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The development of Jeremy Bentham's doctrine of sovereignty canbe divided into two different stages. In the earlier stage, he argues for adoctrine of legislative sovereignty, and in later stage, he argues a doctrineof popular sovereignty, Then what's the difference between these doctrines?Is it a theoretical development or a theoretical change? If it is adevelopment, what makes it possible? What kind of concept of power canwe found in this development? It is important to understand these issues inorder to comprehend Bentham's doctrine of sovereignty.
     In the earlier stage, Jeremy Bentham makes a critique of SirBlackstone's absolute concept of sovereignty, and holds the point that thesovereignty can be limited by the express convention. Jeremy Benthamputs forward a doctrine of legislative sovereignty, which insists that themost important capability of power is to make law, the foundation ofsovereignty is the habit of obedience and the disposition of obedience, andthe legislative power is a kind of imperative power. In later stage, JeremyBentham puts forward a a doctrine of popular sovereignty, which insiststhat the sovereignty is in the people and the sovereignty is exercised through location and dislocation. His doctrine of popular sovereignty is ofa relational structure, in which the people are the political sovereign, andthe legislature are the legal sovereign, sovereignty is just in therelationship of the two bodies, Bentham's doctrine of sovereignty is of arelational nature. That means his legislative sovereignty fits into hispopular sovereignty, that is to say, Bentham develops his legislativesovereignty actually. We can found his viewpoint of power behind thisdevelopment, which insists that power is a concept of two dimensionsincluding force and legitimacy, and this is to say, power can not become aright until it fulfills some conditions. As for Bentham's doctrine ofsovereignty, the condition which make power legitimate are principle ofutility, sovereignty will be limited, and a government of representativedemocracy.
     The dissertation consists six chapters in addition to the epilogue:
     In chapter1"Introduction", I put forward the issue of this dissertationas so well as the research method; In chapter2"The critique ofBlackstone's theory of sovereignty: the origin of Jeremy Bentham'sdoctrine of sovereignty", it provides an analysis of Bentham's critique ofBlackstone in order to give a new reading of Jeremy Bentham's AFragment on Government, in witch Jeremy Bentham's view onsovereignty will be discussed.
     The chapter3discusses the structure of the legislative sovereignty and its foundation, which makes it possible to study the question ofwhether there is a general obligation of obedience. Moreover, this chapteralso discuses the nature of the legislative sovereignty, in my view, thelegislative sovereignty is a power of imperation;
     The chaper4examines the meaning of Jeremy Bentham's popularsovereignty, and points out that there is a relational structure in thisconception, which means that it consists two elements of politicalsovereignty and legal sovereignty. Formally, the sovereignty lies in thepeople as well as the legislature, but substantially in the relation of the two.Besides, this relational popular sovereignty consists of three constitutiveprinciples, which include the universal interest, the identity of will as wellas the political liberty;
     The chapter5discuses the operation mode of the popular sovereignty.It is argued that the popular sovereignty can exist in three form as follows,it can exist as the political constitutive authority, it can exist as the legaloperative power, and as the social public opinion tribunal. It is also pointout that popular sovereignty needs two requirements, which include a kindof representative democracy and publicity, in wich the former is theinstitutional foundation and the later is a inner security. Accordingly, thepopular sovereignty can be practiced through the interaction of politicalsovereignty and legal sovereignty.
     The chapter6discuses the location of his doctrine of the popular sovereignty in the history of thought, and analyzes the concept ofsovereignty in terms of power. In Bentham's theory of sovereignty, poweris a two-dimensional concept, which combines the factual dimension andthe rightful (or normative) dimension. It is pointed out that the legislativesovereignty and the popular sovereignty are two different forms of thesame concept of power, they are of the same nature in essence, that thereis a theoretical continuation between the legislative sovereignty and thepopular sovereignty.
    ②[法]让·博丹:《主权论》,李卫海、钱俊文译,北京大学出版社2008年版。另外参见陈颐:《立法主权与近代国家的建构:以近代早期法国法律为中心》,法律出版社2008年版,另外参见Daniel Engster, DivineSovereignty: The Origins of Modern State Power, Northern Illinois University, Press, p.47.以及A. London Fell,Origins of Legislative Sovereignty and the Legislative State (vol.1-8).
    ②边沁习惯于集中写一部书,然后不断修改,但写成后很少出版,即使那些生前出版的著作也多是由边沁的学生或朋友加以整理的,因此,边沁去世后留下了很多手稿。尽管约翰·鲍林在1843年编辑了11卷本的《边沁著作集》(The Works of Jeremy Bentham),但是,这个版本编辑的并不好。因此,伦敦大学大学学院边沁研究中心自上世纪60年代起开始重新整理编辑边沁的手稿,以《边沁全集》(The Collected Works ofJeremy Bentham)为名出版,迄今已出版了30多卷,预计全部整理完毕可达到70多卷。
    ①出自边沁手稿UC lxix.100.转引自[英]菲利普·斯科菲尔德:《邪恶利益与民主》,翟小波译,北京大学出版社2010年版,第301页。
    ③Frederick Rosen, Jeremy Bentham and Representative Democracy: A Study of the Constitutional Code, OxfordClarendon Press,1983.
