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With the development of space technology, space has become the new arena forcountries all over the world. Space information network, with satellite network as itsbackbone network, is a heterogeneous network which includes various space equipment,aerospace equipment and corresponding ground equipment which can be used for spacecommunication. Since space communication is open, nodes of space informationnetwork can be easily attacked. Therefore, suitable security mechanism is necessary forthe communication security of space information network.
     At present, there are no suitable invulnerable routing protocol and security protocolfor space confrontation. In view of this problem, this research studied invulnerablerouting protocol, security routing protocol, high-performance broadcasting method, andsecurity protocol for space confrontation. The followings are the main achievements.
     1. The research studied the architecture of space information network. It analyzedthe characteristics and security requirement of space information network, and putforward the network managing method for space information network. In spaceinformation network, as the backbone network, the space-based network consisting ofsatellite network is responsible for processing most data and communication. Thenetwork accessing points are made up of the deep space network consisting of spaceequipment, air-based network consisting of aeronautical equipment, and terrestrialnetwork consisting of various ground and sea nodes.
     2. The research studied the survivable routing technology of space informationnetwork. In the research, the routing of space information network was divided intothree types—inter-satellite routing, access routing, and boundary routing. First, anauthenticated routing protocol was proposed. In the protocol, Every LEO satellite needsto pass the identity authentication with MEO satellite before it joins an MEO-LEOsatellite group. After the identity authentication, the LEO satellite got a certificate andthe source satellite node sends out a broadcasting message for routing. Then the targetsatellite node replies to it through broadcast. The transmission of each message from asource satellite node to a target satellite or from a target satellite to a source satellitenode needs routing authentication. The security of routing message in satellite networkwill be improved to some extent. Secondly, a survivable security routing protocol wasproposed. At the beginning of duration, when an LEO satellite comes into the overlayarea of a GEO satellite, the LEO satellites register with the GEO satellite. All the LEOsatellites that register with the same GEO satellite form an LEO satellite group. At the beginning of each satellite’s slot duration, routing search will produce routing table. Ifduring a slot duration, there is link congestion or failed nodes, the routing will beupdated. This protocol has great fault tolerance and reliability. It can improve theadaptability, survivability and self-management of space information network. Whensignaling overhead is small, the protocol can improve the security of routing messagesof space information network to some extent. Thirdly, a survivable routing protocol wasproposed, based on random liner network code. In the protocol, Every LEO satellitesustains a one-step adjacent table updated according to LEO slot duration. When thesource LEO satellite nodes need routing, the protocol will search for routing in theone-step adjacent table of the source LEO satellite. If the target LEO satellite nodes arein the one-step adjacent table, messages will be transmitted according to the source LEOsatellite’s one-step adjacent table. Otherwise, the source LEO satellite will use therandom liner network code routing to search and produce routing table for RREQmessage at the beginning of the slot duration of every LEO satellite, and it will save therouting table. The protocol based on random liner network code can greatly improve thesecurity of routing message and communication efficiency.
     3. At present, there is no broadcast algorithm designed for space informationnetwork. Flooding is the most directly used broadcast approach in routing protocol forspace information network. But, in satellite network, uncontrolled flooding usuallycauses the following broadcast storm problems. A high performance broadcastalgorithm was proposed. The algorithm sets redundant message table on MEO satelliteand LEO satellite. It sustains a one-step adjacent table with MEO satellite and atwo-step adjacent table with LEO satellite. The adjacent tables are updated at regularintervals during certain slot duration. So, partial satellite topological information ispreserved in time. Satellite broadcast gateway is adopted in MEO satellite layer andLEO satellite layer to broadcast messages between satellites. Through sustaining a smallnumber of recording messages, the protocol can abandon repeating messages and reducechannel congestion. Then, it can reduce broadcast overhead, greatly shorten the time lagin satellite data transmission, and improve the survivability of satellite broadcast links.
     4. The research studied space information warfare technology at network level,information level and service level. This research, taking COMPASS satellite networkas an example, proposed an anti-DoS attack protocol for satellite network. The securityprotocol proposed in this paper applies revised time intervals, current time, and the keyshared by satellite terminal, satellite, and terrestrial satellite network control center, soinvaders can not produce effective request and can not carry out effective replay attack. Even if invaders gain control over the most part of the bandwidth of COMPASS satellitelink, they can only use a small part of resources of terminal coverage satellite orterrestrial satellite network control center. A method against selective forwarding forsatellite network also was proposed. In view of the five communication situations ofLEO satellite, a method was proposed that can report the loss of LEO satellite datapacket effectively. This method has a high monitoring rate and a low false alarm rate.
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