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A rare disease is any disease that affects a small percentage of the population. It is also known as orphan disease. Due to the size of affect population, it is most likely to be overlooked by the society. With the improvement of science technology, especially Human Genome Project [HGP], it brings more hopes and significant changes for people suffering rare diseases. Recently, with the therapy of enzyme replacement, certain patients, born with generic disorder due to enzyme deficiency, are able to lead a nearly normal life.
     In accordance with the legal definition of Rare Disease by WHO, there are more than 10 millions of population suffering rare diseases in our country. Focusing on rare diseases is not only a concern on patient's right to health and life, but also an issue on public health. In China, the overall of health care, medical hygiene and social security is still in the stage of ongoing development and improvement. Due to the low rate, rare diseases have not drawn sufficient attention from the health administrative departments, research institutes, pharmaceutical enterprises, and other sectors of the society. Comparing to some other developing countries, our country remains fall behind on the research study of rare diseases and related health care policy and health care security, not to mention the developed country. For the population with rare diseases is the one of the most vulnerable groups, their rights and interests deserve to be specially concerned and demand to be promptly protected..
     This paper will focus on analyzing existing problems associated with rare diseases and relevant ethical and policy issues in China with the study of experiences in other countries on the definition of rare disease, and the ACT for rare diseases, policies, regulations and laws associated with rare diseases. Recommendations will be provided based on the results of the study.
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    4 Office of Rare disease of the National Institutes of Health. Http://raredisease.info.nih.gov/2010-07-13.
    5Adopting an orphan-Incentives to develop drugs for rare disorders raise hopes and controversy. EMBO reports,2005, 6(6):507-510.
    8 EURORDIS.Rare diseases:understanding this public health priority.2005,11. http://www.eurordis.org/article.php3?id article=1296.2010年3月5日。
    9人民网 天津视窗:http://www.ti.gov.cn/zwgk/zcid/bdzc/200709/t20070906_5406.htm,2006年12月13日。
    10 Beijing review:China provides free milk powder treatment to babies http://www.bireview.com/health/txt/2009-12/07/content_233280.htm,2009年12月6日。
    12 Orphan Drug Act. Pub Law, USC.1983 (97-414 as amended).
    13 Reidenberg, Marcus M:Are Drugs For Rare Diseases " essential"? Bulletin of the world health organization,2006, 84(9):686.
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    16 Orphan Drug Act: http://www.fda.gov/Regulatorylnformation/Legislation/FederalFoodDrugandCosmeticActFDCAct/SignificantAmendm entstotheFDCAct/OrphanDrugAct/default.htm.2010年1月18日。
    17 US Food and Drug Administration.21 CFR PART316, How to apply for Designation as an Orphan Product. Orphan Drug Regulations. Http://www.fda.gov/orphan/designat/apply.htm.2010年 6 月 25 日
    18 Explanatory Memorandum, p 3 of Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) on orphan medicinal products, presented by the Commission, Brussels 27.07.1998. COM (1998)450 Final.
    20 European Commission. Register of Designated Orphan Medicinal Products. The European Commission Website[online]. http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/sectors/pharmaceuticals/documents/community-register/htm/orphreg.htm.
    21 Kosaku Uchida:Orphan Drugs In Japan. Drug Inf.1996,30(1):171.
    30 Lavandeira, (supra) at p.197. See also, the Department of Health and Aged Care, The Orphan Drug Program and Improving Community Access to Effective Drugs for Rare Diseases (2001).
    31 Pharmaceutical Affairs Act.6982.
    32 Gross,Ames (September/October 2006). Orphan Drugs in Asia-Guidelines and Regulatory Requirements to Help Orphan Drug Products Enter the Asian Market. Published in Specialty Pharma. Pacific Bridge Medical-Asian Medical Publication.
    33 Brazil Case Study. Brazilian Ecperience with Drug Policy for Rare Diseases.
    36 Wilson, J.R.J.M., Ethics in the service of the rare disease patient; Ir. Erik Tambuyzer, Rare Diseases. Orphan Drugs and Their Regulation:Questions and Misconception. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery;Michael L. Gross,Ethics, Policy,and Rare Genetic Disorders:The Case of Gaucher Disease in Israel.
    40 Rawls, John. A Theory of Justice, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts,1971:5
    44 Rawls,John. A Theory of Justice, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts,1971:60.
    51 United Nations:1973, Universal Declaration of Human rights:A Compilation of International Instruments of the United Nations" (United Nations:New York), pp.1-3.
    52 Constitution of the World Health Organization (Official Record-WHO 2,100). http://apps.who.int/gb/bd/PDF/bd47/EN/constitution-en.pdf.2011-03-21
    53 Shue, Henry:Basic Rights:Subsistence:Affluence, and U.S.Foreign Policy.2nd Ed. Princeton:Princeton University Press.1986:31.
    54 Wilson.J.R.J.M. Ethics in the Service of the rare disease patient.Rice University,1990:16.
    55 Green, Ronald,Health Care and Justice in Contract Theory Perspective,Ethics and Health Policy,Veatch and Branson(Cambridge:Ballinger,1976):117.
    56 Daniels, Norman,Health Care Needs and Distributive Justice, Philosophy and Public Affairs,Vol.10,1981, pp.146-179.
    60 Rothstein, Mark A..Public Health Ethics.Oxford:Oxford University Press.2007.
    62 Daniels, Norman:Justice,Fair Procedures,and the Goals of medicine.Hastings Center Report,1996(6).
    63 Friedman,M.:The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits.New York Times Magazine,1970.
    64 French,Peter A.:The Corporation As a Moral Person,American Philosophical Quarterly. Vol.16,No.3, 1979:pp.297-317.
    65 Business Ethics. Concepts and Cases,p20-22.
    66 DeGeorg,Richard T. eds:Business Ethics (2nd Ed.). New York:Macmillan Co.1986:83.
    67 Friedman, Milton:The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits. New York Times Magazine,Sept,13,1970.
    71 Gros,Michael L. s:Ethics,Policy,and Rare Genetic Disorders:The Case of Gaucher Disease in Israel. Theoretical Medicine 23,2002:166.
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    74 WHO Model List of Essential Medicines,16th list, March 2009. http://www.who.int/selection medicines/committees/expert/17/sixteenth adult list en.pdf.
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