undervaluation or overvaluation of the RMB. It was belived that, as longas the RMB exchange rate against the U.S. dollar was higher than the absolute PPP, the RMB exchange rate was undervalued, for example, the big MAC index compiledby The Econmist. From the perspective of B-S theory, at the current developmentstage for China, when China’s per capita income is merely1/8of the United States,that RMB exchange rate is higher than absolute PPP conforms to the law ofdevelopment.
     The thesis reveals that, the world economy has experienced profound changessince international financial crisis broke out in2008. Especially since the recent oneor two year, the internal depreciation and external appreciation of the RMB, and otheremerging markets currencies, have temporarily eased, even might reverse in the nearterm. There are four reasons for the reversion. Firstly, due to the fast real exchangerate appreciation for the RMB, from the relative PPP perspective or the B-S theoryperspective, the RMB exchange rate have reached reasonable level in the short term,or even overvalued to some extent. Secondly, exogenous variable shocks such as the“4-Trillion stimulus plan” decreased China’s saving-investment gap, improved thebalance of payments imbalances, and broke the endogenous mechanisms such as“high saving rates cycle” and “carry trade cycle”. The third, international financialcrisis and European sovereign debt crisis forced the United States and Europeancountries to adjust their economic structure, which restored the banalce of paymentfor developed countries. The fourth, the quantitative easing (QE) tapering of the Fedled to the backflow of carry trade fund, which caused the turmoil of emerging marketsfinancial markets and the depreciation of emerging markets currencies.
     Of course, in the long term, as long as China’s economy keeps growing in arelatively high rate, the two-speed world economy persists, and the gaps of per capitaincome and tradable sector productivity between China and the United States keepdeclining, the RMB real exchange rate will maintain the trend of appreciation.
     To sum up, the RMB internal depreciation and external appreciation results fromboth exogenous variables and indogenous mechanisms. Furthmore, internaldepreciation and external appreciation is not the unique phenomenon of the RMB, butwidely shared by emerging markets. Emerging markes are in a dilemma, eithersuffering carry trade, internal depreciation and external appreciation, impairedmonetary policy autonomy, or sacrifying economic and financial stablilty. Animportant approach to solve the dilemma is to promote the RMB internationalization,the reform of international monetary system, and form a trio-currency (the U.S. dollr,the Euro and the RMB) international monetary system. In order to solve the problems broght about by the RMB internal depreciation and external appreciation,China has to promote the economic structural adjustment and reform of the RMBexchange rate regime on the one hand, and promote the capital account liberalization,the RMB internationalization, and the reform of international monetary system on theother.
    ④Goldstein, M.&Lardy, N.,“China’s Exchange Rate Policy Dilemma”, American Economic Review, Vol.96,No.2, May2006, pp.422-426. Cline, W.&Williamson, J.,“Notes on Equilibrium Exchange Rates”, PetersonInstitute for International Economics, Policy Brief, January2010.盛松成:《人民币“外升内贬”是我国经济发展的阶段性现象》,《金融时报》,2014年1月3日,第002版。
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    ②Dornbusch, R.,“Expectations and Exchange Rate Dynamics”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol.84, No.6,1976,PP.1161-1176. Frenkel, J.,“The Collapse of Purchasing Power Parities during the1970s”, NBER Working PaperNo.569,1980. Rogoff, K.,“The Purchasing Power Parity Puzzle”, Journal of Economic Literature, Vol.34,1996,PP.647-668.
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    ⑥Abuaf, N.&Jorion, P.,“Purchasing Power Parity in the Long Run”, Journal of Finance, Vol.45, No.1,1990, PP.157-174. Isard, P.,“Equilibrium Exchange Rates: Assessment Methodologies”, IMF Working Paper No.296,2007.Lothian, J.&Taylor, M.,“Real Exchange Rate Behavior: The Recent Float from the Perspective of the Past TwoCenturies”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol.104, No.3,1996, PP.488-509. Obstfeld, M.&Rogoff, K.,“The SixMajor Puzzles in International Macroeconomics: Is There a Common Cause”, NBER Macroeconomic Annual,Vol.15,2000, PP.339-390. Rogoff, K.,“The Purchasing Power Parity Puzzle”, Journal of Economic Literature, Vol.
