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作为向下一代移动通信网络(4G)过渡中的代表性设计,3GPP LTE技术近年来得到了迅猛的发展,在世界范围内拥有了广泛的部署。伴随着新型移动网络的完善带来的无线带宽和数据速率的大幅度提高,面向移动用户的在线视频业务也得到了爆炸性的增长。据Cisco2012年白皮书预计,在未来的五年中,移动网络中视频相关的流量将增长16倍,并将占据整个移动通信网络流量的66%以上。
     3GPP LTE核心网络不同于前几代通信网络,对语音和数据传输服务都采用全数据包交换的方式,通过内部的GTP协议提供用户终端设备与数据网络之间的连接。然而,在这种简单的“中继”式的传输中,所有的数据请求需要经过整个LTE网络的层次结构到达Internet,这样不仅带来巨大的网络延迟,而且会产生额外的跨网费用。尤其是对于数据量要求很大的视频服务来说,这样的延迟和跨网费用都将是难以承受的。显然,将高访问量的视频缓存在离用户更近的核心网络中,将会在提高用户体验的同时大大降低移动网络提供商的运营成本。而进一步的分析表明,LTE核心网络的中层服务网关通常是由处理能力强大的服务器组成,具备进行视频缓存的硬件条件。本文基于这样的观点,对LTE核心网络中的协作式视频缓存问题进行了研究,主要内容和创新点总结如下:
     4.提出了一种简单的、在现有路由器中可以实现的路由协议。根据理论上路由算法得出的服务源和选定路径的数据流路由结果,结合现有实际应用中的路由器的工作要求,提出了一种基于逐跳前传(hop-by-hop forwarding)的路由协议。该协议根据路由流量的比例结果(proportional)建立路由表数据库,并且将相应的路由表发放到对应的路由器中。在提出的路由协议中,每个路由器根据收到数据流的源地址和目的地址,决定将收到的数据流按比例发送到下一跳的路由器。提出的路由协议可以很容易的在绝大多数已有路由器中实现,并且兼容未来的新型软件定义的网络(software defined networks),如OpenFlow.
     5.研究并实现了LTE核心网络中的一个视频缓存子系统。以LTE核心网络原型项目OpenEPC为基础,详细讨论和分析了现有的3GPP LTE系统的系统架构和传输协议,提出了一种与现有标准兼容的视频缓存子系统设计,并且在大型核心网络实验平台OpenEPC上实现该视频缓存子系统的原型。
As a representative design of Next Generation Mobile Networks (4G),3GPP LTE has been actively investigated and improved, as well as been widely deployed all around the world in recent years. Along with higher bandwidth and faster data rate provided by4G, online video service are experiencing explosive growth. It is predicted by Cisco White Paper2012, that video-related traffic over the mobile networks will increase16-fold in the next five years, and will take66%of the overall mobile traffic.
     Different from the former generation of mobile networks, the core network of3GPP LTE employs full IP-packet switching for both voice service and data service, connecting end users with the data networks via the internal protocol of GTP. However, in such "relay" transmission, all requests need to pass the whole core network structure in order to get served. This will bring in unbearable delay and extra network expense, especially for video service with high data-rate requirement. Apparently, video caching, which brings video clips close to the end users, can dramatically improve the Quality of Experience (QoE) as well as save operating expense. We notice that in the hierarchical structure of the LTE core network, serving gateways have strong computing power, providing possibility for in-network video caching. Based on these observations, this work targets the video caching problem in LTE core networks, proposing a collaborative video caching solution, which further includes the following parts:
     1. Rearch on video placement for in-network video caching. The placement problem is built together with the characteristics of online video requests, aiming to maximize the aggregate hit ratio so as to reduce the amount of traffic incurred by collaborative requests. The formulated problem is proved to be NP-hard and a fast greedy algorithm is developed for it. Using the distributions of online video clips, the proposed algorithm reaches1%~3%of optimal in all cases simulated.
     2. Research on the collaborative video transmission in LTE core network-s with video caching. Different manners of video transmission in collaborative caching systems are extensively investigated. An approximate algorithm with provable approximate ratio for in-network request routing. In most existing work-s, collaborative requests are considered as static, file-based transmission. This paper studies and compares different approaches of collaborative request schedul-ing, including file-based non-traffic-aware mode, file-based traffic-aware mode, flow-based non-traffic-aware mode and flow-based traffic-aware model. Further investigation over collaborative requests includes server selection and in-network routing. The joint problem is modeled in an optimization framework, and a low complexity algorithm is proposed for it with provable approximation ratio.
     3. Research on collaborative request routing with joint video adaptation. In practice, video servers use video adaptation techniques, such as scalable video coding and adaptive rate video, to reduce the data rate of each request, so that keep feasible in-network traffic, especially in scenarios with heavy load. This paper aims to maximize the overall user utility while keeping the maximum link congestion under a given upper bound. However, such an optimization problem is proved to be NP-hard. Then a fast algorithm is proposed for it, which outperforms existing solutions and supports much more traffic load.
     4. A realistic routing protocol is also investigated. According to output of the routing algorithm proposed, a routing protocol is developed in this paper with a hop-by-hop forwarding design. The coordinator computes a flow-splitting database using the proportional flow results from the routing algorithm, and dis-tributes a flow-splitting table to each router. The routers then split each incoming flows according to corresponding flow-splitting table. This protocol is compatible to most existing routers and also supports in further software defined networks, such as OpenFlow.
     5. Implementation of a prototype caching system of LTE core network. Ex-isting architectures and protocols in3GPP LTE are extensively studied, and a compatible video caching subsystem is then developed, which is further imple-mented within the open core network prototype of OpenEPC.
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