    ①参见Daniel Engster, Divine Sovereignty: The Origins of Modern State Power, Northern Illinois University, Press,p50.作者讨论了近代思想史上两种秩序观。
    ②Jeremy Bentham, Principles of International Law, in Jeremy Bentham: The Works of Jeremy Bentham, vol2,pp.534-560, J. Bowring, Edinburgh:William Tait,1838-43.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, Constitutional Code, Vol I, F.Rosen and J.H.Burns, Clarendon Press, Oxford,1983, p.25.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, Rights, Representation and Reform: Nonsense upon Stilts and other Writings on the FrenchRevolution, Philip Schofield, Catherine Pease-Watkin and Cyprian Blamires, Clarendon Press, Oxford,2002,p.408.
    ②Martin Loughlin, Foundations of Public Law, Oxford University Press,2010, p.184-185.
    ①H.L.A.Hart, Essays on Bentham: Studies in Jurisprudence and Political Theory, Clarendon Press, Oxford,1982,p.228.
    ②Gerald J. Postema, Bentham and the Common Law Tradition, Clarendon Press Oxford,1986. p.261.
    ①Bentham Project由成立于1959年的Bentham Committe设立,是致力于重新整理编辑边沁的手稿,出版新的边沁文集,增进对边沁的研究的专门学术机构。它计划到2030年止出版65到70卷边沁的著作和通信集。
    ②Bentham Newsletter后为Utilitas取代,后者成为了研究功利主义和边沁的刊物,1997年Bentham Project又创刊了专门致力于边沁研究的Journal of Bentham Studies。
    ①Mill, Utilitarianism and On Liberty: Including Mill’s ‘Essay on Bentham’ and Selections from the Writings ofJeremy Bentham and John Austin, Blackwell Publishing,2003.密尔《论边沁》,载于边沁:《论一般法律》,毛国权译,上海三联出版社2008年版。
    ①Hilda G..Lundin, Infuence of Jeremy Bentham on English Democratic Development, University. Iova Ctiy,1920.
    ②此文收入H. L. A. Hart, Essays on Bentham, Oxford University Press,1982.
    ③John H.Burns, Benthanm on Sovereignty: An Exploration, Northern Ireland Legel Quarterly, Vol.24, No.3,(1973),399-416.
    ④David Lieberman, Bentham’s Democracy, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Vol.28, No.3(2008)
    ⑤Nancy Rosenblum, Bentham’s Theory of the Modern State, Harvard University Press,1978.
    ⑥L. J. Hume, Bentham and Bureaucracy, Cambridge University Press,1981.
    ⑧Gerald J. Postema, Bentham and the Common Law Tradition, Clarendon Press Oxford,1986.
    ⑨Keekok Lee, The Legal-Rational State, Avebury,1990.
    ⑩Oren Ben-Dor, Consitutional Limits and the Public Sphere: A Critical Study of Bentham’ s Consutitutionalism,Hart Publishing,2000.
    11James Steintrager, Bentham, Routledge,2004.
    12Frederick Rosen, Jeremy Bentham and Representative Democracy: A Study of the Constitutional Code, OxfordClarendon Press,1983.
    ①Frederick Rosen, Classical Utilitarianism: From Hume to Mill, Routledge,2003.以及Ross Harrison,‘Rosen’sSacrifice of Utility’、Gerald J. Postema,‘Bentham’ s Equality-Sensitive Utilitariansim’和P. J. Kelly,‘More onBentham on Utility and Rights’。
    ②David Lyons, In the Interest of the Governed: A Study in Bentham’s Philosophy of Utility and Law, OxfordUniversity Press,1973.
    ①戴维·利伯曼:《边沁论民主》,李燕涛译,未刊稿。译自David Lieberman, Bentham’s Democracy, OxfordJournal of Legal Studies, Vol.28, No.3(2008)
    ①Oren Ben-Dor, Constitutional Limtis and the Public Sphere: A Critical Study of Bentham’s Consitutionalism,Oxford-Portland Oregon,2000, p.49.
    ①Pedro Shwatz,‘Jeremy Bentham’s Democratic Despotism’, in R. D. Collison Black(ed.) Ideas in Economics,Basingstoke: Macmillan Press,1986.
    ②James E. Crimmins, Bentham’s Philosophical Politics, The Harvard Review of Philosophy, Spring(1993).他提到的这些学者有L. Campos Boralevi, G. Postema, P. J. Kelly,A. Dube.
    ①L.Burkholder, Tarlton on Bentham's Fragment on Government, Political Studies, vol.21(4),1973, pp.523-526.
    ②C.D.Tarlton, The Overlooked Strategy of Bentham's Fragment on Government, Political Studies, vol.20(4),1972,pp.397-406.
    ③Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart(ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,2008, p.511.
    ①Blackstone, Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England, Wayne Morrison(ed.), Vol.1, CavendishPublishing Limited, London Sydney,2001, p.31.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart(ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,2008, p.14.
    ①H.L.A.Hart, Essays on Bentham: Studies in Jurisprudence and Political Theory, Clarendon Press, Oxford,1982,pp.53-65.
    ②H.L.A.Hart, Essays on Bentham: Studies in Jurisprudence and Political Theory, Clarendon Press, Oxford,1982,pp.63-64.
    ①Blackstone, Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England, Wayne Morrison(ed.), Vol.1, CavendishPublishing Limited, London Sydney,2001, p.31.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart(ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,2008, p.428.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart(ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,2008, p.428.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart(ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,2008, p.429.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart(ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,2008, p.442.