    34,1996, PP.647-668.
    ⑦Abuaf, N.&Jorion, P.,“Purchasing Power Parity in the Long Run”, Journal of Finance, Vol.45, No.1,1990, PP.157-174.
    ⑧Rogoff, K.,“The Purchasing Power Parity Puzzle”, Journal of Economic Literature, Vol.34,1996, PP.647-668.
    ①Balassa, B.,“The Purchasing Power Parity Doctrine: A Reappraisal”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol.72,No.6,1964, PP.584-596. Samuelson, P.,“Theoretical Notes on Trade Problems”. The Review of Economics andStatistics, Vol.46, No.2,1964, PP.145-154.
    ②巴拉萨-萨缪尔森理论认可一价定律在可贸易部门是适用的。另外一方面对实际汇率偏离的看法则认为,一价定理在可贸易部门也会产生偏离,这方面的研究主要集中在分析交易成本、不完全竞争、市场结构等方面。交易成本说认为,运输成本等交易成本的存在阻碍了两国间价差的套利的实现,从而使得可贸易部门出现对一价定律的偏离。关于实际汇率及人民币实际汇率研究的综述性文章,可参见杨盼盼、徐建炜(2011)。Krugman(1986)则从另外一个角度对这一现象作出解释。Krugman认为,出口企业倾向于维持出口目的地货币计价的销售价格的稳定,这一现象称为依市场定价(Pricing to Market)。参见:杨盼盼、徐建炜:《实际汇率的概念、测度及影响因素研究:文献综述》,《世界经济》,2011年第9期,第66-94页;Krugman, P.,“Pricing to Market When the Exchange Rate Changes”, NBER Working Paper No.1926,1986.
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    ①Branson, W.,“The Minimum Covered Interest Differential Needed for International Arbitrage Activity”, Journalof Political Economy,77, No.6, November/December1969, PP.1028-1035. Prachowny, M.,“A Note onInterest Parity and the Supply of Arbitrage Funds”, Journal of Political Economy,78, No.3May/June1970, PP.540-545. Aliber, R.,“The Interest Rate Parity Theorem: A Reinterpretation”, Journal of Political Economy,81,No.6, November/December1973, PP.1451-1459. Frenkel, J.,“Elasticities and the Interest Parity Theory”,Journal of Polictical Economy,81, No.3May/June1973, PP.741-747.
    ②Branson, W.,“The Minimum Covered Interest Differential Needed for International Arbitrage Activity”, Journalof Political Economy,77, No.6, November/December1969, PP.1028-1035.
    ③Aliber, R.,“The Interest Rate Parity Theorem: A Reinterpretation”, Journal of Political Economy,81, No.6,November/December1973, PP.1451-1459.
    ④Prachowny, M.,“A Note on Interest Parity and the Supply of Arbitrage Funds”, Journal of Political Economy,78,No.3May/June1970, PP.540-545. Frenkel, J.,“Elasticities and the Interest Parity Theory”, Journal ofPolictical Economy,81, No.3May/June1973, PP.741-747.
    ⑤Frenkel, J.&Levich, R,“Covered Interest Arbitrage: Unexploited Profits?”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol.83, No.2, Apr.,1975, PP.325-338.
    ⑦Dornbusch, R.,“Expectations and Exchange Rate Dynamics”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol.84, No.6,1976,PP.1161-1176.
    ①Calvo G.,&Reinhart, C.,“Fear of Floating”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol.117, No.2, May,2002,PP.379-408.
    ⑤一些研究将金融压抑定义为存款实际利率很低或者负为利率(Lardy,2008)。参见:Lardy, N.,“FinancialRepression in China”, Peterson Institute for International Economics, Policy Brief, September,2008(http://www.piie.com/publications/pb/pb08-8.pdf).
