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     然后根据因子分析的结果,同时以American Productivity & Quality Center对价值交付体系的界定为依据,将旅行社营销的价值交付体系分解为四大组成部分:1、核心价值交付体系:又包括核心价值的设计与外部价值交付体系;2、增值服务体系:又包括接待体系和服务修复体系;3、旅行社形象策划系统;4、旅行社顾客关系管理。从而勾画出整个旅行社价值交付体系的结构模型。至此揭示了旅行社营销的第一对矛盾——顾客价值与价值交付体系的矛盾,并阐述了其运动规律。
By China entering the WTO, the service industry will open to a greater extend. Facing the internalizing of the international competition and the internationalizing of the internal market, the travel agencies of our country are the first to be affected. There is a great distance between the Chinese travel agencies and those of the world tourism developed countries in scale, technology, marketing ability , management standard,etc. How to reply the challenge of the abroad travel agencies becomes a very important problem. To enhance the operation efficiency and to establish the competitive advantage of the Chinese travel agencies becomes a very urgent task.
    Comparing to the external travel agencies, the most primary weaknesses of the Chinese travel agencies are not the puny scale, insufficiency of capital, but the laggard marketing conception and marketing system. But the Chinese travel agencies also have advantage in experience in internal market and culture factors. So, improving the interactive and perceptive relationship between the customers and themselves and optimizing their value delivery system, is the effective way to translate the advantage in experience and culture to the advantage in system and to establish competitive advantage.
    The whole research of the essay is under the guidance of the system theory and the contradiction theory and synthesizes qualitative and quantitative research to roundly research the customer value and value delivery system of the travel agencies of our country.
    First, on the basis of the work of abroad marketing community, I put in my new viewpoint of the customer value from the substance of marketing. This viewpoint is different from many other definitions that emphasize the content of customer value, it emphasize the structure of customer value, and finds out a way to the demonstration of customer value.
    On this basis, and according to the CVA which is mature in many other countries, this essay choose Changsha China International Travel Service and other two of the main travel agencies of Hunan Province as samples, and begins the quantitative research by investigating the customers' evaluation of the attributes of customer value. With the help of the software SPSS 10.0 which is widely adopted in social science researches, factor analysis is made and concludes six factors from the complicated attributes, they are design of the tourism product, products of the suppliers, service of travel agency, image of travel agency and relationship between travel agency and customers. Then these six factors are explained from the view of the travel agency industry.
    According to the result of factor analysis and the APQC's definition of value delivery system, the VDS of travel agency is divided into four parts: 1. core value delivery system: it is composed of design of core value and external value delivery system; 2. value-added service system: it includes reception system and service recover system; 3. CIS of travel agency; 4. CRM of travel agency. This describes the
    structure model of VDS of travel agency. Thus the first contradiction of travel agency's marketing and the rule of its movement is revealed. It is the contradiction between customer value and VDS.
    Then, the essay studies the role of every parts of VDS, and according to the character of travel agency marketing, describes the operation process of travel agency's VDS in consultancy phase, travel phase and after-sale phase. VDS of travel agency is different from the organization structure of travel agency. However, because the organization structure is the carrier of VDS, the essay also studies the relationship between the travel agency's organization structure and its VDS. Thus the second contradiction of travel agency marketing, the contradiction between VDS and organization structure, is revealed. Hereto, under the guidance of system theory and contradiction theory, with the help of CVA and Management Statistics, the two contradictions of travel agency marketing and the law of their movement have been revealed. Of th
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