    ①Blackstone, Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England, Wayne Morrison(ed.), Vol.1, CavendishPublishing Limited, London Sydney,2001, p.31.
    ②Blackstone, Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England, Wayne Morrison(ed.), Vol.1, CavendishPublishing Limited, London Sydney,2001, p.31.
    ③Jeremy Bentham, Theory of Legislation, R. Hildreth (trans.), second edition, London, Trüber&Co., PaternosterRow,1871.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart(ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,2008, p.511.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart(ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,2008, p.444.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart(ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1977, p.474.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart(ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1977, p.493.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart(ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1977, p.496.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart(ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1977, p.478.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart(ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1977, p.480.
    ②Christopher W.Morris, An Essay on the Modern State, Cambridge University Press,1998, p.174.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart(ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1977, p.489.
    ①H.L.A.Hart, Essays on Bentham: Studies in Jurisprudence and Political Theory, Clarendon Press, Oxford,1982,pp.220-243.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart(ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1977, p.489.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart(ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1977, p.478.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart(ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1977, p.478.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart(ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1977, p.479.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart(ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1977, p.481.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart(ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1977, p.484.
    ①Micheal Oakeshott, Lectures in the History of Political Thought, Terry Nardin and Luke O'Sullivan (ed.), ImprintAcademic,2006, pp.413-426.
    ②参见洛克:《政府论两篇》(Two Treatises of Government),中国政法大学出版社(影印本)2003年版,[法]卢梭:《社会契约论》,李平沤译,商务印书馆2012年版。
    ①Richard A. Posner, Blackstone and Bentham,Journal of Law and Economics,Vol.19, No.3, Coc.,1976,pp.569-606.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart(ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1977, p.431.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart(ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1977, p.481.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart(ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1977, p.485.
    ①Douglas G.Long, Bentham on Liberty: Jeremy Bentham's Idea of Liberty in Relation to HisUtilitarianism,University of Toronto Press, Toronto and Buffalo,1977, p.92.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart(ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1977, p.394.
    ①Douglas G.Long, Bentham on Liberty: Jeremy Bentham's Idea of Liberty in Relation to HisUtilitarianism,University of Toronto Press, Toronto and Buffalo,1977, p.95.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart(ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1977, p.420.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart(ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1977, p.462.
    ①L.J.Hume, Bentham and Bureaucracy, Cambridge University Press,1981, pp.56-57.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, Of the Limits of the Penal Branch of Jurisprudence, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,
    ①Jeremy Bentham, A Commet on the Commetaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart(ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,2008, p.429.
    ①Philip Schofield, Utiltiy and Democracy: The Politcal Thought of Jeremy Bentham, Oxford University Press,2006,p.228.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, Of the Limits of the Penal Branch of Jurisprudence, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,Oxford,2010, p.42.
    ②H. L. A. Hart, Essays on Bentham: Studies in Jurisprudence and Political Theory, Oxford University Press,1982,p.222.
    ①对于政治义务和法律义务的区别,可参见毛兴贵编:《政治义务:证成与反驳》,江苏人民出版社2007年版,第2页;以及Political Obligation, in http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/political-obligation/.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart
    (ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1977, p.489.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, Of the Limits of the Penal Branch of Jurisprudence, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,Oxford,2010, p.42.
    ③Gerald J. Postema, Bentham and the Common Law Tradition, Clarendon Press Oxford,1986. p.238.
    ①Gerald J. Postema, Bentham and the Common Law Tradition, Clarendon Press Oxford,1986. pp.241-243.
    ②Gerald J. Postema, Bentham and the Common Law Tradition, Clarendon Press Oxford,1986. p.241.
    ①H.L.A.Hart, Essays on Bentham: Studies in Jurisprudence and Political Theory, Clarendon Press, Oxford,1982,pp.234-235.
    ①H.L.A.Hart, Essays on Bentham: Studies in Jurisprudence and Political Theory, Clarendon Press, Oxford,1982,p.238.
    ②Gerald J. Postema, Bentham and the Common Law Tradition, Clarendon Press Oxford,1986. p.234.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart
    (ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1977, p.430.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart
    (ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1977, p.428.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart
    (ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1977, p.489.
    ③Jeremy Bentham, First Principles Preparatory to Constitutional Code, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,Oxford,1989, p.162.
    ①L.J.Hume, Bentham and Bureaucracy, Cambridge University Press,1981, p.67.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart
    (ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1977, p.429.
    ③Gerald J. Postema, Bentham and the Common Law Tradition, Clarendon Press Oxford,1986. p.225.
    ①Gerald J. Postema, Bentham and the Common Law Tradition, Clarendon Press Oxford,1986. p.229.
    ②Gerald J. Postema, Bentham and the Common Law Tradition, Clarendon Press Oxford,1986. p.227.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, J.H.Burns and H.L.Hart (ed.),Clarendon Press,Oxford,1996, p.125.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, J.H.Burns and H.L.Hart (ed.),Clarendon Press,Oxford,1996, p.126.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, J.H.Burns and H.L.Hart (ed.),Clarendon Press,Oxford,1996, p.134.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, J.H.Burns and H.L.Hart (ed.),Clarendon Press,Oxford,1996, p.126.