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    ①Goldstein, M.&Lardy, N.,“China’s Exchange Rate Policy Dilemma”, American Economic Review, Vol.96,No.2, May2006, pp.422-426. Cline, W.&Williamson, J.,“Notes on Equilibrium Exchange Rates”, PetersonInstitute for International Economics, Policy Brief, January2010.盛松成:《人民币“外升内贬”是我国经济发展的阶段性现象》,《金融时报》,2014年1月3日,第002版。
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    ①Balassa, B.,“The Purchasing Power Parity Doctrine: A Reappraisal”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol.72,No.6,1964, PP.584-596. Samuelson, P.,“Theoretical Notes on Trade Problems”. The Review of Economics andStatistics, Vol.46, No.2,1964, PP.145-154.
    ②Abuaf, N.&Jorion, P.,“Purchasing Power Parity in the Long Run”, Journal of Finance, Vol.45, No.1,1990, PP.157-174. Isard, P.,“Equilibrium Exchange Rates: Assessment Methodologies”, IMF Working Paper No.296,2007.Lothian, J.&Taylor, M.,“Real Exchange Rate Behavior: The Recent Float from the Perspective of the Past TwoCenturies”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol.104, No.3,1996, PP.488-509. Obstfeld, M.&Rogoff, K.,“The SixMajor Puzzles in International Macroeconomics: Is There a Common Cause”, NBER Macroeconomic Annual,Vol.15,2000, PP.339-390. Rogoff, K.,“The Purchasing Power Parity Puzzle”, Journal of Economic Literature, Vol.34,1996, PP.647-668.
    ③Abuaf, N.&Jorion, P.,“Purchasing Power Parity in the Long Run”, Journal of Finance, Vol.45, No.1,1990, PP.157-174.
    ④Rogoff, K.,“The Purchasing Power Parity Puzzle”, Journal of Economic Literature, Vol.34,1996, PP.647-668.
    ①Balassa, B.,“The Purchasing Power Parity Doctrine: A Reappraisal”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol.72,No.6,1964, PP.584-596. Samuelson, P.,“Theoretical Notes on Trade Problems”. The Review of Economics andStatistics, Vol.46, No.2,1964, PP.145-154.
    ①Balassa, B.,“The Purchasing Power Parity Doctrine: A Reappraisal”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol.72,No.6,1964, PP.584-596. Samuelson, P.,“Theoretical Notes on Trade Problems”. The Review of Economics andStatistics, Vol.46, No.2,1964, PP.145-154.
    ①参见:The Economist, February,2007.
    ①Balassa, B.,“The Purchasing Power Parity Doctrine: A Reappraisal”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol.72,No.6,1964, PP.584-596. Samuelson, P.,“Theoretical Notes on Trade Problems”. The Review of Economics andStatistics, Vol.46, No.2,1964, PP.145-154.
    ①Garber, P.&Taylor, M.,“Sand in the Wheels of Foreign Exchange Markets: A Sceptical Note”, EconomicJournal, Vol.105, No.428, Jan.,1995, PP.173-180.唐旭、梁猛:《中国贸易顺差中是否有热钱,有多少?》,《金融研究》,2007年第9期,第1-19页;李衡、周菁、李劭钊:《人民币升值背景下热钱流入的途径、规模与影响》,《北京邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》,2008年,第10卷第4期,第45-51页;黎友焕、郭文美:《当前地下钱庄的影响及其对策分析》,《福建师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》,2008年第5期(总第152期),第46-51页;张明:《当前热钱流入中国的规模与渠道》,《国际金融》,2008年第7期,第59-64页。
    ②关于套息交易的操作手法和投资策略的介绍,可参阅Burnside等人(2008)。参见Burnside, C., Rebelo, S.&Eichenbaum, M.,“Carry Trade: The Gains of Diversification”, Journal of the European Economic Association,Vol.6, No.2/3, Proceedings of theTwenty-Second Annual Congress of the European Economic Association, Apr.-May,2008, PP.581–588.
    ①Dornbusch, R.,“Expectations and Exchange Rate Dynamics”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol.84, No.6,1976,PP.1161-1176.
