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     通用数据采集卡驱动程序开发就是针对虚拟仪器开发平台的功能扩展方面的研究。NI公司的数据采集卡系列相对比较昂贵,很多用户希望采用低价位同型的通用数据采集卡,但LabVIEW对于非NI公司产品是不支持的,所以与开发LabVIEW兼容的通用数据采集卡驱动程序是非常有必要的。在设计中我们充分利用LabVIEW平台的开发性,通过CIN调用代码接口节点、CLFN调用库函数节点及直接利用LabVIEW中In Port,Out Port控件三种方案,通过编制相应软件很好地解决通用数据采集卡驱动程序开发问题。
Traditional measurement and automation systems consist of expensive, closed instruments designed for specific tasks. In these traditional systems, the hardware defines the system. Taking advantage of Virtual Instrument Technique, substitute software for the part or the whole of hardware in traditional instruments, saving your both valuable development time and resources. There have many programming languages for developing Virtual Instrument, from which we select graphical programming language LabVIEW (Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench) which provides an easy means for non-programmers to quickly design and implement complex test and measurement and automation applications.
    Data acquisition boards are the most important component in the hardware design of measurement and automation systems. In order to cut down the expense of the whole system, many instrument users prefer to select general data acquisition boards which have the same functions in the measurement process. Therefore, It is necessary to develop the drivers for the general data acquisition boards. The LabVIEW Call Library Function Node (CLFN) and the Code Interface Node (CIN) are block diagram objects that link source code written in a conventional programming language (for example Visual C++) to LabVIEW. Using the two Nodes, we can develop the drivers for general boards. Use the icons of In port and out port to is an another way to solve this problem.
    Based on Virtual Instrument Technique, we designed water content in oil detector. The dielectric constant of water is much greater than that of oil, so they show different properties in the respect of radio-frequency impedance. On the other hand, the system has certain cross sensitivity about the environment which also affects measurement precision. In use of the theory of radio-frequency impedance and concerning the effect of temperature, a method of curved surface fitting is introduced. Compared with results without information-fusion processing, both the temperature stability and the measuring precision compared with results before information-fusion processing were greatly improved.
    Monitoring system for the vibration is focused on the research work of signal analysis. The vibration in rolling mills is a ubiquitous problem, which directly influences the quality of armor plate. Also, it is a typical parameter which can be used to analyze the state of rolling mills. Based on the theories of monitoring and diagnosing mechanical systems and combined with the new modern measurement developing workbench (LabVIEW), we designed the online monitoring system for the vibration in rolling mills and solved many problems which can not be solved or are very difficult to deal with them by using traditional ways.
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