    ①有关对早期功利主义讨论,参见Geoffery Scarre, Utilitarianism, Routledge, London and New york,2002.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, Deontology together with A Table of the Springs of Action and the Article on Utilitarianism,Amnon Goldworth (ed.), The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham,Oxford Press,1983.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart(ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1977, p.439.
    ③Jeremy Bentham, An Intoduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, J.H.Burns and H.L.Hart (ed.),Clarendon Press,Oxford,1996, pp.11-12.边沁在《道德与立法原理导论》中的前5章中详细阐述了功利主义的内涵,对此,P.J.Kelly认为这5章中并没不代表边沁功利主义的全部,理解边沁的功利主义还需要结合他的民法著作,边沁在这些民法著作尤其是《民法典原理》中阐述了一种分配正义理论,参见P.J.Kelly,Utilitarianism and Distributive Justice: Jeremy Bentham and the Civil Law, Clarendon Press, Oxford,1990,p.40-41.此外,有关边沁的功利主义理论,还可参见Ross Harrison, Bentham, Routledge&Kegan Paul,1983;Philip Schofield, Utiltiy and Democracy: The Politcal Thought of Jeremy Bentham, Oxford UniversityPress,2006.
    ①David Lyons, In the Interest of the Government: A Study in Bentham's Philosophy of Utility and Law, ClarendonPress, Oxford,1991.此外,David Lyons还提出了其他两个观点,J. R. Dinwiddy把这三个观点概况为,“边沁认为各种利益可以自然地实现和谐(natrually harmonized)。David Lyons认为从长期来看,私人利益和公共利益可以相融合。2、边沁并不接受心理学利己主义,他主张的人们为趋乐避苦的动机所驱动的观点不具有利己主义的内涵。在一生中的大多数时间里,他都不认为自私在人们的行为动机中占有主导地位;边沁的功利原理不具有普遍性(universalistic),而是一种双重标准(dual standard)。也就是说,在公共或政治领域里,以共同体利益(community interest)为标准;而在私人问题上,自我利益(self interest)则起着主导作用。”参见J. R. Dinwiddy, Bentham on Private Ethics and the Principle of Utiliy, in Bhikhu Parekh(ed.), Jeremy Bentham: Critical Assessments(vol II), Routledge,1993.
    ①J. B. Stearns, Bentham on Public and Private Ethics,in Bhikhu Parekh (ed.), Jeremy Bentham: CriticalAssessments(vol II), Routledge,1993.
    ②关于当代功利主义的发展,可参见Michael.D.Bayles (ed.), Contemporary Utilitarianism, Gloucester,1968;以及晋运峰:《当代功利主义正义观》,吉林大学博士论文,2011年5月。
    ①参见Julius Stone, Human Law and Human Justice, Stanford University Press,1965.
    ①Gerald J. Postema, Bentham and the Common Law Tradition, Clarendon Press Oxford,1986.
    ②James E. Crimmins, Utilitarian Philosophy and Politics:Bentham's Later Years, Continuum,2011, p.94.
    ③P. J. Kelly, Utilitarianism and Distributive Justice: Jeremy Bentham and the Civil Law, Clarendon Press Oxford,1990.
    ③Raz, The Morality of Freedom, Oxford Univsrtiy Press,1986, pp.23-110.朱振博士在其研究中分别总结了这三个命题的内涵,优先命题(the pre-emption thesis)是指“一个权威要求实施一个行动这一事实是实施它的一个理由,当评定去做什么的时候,这一理由不是要被增加到所有其他相关理由之中,而是应当取代它们之中的一些理由。”依赖命题(the dependence thesis)是指“所有的权威命令应当基于如下理由,这些理由已经单独地适用于权威命令的服从者(subject),并且这些理由与他们在命令所及的情形中的行动相关。”常规证成命题(the normal justification thesis)是指“确定一个人对另一个人拥有权威的常规方式要表明,如果所断言的服从者把所断言的权威命令接受为有权威性约束力并尽力遵守它们,而非尽力遵循直接适用他的那些理由,那么他也许是在更好地遵循适用于他的理由(除了所断言的权威命令)。”参见朱振:《实践理由、权威与来源命题:拉兹法律哲学的研究》,吉林大学博士论文,2007年12月,第114-117页。
    ①参见Oren Ben-Dor, Constitutional Limtis and the Public Sphere: A Critical Study of Bentham’s Consitutionalism,Oxford-Portland Oregon,2000, p.127.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart(ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1977, p.462.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart(ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1977, p.451.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, J.H.Burns and H.L.Hart (ed.),Clarendon Press,Oxford,1996, p.263.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, J.H.Burns and H.L.Hart (ed.),Clarendon Press,Oxford,1996, p.217.
    ①John H.Burns, Benthanm on Sovereignty: An Exploration, Northern Ireland Legel Quarterly, Vol.24, No.3,(1973),399-416.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, J.H.Burns and H.L.Hart (ed.),Clarendon Press,Oxford,1996, p.221.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, J.H.Burns and H.L.Hart (ed.),Clarendon Press,Oxford,1996, p.264.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, J.H.Burns and H.L.Hart (ed.),Clarendon Press,Oxford,1996, p.213.
    ③Jeremy Bentham, Of the Limits of the Penal Branch of Jurisprudence, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,Oxford,2010, p.106.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, Of the Limits of the Penal Branch of Jurisprudence, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,Oxford,2010, p.42.
