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     由于互联网用户呈现出爆炸式增长,无线通信网络迅速发展,以及各种便携式终端大量使用,使得人们在无线环境下对互联网业务的需求不断增长。无线通信与互联网相结合成为未来无线通信(包括移动通信)发展的大趋势。然而,由于无线网络的特性使得这种类型的网络存在许多问题,例如TCP在这种混合网络中性能会下降。针对无线网络的特有缺点,提出了一种新的架构AWA,以解决无线链路的问题;并以一种执行环境为例,来解决无线链路的高比特误码率(Bit-error Rate)特性和存在的移动切换所导致的TCP在无线环境中性能下降问题,该方案可以根据无线链路和客户节点的特性,自动选择最适合的TCP,改善无线链路上的TCP性能。通过网络仿真,证明这种架构具有更高的性能和更多的优点。
With the development of network, users' demand on network change persistently. The kinds of information transmitted are more and more and the quality of services (QoS) provided is more and more. Malpractices of the traditional network stand out increasingly, and have limited the further developing of network. The active network is a new type of networks proposed recently for overcoming drawbacks of traditional IP network. As a new approach to network architecture which allows users or the third part software providers to perform customized programming. The new type architecture of networks can optimize the performance of networks, accelerating the development and application of new technologies and protocols by distributing lots of computing tasks into the cheap nodes of networks. And has promising direction. It can provide efficient solutions to the problems from Internet. Then it is called the networks of 21st century. It is mainly characterized by the programmability of intermediate network nodes such as routers. The behavior and performance of the network can vary dynamically according to user programs to adapt the needs of different applications, presenting a flexible nature.
    The work of this dissertation, which is supported by the National Science Foundation of China (No. 90104011, Research on the Architecture, Protocol Model, and Mechanisms of the Next Generation Network), analyses and researches the principle and characteristics of active networks, active network architectures, active network platform and simulation, and model protocol of active network. In my research, we focus on how to amalgamate active network and traditional network, so as to extend the traditional network and have flexibility of active network. It is not only combined the two kinds of different essential network, but also realize active network technology in the traditional network rapidly and effectively, or using new characteristics of this active network technology. It will use for reference in the design and evolvement of network.
    By analyzing the protocols and mechanisms of active network in the environment of mobile ipv6, wireless network and mobile agent, and with the help of network simulation and theory analysis, some creative ideas and results are obtained in this dissertation as following:
    With the use of high performance portable computer and advancement of wireless local area network, mobile IP is the trend of mobile communication consequentially. However mobile IPv6 protocols proposed by IETF have some shortcomings in handoff process, such as great handoff delay, long latency time, packet buffer overflow in the old access router and so on. We put forward an approach based on active network technology to solve the problems and enhance mobile IPv6. Network simulation proves that this approach has more merits and better performance.
    With the advance in computer communication technology, development of hardware and software, popularization of portable computer, increasing need for access to Internet and Intranet, wireless communication has a new opportunity to develop rapidly and integrate into the traditional network. Nowadays the interest in the use of wired-and-wireless-integrated networks has spawned. However there are many problems in this type network due to the wireless network's characteristics. We propose an architecture named AWA (Active Wireless Architecture) based on active network technology to solve the problems caused in wireless network, especially enhance
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