    ②论文第五章将详细讨论新兴市场经济体货币“内贬外升”的共同特征及背景。Calvo&Reinhart(2002)研究了发展中国家的汇率制度,提出“惧怕浮动”(fear of floating)的概念。参见Calvo G.,&Reinhart, C.,“Fearof Floating”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol.117, No.2, May,2002, PP.379–408;张志超:《汇率制度理论的新发展:文献综述》,中国社会科学院国际金融研究中心工作论文No.3,2001年8月。
    ②Obstfeld, M., Shambaugh, J.&Taylor, A.,“Monetary Sovereignty, Exchange Rates, and Capital Controls: TheTrilemma in the Interwar Period,” IMF Staff Papers, Vol.51, Special Issue,2004, PP.75-108.
    ③Shambaugh, J.,“The Effect of Fixed Exchange Rates on Monetary Policy,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol.119, No.1,2004, PP.301-352.
    ②Obstfeld, M., Shambaugh, J.&Taylor, A.,“Monetary Sovereignty, Exchange Rates, and Capital Controls: TheTrilemma in the Interwar Period,” IMF Staff Papers, Vol.51, Special Issue,2004, PP.75-108.
    ①从某种意义上来看,在当前的人民币汇率制度下,中国的资本和金融项目顺差是经常项目顺差的副产品,正是由于经常项目持续出现顺差,导致人民币升值预期升温和国际资本的净流入,从而造成了资本和金融项目顺差。Obstfeld(2011,2012)认为,尽管国际资本市场的深化和资金的双向流动迅速增长,经常项目平衡仍然非常重要。经常项目失衡在很大程度上导致了20世纪80年代的拉美债务危机、1997年东南亚金融危机、2007年美国次贷危机、2010年欧洲主权债务危机等。后文将要介绍的Feldstein-Horioka之谜在过去30年间挥之不去也意味着,资本流动无法掩盖经常项目平衡的重要性,国内储蓄仍然对国内投资产生重要的预算约束。参见:Obstfeld, M.,“Financial Flows, Financial Crisis, and Global Imbalances”,Keynote Address to the15thInternational Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance,26-28May,2011, University of Crete, Rethymno, Greece. Obstfeld, M.,“Does the Current Account Still Matter?”,NBER Working Paper, No.17877, March,2012. Feldstein, M., Horioka, C.,“Domestic Saving and InternationalCapital Flows”, The Economic Journal, Vol.90,1980.
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    ④Coakley, Kulasi&Smith(1998)做了有关Feldstein-Horioka之谜的文献综述。参见:Coakley, J., Kulasi F.,Smith R.,“The Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle and Capital Mobility: A Review”, International Journal of Finance andEconomics, Vol.3,1998, PP.169–188. Obstfeld, M.&Rogoff, K.,“The Six Major Puzzles in InternationalMacroeconomics: Is There a Common Cause”, NBER Macroeconomic Annual, Vol.15,2000, PP.339-390.
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    ③数据来源:IMF World Economic Outlook数据库。
    ⑥Roubini, N.,“Current Account and Budget Deficits in an International Model of Consumption and TaxationSmoothing: A Solution to the ‘Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle?”, NBER Working Paper No.2773, November1988.Normandin, M.,“Budget Deficit Persistence and the Twin Deficits Hypothesis”, Journal of InternationalEconomics, Vol.49,1999, PP.171–193.
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    ②也有可能如Penati和Dooley(1984)所质疑的那样,Sachs的研究结论过于依赖异常值。参见:Penati,A.,&Dooley, M.,“Current Account Imbalance and Capital Formation in the Industrialised Countries”, IMF StaffPapers, Vol.31,1984, PP.1–24.
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    ②Coakley, Kulasi&Smith(1998)也表达了类似的看法。参见:Coakley, J., Kulasi F., Smith R.,“TheFeldstein-Horioka Puzzle and Capital Mobility: A Review”, International Journal of Finance and Economics, Vol.3,1998, PP.169–188.
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