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From customers' perspectives,Internet has reduced time and space limitation they are facing.Sellers' convenience or not will be considered within commodity and service providing anymore,it will be common thing that customers are able to make purchases in any time at any place.As a strong challenge against traditional retail selling mode,online-shopping has extended sharply worldwide,while this story is more remarkable in Chinese market.By this background and focusing on development situation of Chinese C2C market,this paper analyzes the role of online reputation feedback mechanism in C2C online-shopping market on the basis of summarizing domestic and overseas literatures about online auctions and shopping.
     The paper combines the mathematic theoretical model and empirical model and analyzes characteristics of online reputation feedback system as well as its relieving implication on agent and trust problems.Specifically,by adopting a collaborative angel of economics and sociology,the paper proposes two important problems about online-shopping:agency problem and trust problem.However,feedback mechanism is able to relieve or solve such problems and finally influences the exchange intentions of online-shopping buyers.Trust problems have been paid much more attention by predecessors whereas agency problems have much less.In this study, agency problems are defined as "Uncertainty of products" and "Opportunism of sellers" while trust problems as "Credibility" and "Benevolence".
     Referred by customer decision-marking theory and reciprocal game theories, this paper constructs a model of feedback rating influencing purchase probability, final prices and trust level,and finds remarkable effects of feedback ratings.By this following,the paper establishes innovatively three characteristics of feedback mechanism and the empirical model of their affects on agency and trust problems.
     Through derivations and verifications of theoretical and empirical models,the paper has following findings:firstly,feedback mechanism has great effects on reputation building and rumoring within trades' community.Secondly,feedback mechanism truly has three characteristics,"informativeness","objectiveness" and "diagnosisity".Thirdly,feedback mechanism partially relieves agency problems efficiently.Fourthly,feedback mechanism is able to solve online trust problems effectively.Fifthly,the solvement of agency and trust problems has largely increased trading intention in C2C market.Last but not least,purchasing experience and gender will moderate the effects of feedback system.
     At the last part of this paper,we talked about the limitations of such feedback as well as the trends of Chinese online market.As for the small part of the big research map,this paper is just tipping the corner of research ocean.And there are many areas we can follow.
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