    ②哈特认为这是两个体现了触及权的例子,此外,哈特对触及权进行更为详细的分析,参见H.L.A.Hart, Essayson Bentham: Studies in Jurisprudence and Political Theory, Clarendon Press, Oxford,1982, p.197.
    ①H.L.A.Hart, Essays on Bentham: Studies in Jurisprudence and Political Theory, Clarendon Press, Oxford,1982,p.201.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, Of the Limits of the Penal Branch of Jurisprudence, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,Oxford,2010, p.107.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, Of the Limits of the Penal Branch of Jurisprudence, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,Oxford,2010, p.103.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, Of the Limits of the Penal Branch of Jurisprudence, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,Oxford,2010, p.104.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, Of the Limits of the Penal Branch of Jurisprudence, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,Oxford,2010, p.105.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, Of the Limits of the Penal Branch of Jurisprudence, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,Oxford,2010, p.106.
    ③Jeremy Bentham, Of the Limits of the Penal Branch of Jurisprudence, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,Oxford,2010, p.105.
    ①参见Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns andH.L.A.Hart (ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1977, p.439.
    ②Philip Schofield, Utiltiy and Democracy: The Politcal Thought of Jeremy Bentham, Oxford University Press,2006,p.101.
    ①Frederick Rosen, Jeremy Bentham and Representative Democracy, Clarendon Press, Oxford,1983, pp.41-54.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, Constitutional Code, Vol I, F.Rosen and J.H.Burns, Clarendon Press, Oxford,1983, p.25.
    ③Jeremy Bentham, The Works of Jeremy Bentham, Vol IX, John Bowring (ed.), Edinburgh, William Tait,1838-43,p.96.
    ①Frederick Rosen, Jeremy Bentham and Representative Democracy, Clarendon Press, Oxford,1983, pp.41-54.
    ①Jeremy Bentham: The Works of Jeremy Bentham, Vol IX, John Bowring (ed.), Edinburgh, William Tait,1838-43,p.98.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, Rights,Representation,and Reform:Nonsense upon Stilts and other Writings on the FrenchRevolution, Philip Schofield, Catherine Pease-Watkin and Cyprian Blamires (ed.), Clrendon Press, Oxford,pp.227-263.
    ①Jeremy Bentham: The Works of Jeremy Bentham, Vol II, John Bowring (ed.), Edinburgh, William Tait,1838-43,p.422.
    ②Philip Schofield, Utiltiy and Democracy: The Politcal Thought of Jeremy Bentham, Oxford University Press,2006,p.275.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, First Principles Preparatory to Constitutional Code, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,Oxford,1986, p.13.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, First Principles Preparatory to Constitutional Code, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,Oxford,1986, p.77-78.
    ③Jeremy Bentham, First Principles Preparatory to Constitutional Code, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,Oxford,1986, p.87-89.
    ①虽然边沁并没有谈论法治,但是在其著作中可以发现他倾向于法治政府。参见Gerald J.Postema,The Soul ofJustice:Bentham on Publicity, Law, and the Rule of Law,载于《边沁法哲学国际研讨会论文集》,中国·郑州大学,2012年5月。
    ②Jeremy Bentham, First Principles Preparatory to Constitutional Code, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,Oxford,1986, p.4.
    ③Jeremy Bentham,The Works of Jeremy Bentham, Vol IX, John Bowring (ed.), Edinburgh, William Tait,1838-43,p.96.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, First Principles Preparatory to Constitutional Code, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,Oxford,1986, p.244.
    ①就边沁强调人民主权在国家制度层面的实现而言,有学者认为这是一种主流的理论,参见Mark J. Kaswan,Happiness and Domocratic Theory: Jeremy Bentham and William Thompson, Western Political ScienceAssociation2010Annual Meeting Paper,[2012-8-30]。http://papers.ssrn.com。
    ②A. V. Dicey, Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution, Macmillan,1915, p27. Reprinted by the
    Liberty Classic in1982.
    ①[日]篠田英朗:《重新审视主权:从古典理论到全球时代》,戚渊译,商务印书馆2005年版,第59页。也有学者把政治主权和法律主权的区分追溯至博丹与霍布斯的著作中,认为这种区分体现的是“权威与权力之间的区分”,认为“法律主权是以最终的、终极的权威存在于国家的法律内这一信念为基础。这就是所谓的‘规范(de jure)主权’,它是从法律权威的角度来界定的至高无上的权力。换句话来说,它以拥有要求某人服从(由法律来规定)的权利为基础。与之相对是,政治主权绝不是以主张法律权威为基础的,而纯粹关注于实际的权力分配。这就是所谓的‘事实(de facto)主权。由此,政治主权指的是一个至高无上的政治权力的存在,它因垄断了强制力而拥有要求他人服从的能力。’”[英]安德鲁·海伍德编:《政治理论教程》(第三版),李智译,中国人民大学出版社2009年版,第104-106页;也可参考D. D. Raphael,《政治哲学中的论题》,朱兼章、余明贤等译,台湾幼狮文化事业事业公司,1976年五月版,第51-72页。
    ②Jeremy Bentham: The Works of Jeremy Bentham, Vol IX, John Bowring (ed.), Edinburgh, William Tait,1838-43,p.96.
    ①H.L.A.Hart, Essays on Bentham: Studies in Jurisprudence and Political Theory, Clarendon Press, Oxford,1982,pp.1-21.
