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With the rapid growth of coporate bond and commercial notes market inChina, the research on defaultable bond pricing becomes more and moreimportant for both theoritical development and investment application. Theliquidity condition is worse in defaultable bond market than other financialmarkets; however the existing theoritical models cannot effectively involvethe liquidity risk and the correlation between liquidity risk and default risk.
     In this thesis I indicate that liquidity risk and default risk are of the sameattribute as event driven risk. I propose a uniform framework of claimtermination risk to express the both risk. The claim termination risk refers tothe risk that causes bond investors suffer potential loss when their credit claimis terminated, where the events terminate investors’ claim are called claimtermination events. Generally, lot kinds of events could be claim terminationevents, but in this thesis I focus on the most important two events, which aredefault event and sale event. So the claim termination risk in this thesiscontains the information of the following three aspects: default, sale and thecorrelation between default and sale. And the work of pricing of defaultablebond is just to make clear the price of claim termination risk.
     I begin the pricing work at two different levels: first, from the viewpoint of the whole claim termination risk, explain the definition of claimtermination risk and find the measure of this risk, and furthermore propose thepricing formula based on this risk; second, from the viewpoint of sub-riskincluding default risk, liquidity risk and the correlation between these two risk,and then discuss the effect on defaultable bond pricing of the driven factorsbehind these sub-risk, such as investors’ behavior, debtor’s default decisionand risk correlation.
     At the whole risk level, I find that the claim termination risk is affectedby the distributions of default time and sales time and also the jointdistribution of them. The increase of correlation between default time andsales time could help increase the survival probability of the creditor claim,and therefore decrease the claim termination risk. Based on this result Ipropose the analytical pricing formula of defaultable bond considering acomprehensive scope of risk, including default risk, liquidity risk and thecorrelation between them. It can be proved that the pricing model under theframework of claim termination risk is an extension of the classical model inDuffie and Singleton (1999) which is proved to be speciality of my model notconsidering risk correlation and investor’s behavior.
     At the sub-risk level, I find the following main results:
     (1) The investors’ heterogenerity and asset allocation will affect the priceof defaultable bond and the market liquidity. The less the heterogenerityamong the investors of the same class, the more the investors with allocationdemand, the more heterogenerity among the investors of different class, thebetter the bond market liquidity. The spread of defaultable bond in China is dominated by the effect of asset allocation but not credit quality, which isquite different from foreign market, such as American and Eurpean market.
     (2) The debtor’s default decision could be affected by his behavior ofkeeping shareholder status to maximize his value. I propose to measure thiskind of value added with the so called marketability option. I introduce thisoption and extend the traditional structural models to consider the debtor’sactive default choice. Finally I find the extended models are more stable andadaptive to noise information than before.
     (3) The numerical example and empirical results based on Chinesecorporate bond market show that the risk correlation is quite important for thepricing of defaultable bond. The increase of correlation can help decrease thetotal claim termination risk and therefore decrease the bond price. In short run,the lower tail correlation can increase bond price; while the upper tailcorrelation in the long run and nothing in the medium term.
     The main contributions of this thesis are proposition of claim terminationrisk and therefore unify the liquidity risk and default risk. Compared with theexisting research, the pricing model in this thesis is more comprehensive withthe information of investors’ behavior, active default choice and riskcorrelation.
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