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With the age of mobile internet coming, the demand of consumer shows diverse and personalized development trend, meanwhile, more business application are generated in telecom industry. It is important to realize the process of consumer's decision for operators. However, facing diversified consumer's service, the operators aren't aware of the important significance that it need to consider consumer's behavior during designing and marketing service, the model is only option, but it is very important for the development of the operator on the futher.so, the paper mainly studies consumer's decision under different bound service model.
     When consumer had more choices, they always show limited rationality, sometimes the choices of consumer may change under the specific scene. So the paper combined consumer behavior with behavioral economics theory, and made use of scene simulation experiment to explored that how different bound service model affect consumer's decision, further research consumer's psychological perception, decision-making difficulty, consumer's participation and consumer's decision-making satisfaction and so on. Through "endowment effect", "framing effect" and "comparative effect" in behavioral economics, the paper analysed consumer's decision under different bound service model. what's more, the paper lead up resource constraint in the process of the experiments, so the conclusions are more objective and accurate, and more close to the actual consumer's decision process.
     The research showed, because of loss aversion, service features etc., consumer had obvious preferences in different bound service ways. In addition, the paper demonstrated different bound service model could affect consumer's decision, such as making-decision psychological, perception value etc.
     Finally, the paper discussed operator's bound service strategy in marketing depended on the research conclusions, and this study hopes to give some theoretical references to the telecom companies about their bound service marketing in the future.
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