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我国虽然是制造业大国,但并非制造业强国。全球化经济形势的巨变、竞争的加剧、能源环境的制约以及劳动力成本低下等趋势都是制约我国制造业进一步发展的瓶颈。而全球战略咨询公司罗兰·贝格以及全球商业咨询机构Alix Partners的研究报告表明中国制造业的低成本优势将不复存在,一些跨国公司正重新考虑在中国的发展战略。中国2013—2015年将面临来自发达国家和发展中国家的“双向挤压”。因此,作为制造业行业发展主体和强大支撑的先进制造企业必须寻求一种更为有效的突破瓶颈的方式,以求先进制造企业不受核心能力刚性的束缚,形成能够适应国际环境剧烈变化的动态核心能力。本文在结合演化经济学理论和动态核心能力理论的基础上,从先进制造企业入手,深入研究我国先进制造企业动态核心能力产生和演化的方式和规律,寻求我国先进制造企业保持可持续动态竞争优势的有效途径,对促进我国制造业行业提升现有优势,加快转型升级,提高国际竞争力具有重要的现实意义和理论意义。
China has been a big manufacturing country, but it is not a strong manufacturing country.With the globalization economic situation changing, the competition increasing, energyenvironment restricting and low labor force costs trend, they all have become the furtherdevelopment bottleneck of the manufacturing industry in our country. But the research reportsof the global strategy consulting firm Roland Berger and global business consulting firm AlixPartners indicate that the low cost advantage of China will disappear, and some multinationalcompanies are reconsidering the development strategy in China. China will face adouble-extrusion from both developed and developing countries.
     Therefore, as the main body and the strong support of manufacturing industry, theadvanced manufacturing enterprises must seek a more effective way to breakthrough thebottleneck in order to make the advanced manufacturing enterprises not be bound to the rigidcore competence and to forming the dynamic core competence which is able to adapt to therapid changes of international environment. This paper deeply studies the formation ofdynamic core competence and the ways and the rules of dynamic core competence’s evolution,and seeks the effective ways to keep the sustainable dynamic competition advantages of theevolutionary economics theory and the dynamic core competence theory. This paper hasimportant practical significance and theoretical significance for promoting our countrymanufacturing industry upgrade of existing advantages, accelerating the transformation andupgrading and improving the international competitiveness.
     Firstly, this paper defines the concept of advanced manufacturing industry, the basicconnotation and the characteristic of advanced manufacturing enterprise, the connotation andnature of advanced manufacturing enterprises dynamic core competence based on the researchstatus of advanced manufacturing industry, evolutionary economics theory and dynamic corecompetence theory both at home and abroad. Then this paper analyzes evolution conditions ofadvanced manufacturing enterprise’s dynamic core competence including openness,non-equilibrium, fluctuation phenomenon and nonlinear.
     Secondly, this paper explains the evolution routine from three facts including evolutionmemory, skill and act rules and objectives to describe the essence of enterprise evolution.Then it describes the evolution routine of advanced manufacturing enterprise’s dynamic corecompetence and explains the connotation and component of dynamic core competence’s evolution routine and the relationship between evolution routine and dynamic corecompetence factor. At last, this paper determines the basic unit of dynamic core competenceevolution of advanced manufacturing enterprises, analyses the composition of dynamic corecompetence and its synergistic effect, and builds up the evolution analysis framework ofadvanced manufacturing enterprise’s dynamic core competence based on the dynamic corecompetence factors.
     Thirdly, this paper uses genetic evolutionary game model, fitness landscape and NKmodel, Markov chain and weighted entropy model to deeply analyze and do the modelconstruction of the four forms of dynamic core competence evolution of advanced dynamiccore competence including genetic evolution, adaptive learning evolution, searching evolution,bifurcation and mutation evolution, and then it makes targeted analysis of evolution resultsand summarizes the evolution rule.
     Fourthly, this paper identifies the effective factors which influences the evolution path ofthe advanced manufacturing enterprise’s dynamic core competence to be formed and analyzesthe relationship between various influencing factors. Then it applies the SEM statisticalmethod to test and verify the effective factors by designing and giving out questionnaires. Onthis basis, it analyzes the evolution stage and determines the evolution path of advancedmanufacturing enterprise’s dynamic core competence by using the characteristics ofbiological evolution and enterprise life cycle theory.
     Finally, this paper researches the orderly evolution supporting measures for advancedmanufacturing enterprise’s dynamic core competence. Firstly, it constructs the foundationsystem of dynamic core competence’s order evolution in three facts including building up theopen system environment, broadening the resources possession fields and making effectivestrategic planning. Secondly, it constructs the guidance system of dynamic core competence’sorderly evolution in three facts including promoting the changes of government function,strengthening the industrial innovation diffusion and optimizing the learning environment.Finally, it constructs the supporting system of dynamic core competence’s order evolution inthree facts including establishing information sharing platform, upgrading technical advisoryservices and promoting the financial service policies
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