    ①Oren Ben-Dor, Constitutional Limits and the Publc Sphere: A Critical Study of Bentham's Constitutionalism, HartPublish, Oxford Portland, Oregon,2000, p.53.
    ①Oren Ben-Dor, Constitutional Limits and the Publc Sphere: A Critical Study of Bentham's Constitutionalism, HartPublish, Oxford Portland, Oregon,2000, p.55.
    ②Oren Ben-Dor, Constitutional Limits and the Publc Sphere: A Critical Study of Bentham's Constitutionalism, HartPublish, Oxford Portland, Oregon,2000, p.55.
    ①Oren Ben-Dor, Constitutional Limits and the Publc Sphere: A Critical Study of Bentham's Constitutionalism, HartPublish, Oxford Portland, Oregon,2000, p.56.
    ②Oren Ben-Dor, Constitutional Limits and the Publc Sphere: A Critical Study of Bentham's Constitutionalism, HartPublish, Oxford Portland, Oregon,2000, p.62.
    ①关于权力的正当性的讨论,可参见David Beetham, The Legitimation of Power, Macmilan,1991.
    ②Martin Loughlin, The Idea of Public Law, Oxford University Press,2003, p.65.
    ①Martin Loughlin, The Idea of Public Law, Oxford University Press,2003, p.70.
    ①普遍利益(universal interest)在某种意义上也等同于公共利益(public interest),有关边沁的普遍利益和公共利益的讨论,可以参见Stephen G.Englmann, Imagining Interest, Utilitas, Vol.13, No.3, November.,2011,pp.289-332;Gerald J.Postema, Interests, Universal and Particular: Bentham's Utilitarian Theory of Value, Utilitas,Vol.18, No.2, June,2006, pp.109-133.J.A.W.Gunn,Jeremy Bentham and the Public Interest, Canadian Journal ofPolitical Science, Vol.1, No.4, Dec.,1968,pp.398-413.以及Michael James,Public Interest and Majority Rule inBentham's Democratic Theory, Political Theory, Vol.9. No.1, Feb.,1981,pp.49-64.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, First Principles Preparatory to Constitutional Code, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,Oxford,1986, p.45.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, First Principles Preparatory to Constitutional Code, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,Oxford,1986, p.233.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, First Principles Preparatory to Constitutional Code, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,Oxford,1986, p.235.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, First Principles Preparatory to Constitutional Code, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,Oxford,1986, pp.238-242.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, First Principles Preparatory to Constitutional Code, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,
    ②Jeremy Bentham, First Principles Preparatory to Constitutional Code, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,Oxford,1986, p.136.
    ③对于自治含义的分析,参见Thomas May, Autonomy, Authority and Moral Responsibility, Kluwer AcademicPublishers,1998.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, First Principles Preparatory to Constitutional Code, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,Oxford,1986, p.59.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, Rights, Representation, and Reform: Nonsense upon Stilts and other Writings on the FrenchRevolution, Philip Schofield, Catherine Pease-Watkin and Cyprian Blamires (ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,
    ①Jeremy Bentham, Bentham’s Political Thought, B. Parekh (ed.), Croom Helm London,1973, pp.175-177.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, Rights, Representation, and Reform: Nonsense upon Stilts and other Writings on the FrenchRevolution, Philip Schofield, Catherine Pease-Watkin and Cyprian Blamires (ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,p.408.
    ②参见Bruce Ackerman, We the People: Foundations, The Berkely Press of Harved University Press,1993.以及布鲁斯·阿克曼:《我们人民:宪法的变革》,孙文恺译,法律出版社2009年版。
    ①Philip Schofield讨论了权力分立和权力平衡的含义,可参见Philip Schofield, Utiltiy and Democracy: ThePolitcal Thought of Jeremy Bentham, Oxford University Press,2006,p.233.
    ②边沁在《政府片论》中曾明确论及了孟德斯鸠的学说,他在鲍林版的《宪法典》中曾明确指出他所讨论的正是孟德斯鸠的分权理论。参见Jeremy Bentham: The Works of Jeremy Bentham, Vol IX, John Bowring (ed.),Edinburgh, William Tait,1838-43, p.123.孟德斯鸠的《论法的精神》在当时产生了较大影响,对于孟德斯鸠的分权学说,可参见[英]M.J.C.维尔:《宪政与分权》,苏力译,三联出版社1997年版,以及[法]孟德斯鸠:《论法的精神》,商务印书馆2004年版。
    ①参见Jeremy Bentham,The Works of Jeremy Bentham, Vol IX, John Bowring (ed.), Edinburgh, William Tait,1838-43, p.123.
    ②参见Philip Schofield, Utiltiy and Democracy: The Politcal Thought of Jeremy Bentham, Oxford University Press,2006,p.234.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, First Principles Preparatory to Constitutional Code, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,Oxford,1986, p.8.
    ②参见Jeremy Bentham, First Principles Preparatory to Constitutional Code, Philip Schofield (ed.), ClarendonPress, Oxford,1986, p.6.
