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ⅠResearch background and objective
     Now, the social production efficiency of the health service goods does not catch up people’s health need; the social distribution unfairness of the health service goods influence people health inequality extremely. These problems will be resolved at biggest degree, only if they are based on the whole society of the nation or the region. The existing health economics theories which belong to microscopic category can't take this heavy responsibility enough. Therefore, it is necessary to develop macroscopic theories that resolve the problems of social production efficiency and social distribution fairness of the health service product. The objective of the research is to establish the macro-health-economics subject.
     ⅡResearch content and technic route
     The research covers eight parts: first, the theory system supporting macro-health-economics system; second, the foundation theories of the macro-health-economics; third, the microscopic foundation of the macro-health-economics; fourth, the international health economic system comparison research; fifth, the study of our country macroscopic health economic policy practice since reform and open; sixth, the theory research of the macroscopic health economic policy; seventh, the future macroscopic health economic policy framework of our country; eighth, the macro-health-economics development prospect.
     The research technic route is: first, study theoretic literatures, make use of logic inferential methods to analyze, to synthesize, to deduce and to induce the research objects. By the theory of institutional economics, macroeconomics, health economics, sociology, social medicine, etc., build the theory framework of macro-health-economics. Second, according to the analysis framework developed by the research, consult governmental statistic data; prove the theoretic hypothesis of health service goods social production efficiency and social distribution fairness. Third, combine the theoretic normative analysis with the data-based positive analysis to develop the future macroscopic health economic policy framework.
     ⅢResearch methods
     In the theoretic analysis parts of the research, we make use of normative analysis methods; while in the practice investigation parts, adopt the positive analysis methods. By the logical normative analysis methods, bring forward the theory. By the data-based positive analysis methods, prove the theory.
     The first, in the theory system supporting the macro-health-economics, we expound the function of some studies and theories to propping up the macro-health-economics in the process of creating and developing the macro-health-economics. These studies and theories are the system theory, the health service management, the health economics, the social medicine, the institutional economics, the manpower capital theory, the welfare economics, the macroeconomics, sociology, the fairness theory, the "the people health is superior to others”ideal, and the human-centered economics etc. In the meantime, when these studies and theories resolve the problems of social production efficiency and social distribution fairness of the health service product, we pointed out some errors of them and revised the errors or developed the theories.
     The second, in the foundation theory aspect of macro-health-economics, we put forward a labor transaction axiology, a social cooperation-competition theory, discussed the relationship of a social cooperation-competition theory with the John Rawls’s fairness theory and clarified the function of these theories to set up the macro-health-economics.
     The third, the microscopic foundation of the macro-health-economics is the structure of health service goods production and distribution, and its operation rules.
     The fourth, for the international health economic system comparison research, according to the framework ruled by social cooperation-competition theory, we chose the United States and Britain as samples to make a comparison research on the health economic system. The conclusion is that: the efficiency and fairness degree of the British health plan system are lower, while the efficiency and fairness degree of the American health market system are higher. it is improbable that the social cooperation which is based on health planned economy system attains to health efficiency and fairness; it is probable that the social cooperation which is based on health market economy system attains to health efficiency and fairness.
     The fifth, in the study of our country macroscopic health economic policy practice since reform and open, the investigation result is, that the health economy system of China is the health planned economy system; and it is not yet a health market economy system, although the whole health system is marinated in the gradually ripe market economy system. The data has proved that the social efficiency and fairness of our country’s macroscopic health economic policy is lower. Combining with theoretic normative analysis, we deem that, on the road to elevate people health level and to improve people health fairness, should select the health market economy system, but should not put into practice health planned economy system.
     The sixth, in the theory research of the macroscopic health economic policy, our conclusions are that: the sequence of the economic subjects who is subsidized by health fiscal policy should be the public health service goods production and distribution organization, the hospitalization insurance organization, the patient, the doctor and the medical organization; the tax should be collected from the national medical organization and other not-for-profit medical organization, and the differential tax rates should be implemented, to adjust medical service goods structure and region health service developing speed, to improve the community health service development. Currently, our country should institute valid macroscopic health economic policy, promote health expenditure growth, reasonably adjust health expenditure structure, improve the quantity and quality of social health capital, so as to promote the growth of gross domestic product.
     The seventh, according to the above theoretic normative research and data-dependent positive research results, in the area ruled by the social cooperation-competition theory, we have designed our country’s future macroscopic health economic policy framework.
     The eighth, we forecast the macro-health-economics development prospect. On the foundation of the above research, the research realm and the research direction of the macro-health-economics have been put forward.
     ⅤResearch creations
     In the research, the main creations are the labor transaction axiology; the social cooperation-competition theory; the theory judgement that the social fairness determine the social efficiency and that the social fairness and the social efficiency were unified to the social justice; the equality coefficient (X coefficient) which measured the social fairness degree; the corrected Pareto principle, and the theory conclusion that Pareto-optimal state is the most fairness state; and the public domain theory of the health industry nature, etc.
     ⅥResearch deficiencies
     Certainly, our research report has also two deficiencies.First, the conclusion of normative analysis needs the confirmation of practice. Second, the area of positive analysis should be expanded.
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