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    3. 抗源望水白的QTL定位
    通过构建望水白/安农8455群体的连锁图,把25个SSR标记定位在5条染色体上。2001年、03年和04年的抗性资料表明在抗源的3B染色体上存在一个QTL。2001年和03年的抗性资料表明在2A上存在一个抗性QTL。根据2001年、03年和04年的抗性资料分析3B上的QTL分别位于Xgwm533.1-Barc133、 Xgwm389-Xgwm533.1、 Xgwm533.1-Barc133之间,LOD值为2.47、5.57、2.52,能解释10.56%、21.97%、8.37%的表型变异。2001年和03年的抗性资料分析2A上抗性QTL,都位于Xgwm425-Xgwm372之间,LOD值分别为2.5、2.80,能解释9.76%、11.04%。已发表的望水白/Alondra群体中抗源望水白的3B染色体上存在抗性QTL,位于Barc147-Xgwm493之间,能解释13.7%的表型变异。
The RIL populations of Wangshuibai /annong8455 and Wangshuibai/Alondra to wheat scab were analysised with major gene plus ploygenes. The SSR(simple sequence repeat) marker analysis and QTL(quantitative trait loci) tagging of wheat scab resistance were carried out with the population of Wangshuibai/Annong8455.The results showed as follows:
    the genetic analysis of Wangshuibai to scab
     The scab resisitance of Wangshubai fits the genetic model of two major genes plus polygenes. The RIL populations of Wangshuibai /annong8455 to scab in 2001,2003 and 2004 fits the model of E-2-6(two major genes plus polygenes with additive –epistatic effect), the model of E-1-8(two major genes plus polygenes with effect) and the model of E-1-8. The heritability of major genes is 63.8%,69.02% and 73.66%.The heritability of polygenes is 13.94%,21.38% and 16.08%. The RIL populations of Wangshuibai /Alondra to scab in 2003 fits the model of E-1-9(two major genes plus polygenes with effect).The heritability of major genes is 85.18%.The heritability of polygenes is 2.74%.
    the SSR marker linked to scab in the RIL population of Wangshuibai/annong8455
    78 SSR primers have polymorphism between Wangshuibai and Annong8455 when the 236 microsatellite primers are screened. The polymorphism is 33%.There are 14 SSR markers linked to scab in the two of three experimental years(2001,2003 and 2004).They are locused on chromosome 3B,2A,2B and 5D. There are 8 SSR markers linked to scab in the RIL population of Wangshuibai /Alondra. This is published. They are at least in the two of all phenotypes and are locused on chromosome 3B,4B,2D and 4D.
    the tagging of QTL for Wangshuibai for wheat scab
     The linked map of the RIL population of Wangshuibai/annong8455 is constructed. There are 25 markers in the linked map and are locused on 5 chromosomes. There is respectively one QTL on chromosome 3B in 2001 ,2003 and 2004.The QTLs on chromosome 3B are respectively between the primer Xgwm533.1 and Barc133, the
    primer Xgwm389 and Xgwm533.1 and the primer Xgwm533.1 and Barc133.
     The LOD values are respectively 2.47, 5.57and 2.52.They can explain 10.56% , 21.97% and 8.37%of the phenotypic variations of the scab. There is respectively one QTL on chromosome2A.The QTL on chromosome 2A is both between the primer Xgwm425 and Xgwm372.The LOD values are 2.5 and 2.80.They can explain 9.76% and 11.04% of the phenotypic variations of the scab. There is one QTL on chromosome 3B in the RIL population of Wangshuibai/Alondra. It has been published.The QTL is between Barc147 and Xgwm493 and can explain 13.7 % of the phenotypic variations.
    The resistance to scab of Wangshuibai fits the model of two major genes and plus polygene. This helps to know the resistant to scab of Wangshuibai. The linked markers of scab-resistance is searched .There is one QTL on chromosome 3B of Wangshuibai. This is benefits to molecular breeding and is foundation to the clone of the genes to resistant to disease.
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