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Objective: To investigate moxibustion and Chinese medicine for treatment of stress urinary incontinence(SUI) in women in the clinical efficacy. Even though the SUI is not a dangerous illness, it makes a big influence in the daily life of women. Usually most of women they hesitate to being a treatment because they feel ashamed. It is only 1.5%-6% of SUI women to find a right treatment, that means most of the SUI women are shy to take any therapy. It at last makes them nervous and embarrassed to meet people or attend any social meeting, it is also even affecting their sex life or severe affect their health. Consideration of the therapy of the women' SUI is very important and meaningful, I start to study and try to find a best and safe treatment for it.
     Methods: 60 cases of women's stress urinary incontinence clinic patients were randomly divided into two groups. The trial group moxibustion alternately the two sets of Points by moxibustion: Qihai(RN6),Guanyuan(RN4), Zusanli(ST36), Sanyinjiao(SP6) and Pishu(BL20), Shenshu(BL23), Ciliao(BL32), and given a decoction at the same time. The control group was only given this medicine. The leak volume, associated symptoms, and incontinence episode frequency were observed.
     Results: The two groups were able to significantly reduce the amount of leakage of urine(P<0.01), the associated symptoms(P<0.01), and episodes of incontinence reduced P<0.01), the trial group were better than the control group(P<0.05).
     Conclusion: The synergistic combination of the moxibustion and drug could significantly improve the treatment results for female stress urinary incontinence.
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