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In recent years, with the continuous improvement of the living standard of the
    Chinese people, the quality of residence is being more and more paid attention to. The
    requirement of the residence has been changing from "quantity" to "quality".
    Therefore, the principles of "humanization" and "sustainable development" are
    becoming more and more important in residential planning and design.
    This thesis claims systematically that the east-and-west-facing residence is practicable in the south and should be encouraged under particular circumstances. It also puts forward some measurements and methods to decrease the disadvantageous influence of the climate on the east-and-west-facing residence in the south.
    This thesis contains five chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the cause, purpose and value of the thesis and the problems that affect the existence of the east-and-west-facing residence. Chapter 2 analyzes the affecting factors of the facing of residence including the thermo-comfortability, the spiritual and mental state and the ecological environment etc. Chapter 3 analyzes the specific circumstances, under which the east-and-west-facing residence is practicable. For example, in order to enjoy the view, to make good use of the land and to form the endocentric residential area, we can choose the east-and-west-facing residence. Chapter 4 puts forward some measurements, including the planning design, the architecture design and the constitution design, to make the east-and-west-facing residence hot-proof so that we can eliminate the most disadvantageous factor in the south. Chapter 5 gives some examples of the east-and-west-facing residence in the south. The last part of the thesis makes a summary of the value of t
    he east-and-west-facing residence and also foresees the prospective of this type of residence.
    It is the architects' duty to create a good residential atmosphere, to improve the living quality as much as possible, at the same time, to conserve and protect the natural resources. This thesis proposes that residential design should make use of the advantage and avoid the disadvantage of the natural environment and through some examples, it gives some ways to realize this aim. This thesis is useful to eliminate people's bias against the east-and-west-facing residence and useful to direct the
    residential planning and constructing in the south.
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