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From the traditional advertising marketing to the current network marketing, all kinds of different ways are spreading with the constantly improving Internet information, such as search engine optimization, commodity promotion solution, email direct marketing, event marketing, forum promotion, etc,. What bothers not only consumers but company is that how to search for useful information from the mass, meet their needs and consume.
     More and more customers purchase and post their own experience after obtain information from the outside world. Receiving outside recommend, help, feedback information affects the latter customers’purchase intention, at the same time, also on their own judgment.
     At present, the customer to other the customer to make a recommendation, help, feedback customers citizen behavior had caused the attention of foreign scholars, but domestic related research infancy, as the dependent variable research. Therefore, as independent variables, this paper is contributing to the conclusion of the customer citizenship behavior for the development of theory and practice.
     First, review theories of the customer citizenship behavior, self-efficacy and purchase intentions. Then, in the relevant theory and previous research, build research models, assumptions, and make the small sample test. Last, using SPSS13.0, collect the data, analyze, summary and make a contribution for existing theory and practice. This paper is divided into three points:
     First: this thesis in research and reference to the customer citizenship behavior, self-efficacy, purchase intention, after the mature scale for this research scope, write a new scale, and through a small sample of data collected by questionnaires, the reliability and validity of the inspection, subtract and fixed the problem of poor effect consistency, and enhance the questionnaire that the validity and consistency, formal questionnaire.
     Second: through empirical study explores the customer citizenship behavior of three dimensions of the relationship between respectively and purchase intention to purchase intention, the contribution from high to low in turn is recommended, feedback, and help, we can see that recommended the greatest influence on purchase intention.
     Third: by empirical study self-potency is further discussed in the customer citizenship behavior, and purchase intention adjust action, in between the three dimensions customer citizenship behavior (recommended, feedback, help) respectively on purchase intention influences in the process, to the self-efficacy created different degree of regulatory role.
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