    ①需要指出的是,边沁的理论中权威(authority)和权力(power)的含义类似,参见Jeremy Bentham,The Worksof Jeremy Bentham, Vol IX, John Bowring (ed.), Edinburgh, William Tait,1838-43, p.96.但从他在某些地方(如《谬论之书》)中的用法看,权威比权力含义更广,因为他认为权威可以来源于权力。
    ②此图来自西尾孝司:《ベンサム『憲法典』における「世論法廷」論と「最高立法議会」論》(《边沁<宪法典>中的公共舆论法庭和最高立法会议》),The Review of law and politics,24(1),1-91,1988。
    ①Jeremy Bentham, Constitutional Code,Vol I, F.Rosen and J.H.Burns, Clarendon Press, Oxford,1983, p.29.
    ①立法刑事法庭是对现任或前任立法者成员、现任或前任首相、现任或前任司法部长等人追究法律责任的非常设法庭,这个法庭由相关立法者成员或其他官员中的三至五个人组成。Jeremy Bentham, ConstitutionalCode, Vol I, F.Rosen and J.H.Burns, Clarendon Press, Oxford,1983, p.115.
    ②参见Jeremy Bentham: The Works of Jeremy Bentham, Vol IX, John Bowring (ed.), Edinburgh, William Tait,1838-43, p.96.
    ③[德]卡尔·施密特:《宪法学说》,刘峰译,上海人民出版社2005年版,第84页。关于制宪权的研究,可以参见芦部信喜:《制宪权》,王贵松译,中国政法大学出版社2012年版,以及Antonio Negri, Insurgencies,Constituent Power and the Modern State, Manrizia Boscagli (trans.), University of Minnesota Press,1999.
    ①制宪权更强调一种非常的状态下运用,“最初,宪法制定权在西耶士和施密特的理论中都是超宪定法的存在。与之相比,边沁的构成权(ConstitutiveAuthority)理论将宪法制定权置于国家的法律制度之中。因此,边沁的构成权(ConstitutiveAuthority)理论可能不像西耶士或是施密特的理论那样拥有绝对的意义,但是他的理论不是指例外状态,而是在平常状态下将人民的意志不断反映到统治体系中。”参见小山廣和、浜田豊:《ベンサム『憲法典』におけるConstitutive Authorityの概念:ベンサムの人民主権論の理解のために》,载于Memoirs of Takayama Junior College,10,7-31,1987.制宪权更多的在欧陆语境中使用,参见陈端洪:《制宪权与根本法》,中国法制出版社2010年版;以及Martin Loughlin, The Paradox ofConstitutionalism: Constituent Power and Constitutional Form, Oxford University Press,2007.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, Constitutional Code,Vol I, F.Rosen and J.H.Burns, Clarendon Press, Oxford,1983, pp.41-42.
    ②Frederick Rosen, Jeremy Bentham and Representative Democracy, Clarendon Press, Oxford,1983, pp.41-54.
    ③Frederick Rosen, Jeremy Bentham and Representative Democracy, Clarendon Press, Oxford,1983, pp.41-54.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, First Principles Preparatory to Constitutional Code, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,Oxford,1986, p.6.
    ②边沁认为首相下面设有选举部长、立法部长、陆军部长、海军部长、预防服务部长(Preventive ServiceMinister)、国内交通部长、济贫部长、教育部长、统治部长(Domain Minister)、卫生部长、外交部长、财政部长、贸易部长等。参见Jeremy Bentham, Constitutional Code, Vol I, F.Rosen and J.H.Burns(ed.),Clarendon Press, Oxford,1983, pp.171-172.对于各部部长的职责,Rosen进行了较为详细的概述,参见Frederick Rosen, Jeremy Bentham and Representative Democracy: A Study of the Constitutional Code, ClarendonPress Oxford,1983, pp.136-149.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, First Principles Preparatory to Constitutional Code, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,Oxford,1986, p.33.
    ①H.L.A.Hart, Essays on Bentham: Studies in Jurisprudence and Political Theory, Clarendon Press, Oxford,1982,p.220.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, Constitutional Code, Vol I, F.Rosen and J.H.Burns (ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1983, p.35.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, Constitutional Code, Vol I, F.Rosen and J.H.Burns (ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1983, p.36.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, The Works of Jeremy Bentham, Vol II, John Bowring (ed.), Edinburgh, William Tait,1838-43,p.388.
    ③参见Philip Schofield, Utiltiy and Democracy: The Politcal Thought of Jeremy Bentham, Oxford University Press,2006,p.260.
    ①参见Philip Schofield, Utiltiy and Democracy: The Politcal Thought of Jeremy Bentham, Oxford University Press,2006,p.262.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, An Intoduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, J.H.Burns and H.L.Hart (ed.),Clarendon Press,Oxford,1996, p.12.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, Constitutional Code, Vol I, F.Rosen and J.H.Burns (ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1983, p.36.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, First Principles Preparatory to Constitutional Code, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,Oxford,1986, p.56.
    ①参见David Liberman, Bentham's Demoracy, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies,(2008)28(3):605-626.
    ①参见[法]佛朗索瓦·基佐:《欧洲代议制政府的历史起源》,张清津、袁淑娟译,复旦大学出版社2008年版,第239页,以及Hanna Fenichel Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, University of California Press,Berkeley, Los Angeles, London,1967.
    ①关于从“每个人是自己利益的最佳判断者”这观点出发对边沁的代表制进行的分析,参见Hanna FenichelPitkin, The Concept of Representation, University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London,p.204-205.
