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     Moodle是Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment的英文缩写,意思是面向对象的模块化动态学习环境。它是由澳大利亚Martin Dougiamas博士主持开发的课程管理系统(CMS),该系统是一套基于“社会建构主义理论”设计开发的开放源代码软件,能够帮助教师高质量创建和管理在线课程。Moodle的开源免费、易学易用、模块化的设计特点,给我国构建信息化校园开辟了新的途径。学校选择Moodle平台构建网络课程,可以节省大量购买商业教育网络平台的费用,可以让教师从编写平台代码、网络课程制作的繁杂工作中解脱出来,把更多的精力投入到信息化课程的设计上来,只要掌握基本的计算机操作就可以轻松的设计自己的网络课程。这是本研究选择Moodle平台进行信息化课程设计的出发点。
With the development of educational informatization in our country,many universites have spent a lot of resources of man,material and money to build the Information Campus and the“connecting school”project will become reality. However,the results of the specific application of information technology and curriculum integration were not satisfying.It is becoming an urgent need for the development of educational informatization in our country that to explore the depth intergration of the information technology and curriculum,to raise the benefits of educational informatization.It has entered into a new stage of development which teachers using information technology to design informatization curriculum.But the high cost of commercial network curriculum design platform and the lack of computer skills of teachers obstructed teachers to advance informatization curriculum design.How to choose a free,simple,powerful curriculum design platform to build our informatization campus is a new problem in the course of educational informatization in our country.The existence of open source software platform of Moodle has opened up a new way of thinking.
     Moodle,the short of Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment, means that the modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment.It is exploited by Dr.Martin Dougiamas from Australia.The system is software designed and developed by open source software based on the“theory of social constructivism”, which can help teachers create and manage high-qualitily online courses.The features of free, easy to learn and use, modular design of Moodle, opened up new avenues for the construction of informatization campus in our country. As a result,The schools can save a large amount of money in the purchase of comeducation network platform,the teachers can extricate from the complex work of producing platform code and design network course ,then put more energy into the design of informatization courses.They can easily design their own network courses as long as they master basic computer skills.This is the starting point of the study which chosing the platform of Moodle to design informatization courses.
     The purpose of this study is to provide an economic way to build information technology campus environment.Moodle platform is based on the exploration of the information model curriculum design and it can help the majority of teachers in the first line to find out the reference examples ,save the limited funding for the education and the promot the development of information technology education
     This study used literature research methods,survey,case studies and action study.First,contrast and analysis the relevant literature by literature research, and studied the issues involved in research in the field of the status quo and development trend.On this basis,I considered basic ideas of this subject and methods of research, providing a wide range of support for the study.Second, to build network teaching platform based on Moodle in secondary school campus network and design informatization courses of information technology curriculum , and put it into pracitce teaching with the cooperation of teachers.Then study the problems that exist in teaching and study, reflecion,improve curriculum design.Third, analysis on two teaching cases by case study method , then explore the methods of informatization courses design based on the Moodle platform and examine the application of teaching mode building basic on the guidance of contruction. Finally, to investigate learning effection of students based on Moodle platform by questionnaire survey and to test teaching effection of case teaching of informatization courses design, which as an aspect of curriculum evaluation.The main research results and innovation in the following areas:
     1.Moodle is a ideal platform for informatization courses design
     After repeated using of the Moodle platform , to design informatization courses of high school information technology courses on the platform, and have teaching practice with the information technology teachers together,then come to the conclusion:Moodle is a ideal platform for informatization courses design.
     2. The study of the theory research result of informatization courses design based on Moodle
     The study have a systematic theoretical research on informatization courses design based on Moodle.The study have a special theoretical research and exploring about the concept ,foundation theoretical and specail design elements(such as curriculum objects design, curriculum content design, teaching mode design, curriculum resources design, course activity design, curriculum evaluation design and courses management ) of informatization curriculum design, and proposed basic process of informatization courses design based on Moodle, enriching the theory research result of informatization courses design.
     3.The study of teaching model based on Moodle platform
     In the application part of this study, apply the theory research result of informatization courses design to special practice of courses design ,and design two teaching cases based Moodle.Two cases were used project-based network collaborative learning teaching mode and network-based inquiry learning teaching mode, and reflect on the problems in the application of the two teaching model based Moodle.Then test the application effection of teaching model based on construction and Moodle, enrich teaching strategies and teaching models in the use of Moodle , provide a reference model for teaching in information technology and informatization courses design of other disciplines at the same time.
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