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    控制布鲁氏菌病的传播是最终消灭它的关键,除了大规模地宰杀感染动物以外,群体疫苗接种是十分重要的手段,目前主要用于牛羊布鲁氏菌病预防的是牛型19号疫苗以及羊型Rev.弱毒苗,但是免疫保护率只有65%~75%。而利用基因工程制备的疫苗有很多优点:1.制备方便快捷,造价低;2. 安全稳定,靶向性明确,用量易于控制;3.可以用多种方式进行免疫。
    从布鲁氏菌中提取其全基因组DNA,利用PCR技术扩增出4种蛋白的编码基因,测序正确后分别克隆至原核表达载体PET32a(+)上,经诱导表达出相应的4种重组蛋白,WB鉴定后纯化待用;同时,4种编码基因隆至真核表达载体PCDNA3.1(+)上,将重组质粒转染COS-7细胞后经WB证实重组质粒构建成功。将重组蛋白混合弗氏佐剂免疫动物,同时DNA疫苗以PUMVC1-mGM-CSF重组质粒为佐剂(各100μg/只)肌肉免疫动物;每15d免疫一次,加强免疫三次后检测免疫应答指标,并进行组间比较。ELISA法检测到较高滴度的特异性抗体,WB也证实特异性抗体的产生;抗体亚型分类表明重组蛋白组的特异性IgG1/ IgG2a大于1,而DNA疫苗免疫组却小于1,说明重组蛋白疫苗诱导产生了Th2型为主免疫应答,DNA疫苗产生了Th1型为主的免疫应答。MTS法测小鼠T淋巴细胞增殖试验发现DNA组小鼠脾脏T淋巴细胞对ConA诱导的增殖反应增强,而重组蛋白组却无显著变化。进一步通过ELISPOT方法检测特异性活化的可
    本课题利用真核表达载体PCDNA3.1成功构建了含4种布鲁氏菌编码蛋白的重组质粒,并利用原核表达载体表达了相应的重组蛋白。通过ELISA﹑WB﹑ELISPOT及淋巴细胞亚群分类检测疫苗在免疫小鼠体内诱导产生的体液及细胞免疫指标。 本研究成功构建了布鲁氏菌基因工程疫苗,在国内尚属首次,利用流式细胞仪的分型技术和ELISPOT法评价布鲁氏菌疫苗的细胞免疫指标将促进我国兽用疫苗及相关产品的实验室质控标准方法的建立和发展,为他们的临床应用奠定基础。 进一步的攻毒实验尚在进行中。
Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease caused by a small intracellular gram-negative bacterium which is pathogenic for humans as well as for many species of animals. This infection induces abortions, in livestock animals as well as undulant fever and osteomyelitis in humans leading to severe economic losses. For example, United States Department of Agriculture sources estimated that in the 1990s, on average about US$150 million were spent each year in the US.
     There are six species Brucella. Abortus、 B. suis、 B. melitensis 、B. canis、 B.ovis and B.neotomae. Control of the spread of the disease in domesticated animals is the use of vaccines for whole-herd vaccination programs. But the killed vaccines and live vaccines have been limited because of their unacceptable production costs, poor protection and serological problem which interfere with the diagnosis of field infection. And the recombinant subunit vaccine has many advantages: first, it’s easy to make and does not cost much money; second, it’s safe and easy to master the quantity; finally, it can be used through all kinds of delivery system. DNA vaccine also attracted the eyes of many scientists, after injection into the muscles, it can express the protein for a long time, and the protein degrades into peptides and associates with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. These peptide/MHC complexes stimulate cytolytic T cells, induce cell mediated immune response(CMI) to control the infection.
     L7/L12 ribosome protein is the best known T-cell antigen .Studies have confirmed that recombinant L7/L12 protein could specifically stimulate mononulclear cells from B.abortus reactive animals and upregulate the transcription and expression of IFN-γand L7/L12 DNA vaccine also engendered significant protection.The OMP16 outer membrane lipoprotein exists in all the six species of Brucella. It has been proved to be a protective antigen too; The sequence of 17.3kDa protein shows homology with that of lumazine synthase, indicates that the two protein may share the same characters, and the lumazine synthase is an enzyme with lumazine synthase activity which can induce T-cell
    activity. Because of this reason, the 17.3kDa protein should be a protective protein. Using B epitope soft assay suggests that the initialfactor 3 has immungenicity, although we can not find anti-IF3 antibody in the sera of Brucella infected animal, probably the protein can elicit cytokines and co-react with other antibody.
    We selected these 4 proteins, constructed recombinant eukaryotic protein and expressed the corresponding recombinant protein at the same time, immunized animals and evaluated their capability in inducing humoral immunity and celluar immunity. The whole genome was isolated from the B.melitensis, and amplicated the corresponding gene using PCR techniques. The genes were inserted into pET32a(+) prokaryotic expression vector and then expressed the proteins;genes were cloned into pCDNA3.1 too, transfected the recombinant plasmids and identified proteins expression using Western blot analyses and immunochemistry. Injection of these recombinant plasmid DNA into BALB/c mice via an intramuscular route together with plasmid DNA carrying GM-CSF gene and recombinant proteins mixed with Freund’s adjuvant via an intraperitoneal injection elicited both humoral and cellular immune responses. Experimental animals exhibited specific antibodies that were detectable 15 days after the first injection and increased steadily, the IgG2a-specific antibody titers of DNA groups were higher than IgG1-specific antibody titers, and the recombinant protein groups were contrary. The DNA vaccines elicited a T-cell-proliferative responses as well as IFN-γ production upon restimulation with the specific antigens using ELISPOT assay; the ratio of CD4+/CD8+ were lower than that of the control mice. Furthermore, immunoglobulin G isotype analysis indicated that the ratio of IgG1 and IgG2a in protein vaccinated group is higher than 1 and that of DNA vaccine groups lower than 1,suggesting the i
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