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In e-government, "Citizen-centered" is and should be the guiding principle for e-government development and implementation. The full potential benefits of e-government largely depend on citizen's adoption and usage behavior. The psychological and behavioral characteristics of citizen adoption of e-government, and the factors affecting citizen adoption of e-government become the focus of attention of governments and academia.
     Based on theories of IT adoption and literature review, this study is designed to answer the following two research questions:What are the factors that affect citizen to adopt e-government services? What are the factors that drive government portal user's continuous use? The main contributions of this study are as follows.
     First, by analyzing the research models of individual adoption process, combined with the characteristics of G2C e-government (Government to Citizen), this study categorizes the citizen's adoption process of e-government, and proposes that the citizen's adoption process of e-government mainly consists of two phases:the adoption of e-government services and the continuous use of government portals. On the basis, a research framework of citizen adoption e-government is proposed.
     Second, on the basis of theoretical studies, from the environmental, technical and individual perspectives, with a multi-dimensional adoption intention, this study constructs a model for citizen adoption of e-government services in China, and empirically validates the model at the three service levels, i.e., basic information, information exchange, transaction processing services. The results show that relative advantage&compatibility, self-efficacy and awareness play significant roles in citizen's adoption intention at the basic information level. Network externality, relative advantage&compatibility, self-efficacy and trust in government play significant roles in citizen's adoption intention at the information exchange level. Relative advantage&compatibility, self-efficacy and perceived trust play significant roles in citizen's adoption intention at transaction processing level. The three antecedents of perceived trust, which in the order of significance are trust in Internet, trust in government and awareness.
     Third, based on IS Continuance Model (ISCM) and DeLone& McLean IS Success Model, and the studies of e-government service quality, this study develops a model for user adoption of e-government portals, and examines the model by empirical data. The results show that user satisfaction and perceived usefulness are the two direct antecedents of e-government portals user's continuance intention, while perceived usefulness also influences user's continuance intention indirectly via user satisfaction. Information quality, function&design and reliability, the three dimensions of service quality, influence user's continuance intention indirectly via user satisfaction and perceived usefulness, but their degrees of influence are different, while security&privacy influences user's continuance intention indirectly via perceived usefulness. The effect of information quality on user's continuance intention is the greatest, function&design and reliability have less effect, and security&privacy has the least effect. E-government portal users are categorized into basic information users, information exchange users, transaction processing users. The general applicability of the model is validated and path analyses are conducted in the samples of the three types of users. The results show that the path coefficients and their significance are different in the three user-type models. As a whole, information quality, function&design and reliability have greatest positive effect on continuance intention of the three types of users respectively.
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