    ②参见Jeremy Bentham: The Works of Jeremy Bentham, Vol IX, John Bowring (ed.), Edinburgh, William Tait,1838-43, p.97.
    ①参见Jeremy Bentham: The Works of Jeremy Bentham, Vol IX, John Bowring (ed.), Edinburgh, William Tait,1838-43, p.98.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, First Principles Preparatory to Constitutional Code, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,Oxford,1989, p.167.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, Constitutional Code, Vol I, F.Rosen and J.H.Burns (ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1983, p.43.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, Constitutional Code, Vol I, F.Rosen and J.H.Burns (ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford,1983, p.44.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, The Works of Jeremy Bentham, Vol II, John Bowring (ed.), Edinburgh, William Tait,1838-43,p.421.
    ①Jeremy Bentham,Political Tactics, Michael James Cyprian Blamires and Catherine Pease-Watkin (ed.), ClarendonPress, Oxford,1999, p.29.
    ②参见Philip Schofield, Utiltiy and Democracy: The Politcal Thought of Jeremy Bentham, Oxford University Press,2006.
    ①Jeremy Bentham: Political Tactics, Michael James Cyprian Blamires and Catherine Pease-Watkin (ed.),Clarendon Press, Oxford,1999, p.35.
    ②Jeremy Bentham: Political Tactics, Michael James Cyprian Blamires and Catherine Pease-Watkin (ed.),Clarendon Press, Oxford,1999, p.37.
    ①参见Philip Schofield, Utiltiy and Democracy: The Politcal Thought of Jeremy Bentham, Oxford University Press,2006,p.271.
    ②Jeremy Bentham: Political Tactics, Michael James Cyprian Blamires and Catherine Pease-Watkin (ed.),Clarendon Press, Oxford,1999, p.40.
    ①关于边沁的圆形监狱,可以参见Janet Stemple, Benham's Prison: A Study of the Panoption Penitentiary,Clarendon Press, Oxford,1993.
    ③James E. Crimmins, Utilitarian Philosophy and Politics:Bentham's Later Years, Continuum,2011, p.99.
    ①参见Philip Schofield, Utiltiy and Democracy: The Politcal Thought of Jeremy Bentham, Oxford University Press,2006,pp.250-271.
    ①Jeremy Bentham: Political Tactics, Michael James Cyprian Blamires and Catherine Pease-Watkin (ed.),Clarendon Press, Oxford,1999, pp.24-29.
    ①参见Jeremy Bentham: The Works of Jeremy Bentham, Vol IX, John Bowring (ed.), Edinburgh, William Tait,1838-43, p.115.
    ①参见Jeremy Bentham: The Works of Jeremy Bentham, Vol IX, John Bowring (ed.), Edinburgh, William Tait,1838-43, p.106.
    ①Donald S.Lutz, Principles of Constitutional Design, Cambridge University Press,2006, p.74.
    ②Donald S.Lutz, Principles of Constitutional Design, Cambridge University Press,2006, p.71.
    ①Donald S.Lutz, Principles of Constitutional Design, Cambridge University Press,2006, p.84.
    ②Donald S.Lutz, Principles of Constitutional Design, Cambridge University Press,2006, p.76.
    ①Donald S.Lutz, Principles of Constitutional Design, Cambridge University Press,2006, p.89.
    ①对此,可参见John Birkhead, Making Laws More Effective: Jeremy Bentham and Jean-Jacques Rousseau onGood Citizenship, United States Air Force Academy Journal of Legal Studies,1994.
    ①W.J.Rees, The Theory of Sovereignty Restated, Mind, New Series, Vol.59, No.236(Oct.,1950), pp.520-521.
    ②A.V.Dicey, Law and Public Opinion in England, Universal Law Publishing Co Ltd,2003.
    ①Jeremy Bentham: The Works of Jeremy Bentham, Vol IX, John Bowring (ed.), Edinburgh, William Tait,1838-43,p.96.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, The Works of Jeremy Bentham, Vol II, John Bowring (ed.), Edinburgh, William Tait,1838-43,p.388.
    ③Ruth Zimmerling, Influence and Power:Variations on a Messy Theme, Springer,2005.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, First Principles Preparatory to Constitutional Code, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,Oxford,1986, p.11.
    ②Jeremy Bentham, First Principles Preparatory to Constitutional Code, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,Oxford,1986, p.30.
    ③Jeremy Bentham, First Principles Preparatory to Constitutional Code, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,Oxford,1986, p.30.
    ④Jeremy Bentham, An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, J.H.Burns and H.L.Hart (ed.),Clarendon Press,Oxford,1996, p.263.
    ⑤Jeremy Bentham, An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, J.H.Burns and H.L.Hart (ed.),Clarendon Press,Oxford,1996, p.206.
    ⑥Jeremy Bentham, An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, J.H.Burns and H.L.Hart (ed.),Clarendon Press,Oxford,1996, p.207.
    ⑦Jeremy Bentham, Of the Limits of the Penal Branch of Jurisprudence, Philip Schofield (ed.), Clarendon Press,Oxford,2010, p.148.
    ③参见丁一凡编:《权力二十讲》,天津人民出版社2008年版。以及Ruth Zimmerling, Influence and Power:Variations on a Messy Theme, Springer,2005.
    ①Jeremy Bentham, A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, J.H.Burns and H.L.A.Hart
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